Today - News & Magazine WordPress Theme

Today - News & Magazine WordPress Theme

Today theme is an outstanding source of information and entertainment for all the people. Besides the finest news, here you can also stay up to date with the daily business ideas and tech evolution. Here you can also add news about sports and information about various vacation venues in the travel section which can include videos of the locations and also photo galleries.

Multiple Slides

This option provides a variety of slides models in every type of shape, form or position that can satisfy every kind of taste.

Rotative Feature

This is about the possibility of slide movement displayed in a rotative fashion that brings a futuristic line to the site.

In this chapter you are able to use photos and images how you need to increase the beauty of the site or just for an article. You can still have unlimited galleries in which you can post photos.

Vimeo & Youtube Videos

This theme can host videos from youtube and also from vimeo

4 Blog Styles

Today theme comes with an extended range of choice regarding the style variation of blog arrangement.

Theme options

Today theme has a lot of options including a tremendous number of fonts that can be used (600+ google fonts) and to complete that, this theme comes with the possibility of customization in every color possible. The fact that the menu stays on top whatever you do and the possibility of adjustment of the menu, logo and favicon makes this a great magazine theme.

Images and videos are not included in the download of the template.
The images are from Flickr under the Creative Commons license.


See the Changelog

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