Create a Custom Yeoman Generator

Create a Custom Yeoman Generator

Envato Tuts+ Courses

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Course Description

In this course you’ll learn how to create a custom generator for the web app scaffolding tool, Yeoman. A good scaffold is like a kick starter for new development projects, ensuring the source code is organized using best practices and cutting-edge tooling. Yeoman has a scaffolding generator ecosystem with packages for a huge number of possible technology stacks, but sometimes there’s just not quite the configuration your looking for.

We’ll start by looking at how to use Yeoman with community-built generators, and then we’ll move on to implementing a custom generator that scaffolds my favorite stack for web application development.

What You’ll Learn

  • What the ‘yo’ tool does in Yeoman.
  • How to use Yeoman with Grunt and Bower.
  • Create a basic generator and install dependencies.
  • Understand what the run loop is.
  • Set up user interaction.
  • Create new generators by combining existing ones.

About the Instructor

Dan Wellman is an author and front-end developer based in the south of England. By day he builds web sites and applications and likes to focus on JavaScript, testing and workflow tools. By night he produces video courses for Envato Tuts+ on a range of mostly front-end focused topics, usually centered around JavaScript. You can check out his website, follow him on Twitter, and see his profile on GitHub.

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