Fat Catz | Bootstrap3 Website Template

Fat Catz | Bootstrap3 Website Template

Fat Catz | Bootstrap3 website template

Multipurpose HTML5/CSS3 Responsive Template

Fat Catz is a clean, mobile first and easy to use multipurpose website template.
Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3 framework, Fat Catz is build with easy customization in mind.
Out of the box, you get more than 50 page templates, 10 color schemes and 11 home page layouts variants, from corporate to agency portfolio, including a one page version..

Loved this theme! All themes from Little Necko have an excellent, clean code and they are very easy to customize, with many different templates, flexible for virtually any type of website.
11111 erikaheidi
This template is 5-stars all the way. Top quality work at a price I think is too low! :)
I love how it offers so many options, and it’s easy to build these options together the way I want it. The possibilities seem endless. I thought the documentation was just fine. The html files load nicely in Dreamweaver when set to design mode.

The hardest issue I’ve had to deal with so far is figuring out which option I want for my main page. I can’t decide!!!!
11111 davidkyle
Excellent template – beautifully designed and simple to understand markup with numerous examples. Very happy with it.
11111 webstance
Excellent template, code well documented, and nice documentation.
11111 web4people

little neko bootstrap website template

We added a lot of handfull options that will help you make your website unique and perfect for any kind of project.

Based on Twitter Bootstrap framework, a sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development, it comes with dozens of components ready to use (tabs, menus, alert boxes, princing tables, rounded images, etc…). We also included some extra shortcode (Little Neko framework) to help you customize your website.

All elements of the design can be set to any color in an easy way. We provided you with 10 colors schemes to start with.

  • Functionnal contact form (Little Neko contact form)
  • Google map
  • Layer Premium Slider (10$ value)
  • Custom Premium Little Neko slider
  • 3 other sliders
  • Clean minimal Pop up
  • Free textures pack
  • Easy to use ultra-responsive carousel plugin
  • Retina ready UI
  • Custom icons fonts set, easy to expand with hundred of icons
  • Social share plugin
  • Fast and accurate support
  • and more…

Google WebFonts

Oswald http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Oswald

JS Plugins

Flexslider http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/
Isotope http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
Easing http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
Owl carousel http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/
Camera slider by Pixedelic http://www.pixedelic.com/plugins/camera/
Magnific Pop up http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/
Little Neko AJAX Contact Form http://little-neko.com

Demo images (NOT included in the package)




- Update isotope version to work with newer jquery library
- Update google map api call


– Update social share system


- removed unused Pretty Photo plugin folder
- updated to bootstrap 3.3.4
- updated to jquery 1.10.2
- updated Camera slider (jquery compatibility)

v 1.6

- fixed parallax position issue
- fixed code demo white-space
- fixed security check margins
- fixed menu issue on iPad landscape
- fixed header in image.php (neko-contact-ajax-plugin)
- fixed toTop button hidden by isotope item in home6.html
- fixed form issue on iPad portrait for One page layout
- bootstrap update to 3.1

v 1.5

- added Mega Menu

v 1.4

- set h1 and h2 ‘strong’ to size 400
- added data options for carousel (unlimited type of carousel)
- updated documentation (carousels)
- added coming soon page
- added “boxIconV2” shortcode variant
- added customizable and filterable mosaic portfolio
- added transparency on hover effect

v 1.3

- fixed display bug on mobile
- added separator options
- added home layouts (home10.html and home11.html)
- added custom retina skins for Layer Slider
- added 3 contact page layouts
- added light border on headers
- improved form input styles
- improved responsive main menu
- added “toTop” button
- fixed carousel width on portfolio

v 1.2

- improved fullwidth template
- changed headings styles in layer slider
- increased margin-bottom on headings2
- added “clients” page
- added 2 new “about us” layouts
- added 2 new “team” layouts
- added 4 footer options
- improved contrast on footer text
- added twitter timeline
- added list options (icons, borders)
- added timeline
- added “Call to action” centered
- added support and example for icons inside accordeons

v 1.1

- Added condition on preloader script
- Added full demo textures pack
- updated documentation
- added light border-top on title bars
- reduced stars icon font size on title
- added 3 portfolio item pages
- added “team page”
- fixed “skill bars” color

More from the Nekos

Thank you for your interest in our theme, please leave us feedback on TF and if you like it, dont forget to rate it! :)


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