JavaScript ES6 Fundamentals

JavaScript ES6 Fundamentals

Envato Tuts+ Courses

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  • Learn new skills from start to finish.
  • Downloadable Source Files also available on GitHub.

Course Description

JavaScript ES6 (more properly known as ECMAScript 2015 or ES2015) represents the biggest change to JavaScript in the last 20 years. JavaScript is the language of the web, and ES6 is a major improvement for web developers, adding much-needed features such as classes, promises, arrow functions, generators, string templates and many others. Browser support is growing, and transpilation tools such as Babel allow you to get started coding in ES6 today.

In this course, Envato Tuts+ instructor Dan Wellman will help you sharpen and update your JavaScript skills by learning some of the most important additions that ES6 brings to the language. Cutting-edge web development practices are increasingly relying on ES6, so knowledge of the new syntax is becoming more and more necessary. Not only that, but programming in ES6 is just more fun. So let’s get started!

What You’ll Learn

  • What’s new in ES6.
  • Changes to built-in objects like strings, numbers, and arrays.
  • Changes to data structures like sets, maps, and iterators.
  • How to use new function types such as arrow functions and generators.
  • A guide to new syntax in ES6, including a look at destructuring.

About the Instructor

Dan Wellman is an author and front-end developer based in the south of England. By day he builds web sites and applications and likes to focus on JavaScript, testing and workflow tools. By night he produces video courses for Envato Tuts+ on a range of mostly front-end focused topics, usually centered around JavaScript. You can check out his website, follow him on Twitter, and see his profile on GitHub.

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