Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python

Envato Tuts+ Courses

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Course Description

Python is well known as a programming language that is easy to learn. With a simple, expressive syntax, Python is refreshingly free of the gotchas and edge-cases that plague learners of many other languages. Python isn’t just for beginners though! It is an expressive and powerful language that is widely used by professional coders and shops.

In this course, Envato Tuts+ instructor Derek Jensen will introduce the Python language, starting with the basics and laying a solid foundation for future learning.

What You’ll Learn

  • The building blocks of Python: numbers, strings, and lists.
  • Control the flow with conditional statements, for and while loops, and different types of functions.
  • Use common data structures such as lists, stacks, queues, and dictionaries.
  • How to structure an application with modules, packages, classes, attributes, and methods.
  • At the end of each chapter, you’ll build an app that uses the Python features you’ve learned so far. The apps start out very simple, but grow in complexity and functionality as you learn more about Python.

About the Instructor

Derek Jensen is a lifetime nerd who calls the Chicagoland area home. His day job consists of writing highly transactional back-end web services, data access layers, and n-tier applications using the .NET Framework in C#. You can check out his website, follow him on Twitter, and see his profile on GitHub.

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