Festive2 - Christmas Newsletter Template

Festive2 - Christmas Newsletter Template

Festive2 Email Newsletter is a Clean and minimal responsive mobile friendly email template for Christmas, New Year and Festive season. Festive2 Email Newsletter is a mobile friendly newsletter and goes well in all email clients. The flexible structures allow you to build new templates using block modules.You can use it easily with Mailchimp , Campaign Monitor, Aweber, Constant contact and any other email service provider.

Version 1.1

Updated with Campaign Monitor tag.

Features you like

Attractive Festive Banners


* Responsive Design.
* 54 HTML files
* 6 Layout.
* 3 different Christmas flavoured themes.
* 6 different header graphics.
* 4 Christmas flavored small banner.
* 7 different button styles.
* 6 different header graphics with PSD.
* 4 Christmas flavored small banner with PSD.
* 7 different button styles.
* 7 Sliced and Layered PSD files included.
* Inline CSS.
* TABLE Based structure .
* Well commented code.
* All major email clients support.
* Easy to customize.
* Well Documented.

Sources and Credits

I’ve used the following files as listed.


I used “Georgia” and “Arial” font family in the HTML file.
You can use any font as per your choice.
Font used in PSD files are Nueva Std, Precious and Odstemplik

* Stock photos by photodune.net
Images shown on preview are not included in main download file.
You have to include your own images for the template or kindly get these photos from original authors if you want to use them. The sizes are mentioned for each image

* Social Media icons by iconfinder.com
* Christmas graphics used are taken from free for commercial use section from iconfinder.com
* Special thanks to http://camxso.deviantart.com , http://hurleyrocks.deviantart.com for Christmas graphics.


We are happy to help you. For support requests kindly contact us via Themeforest Contact Form.

Please rate if you like this template !

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