AngularJS for Test-Driven Development

AngularJS for Test-Driven Development

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Course Description

AngularJS is one of the most widely-used web frameworks today. Part of what makes Angular so amazing is that it is a framework written from the ground up with testing in mind. In this course, we’ll take a practical, hands-on approach to using Angular to its full testing capabilities.

You will learn how to build an app with good test coverage, how to write effective tests, and how to run tests automatically. Automated testing allows us to write code that is more reliable, more effective and easier to maintain.

In order to test Angular properly, you need to be familiar with a variety of libraries, many from the Angular team itself. This course will familiarize you with all the testing frameworks you’ll need: Mocha, Chai, Protractor, Karma and more.

By the end of this video series, you will be able to integrate into a workplace team using Angular test-driven development, and use testing in your own projects to maximize your effectiveness.

What You’ll Learn

  • What Test-Driven Development is, and how testing in Angular is different from testing a normal JavaScript application.
  • How to scaffold a testable Angular app, working with a hands-on project: an address book app.
  • How to use Gulp along with Mocha and Bower to run your tests in a browser, allowing for easy debugging.
  • Using different methods for testing your Angular app, with a focus on testing controllers, filters, and directives..
  • Using Istanbul to ensure code coverage in your Angular app.
  • End-to-end testing with Protractor.

This course uses AngularJS 1.

About the Instructor

Daniel Stern has developed Front End Web Applications for major banks, advertising agencies, and charities, as well as many of his own projects. Daniel is always learning and has a keen interest in Angular, React, LESS and Node.js. Find him on his website, or connect with him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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