Creating Angular Directives

Creating Angular Directives

Envato Tuts+ Courses

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Course Description

AngularJS is one of the most popular front-end JavaScript libraries available right now. If you’ve given it a try, you’ve seen that it has a rather unique take on web applications. Instead of creating text-based templates that you render and append to the DOM, you build a more-or-less regular HTML page, annotating it with Angular directives in order to create a dynamic web application. In this course, you’ll learn how to create custom directives.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to build a directive: understanding the markup, setting up the template, and controlling behaviour with the ‘restrict’ property.
  • Working with parent scope, child scope, and isolate scope.
  • Using transclusion to create directives that wrap themselves around other code.
  • Building a complex chart directive step by step.

This courses uses Angular 1.3.

About the Instructor

Andrew Burgess is a connoisseur of all things programming. He’s from near Toronto, Canada, and is finishing up a computer science degree. He’s been writing tutorials and producing screencasts for Envato Tuts+ since 2009, and he has also written some ebooks. You can find him on his website or on Twitter or GitHub.

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