Up and Running With Swift 2

Up and Running With Swift 2

Envato Tuts+ Courses

  • Video courses taught by expert instructors.
  • Learn new skills from start to finish.
  • Downloadable Source Files also available on GitHub.

Course Description

Swift is a new programming language from Apple, designed specifically for creating iOS, OS X and watchOS apps. The designers of Swift drew from the best of the new generation of languages, while also building on the success of C and Objective-C. Swift has a powerful type system for safe programming and adds many features to make the lives of programmers easier. Even though it’s barely a year old, Swift is already popular with programmers for its flexibility and expressiveness.

In this course, Envato Tuts+ instructor Derek Jensen will start from the foundations to give you a thorough understanding of the Swift language. The course will introduce Swift’s types, control flow and object-orientation syntax, with a special emphasis on the features that make Swift unique. This course will also highlight some of the great new features that have come to Swift in version 2.

What You’ll Learn

  • Gain a thorough understanding of the Swift language.
  • Foundation concepts: variables and constants, basic types, optionals and comments.
  • How to work with collections.
  • How to control flow with conditionals, looping, exceptions, and pattern matching.
  • How to use functions and create types.

About the Instructor

Derek Jensen is a lifetime nerd who calls the Chicagoland area home. His day job consists of writing highly transactional back-end web services, data access layers, and n-tier applications using the .NET Framework in C#. You can check out his website, follow him on Twitter, and see his profile on GitHub.

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