Building a Web App From Scratch With AngularJS

Building a Web App From Scratch With AngularJS

Envato Tuts+ Courses

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Course Description

AngularJS is an amazing front-end framework that has a very novel approach to building web applications, completely unlike any of the other web frameworks you might be used to. In this course we’ll take a look at all the core components of Angular, and how they work together to build a complete application. We’ll be building an address book, starting from nothing at all and ending up with a complete, working project. The focus of the course will be on Angular, but we’ll use Express for the back-end code.

What You’ll Learn

  • Starting from scratch and building a full, working address book app with AngularJS.
  • How to set up the project, start the server and Angular application, and configure routes.
  • How to create the core features such as the controller and directives.
  • Adding navigation, user accounts, and settings.

This courses uses AngularJS 1.2.

About the Instructor

Andrew Burgess is a connoisseur of all things programming. He’s from near Toronto, Canada, and is finishing up a computer science degree. He’s been writing tutorials and producing screencasts for Envato Tuts+ since 2009, and he has also written some ebooks. You can find him on his website or on Twitter or GitHub.

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