Huge - Unique & Modern 3D Portfolio for Creatives

Huge - Unique & Modern 3D Portfolio for Creatives

New: Alpha WordPress Theme

HUGE is one of the most creative themes on the market until today. It is a leap into the future of modern websites, using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 technologies to create an incredible experience for the end user.

The theme is currently at version 1.6.3 (changelog’s at the bottom of the page)

A few of the features:

  • Unique design
  • Fully responsive
  • Retina ready
  • AJAX portfolios
  • Smooth 3D & parallax effects
  • Three different project types
  • AJAX gallery with minimalistic galleries
  • Masonry blog with post formats
  • Interactive contact maps
  • Shortcodes generator
  • 37 pages manual
  • Valid HTML5 code
  • Blazing fast

Check out the documentation before you buy!

Support Policy

Due to the large amount of support questions and for keeping everything organized, all tickets will be directed through my private support forum:

Please check out the Knowledge Base (which is constantly improving) before posting tickets there, to see if your questions aren’t already answered.

  • Eddie Shieh

    Huge is awesome! I only know basic HTML and naturally any new WP theme is daunting for a dinosaur like me. Of course it was challenging at first but gotta say, thanks for all your hard work. You’ve made it as easy as possible to build and it’s appreciated.
  • Emily Korn

    I’ve been SO happy with the theme and I am eternally grateful for the beautiful, user friendly, and simple design you created.
  • deeski

    I haven’t bought this yet, but I have to say I keep coming back to the demo just to play with the tiles. Feel like such a kid! Can’t wait to get this when I figure out what i’m doing!
  • jujumui

    Thank you for this theme, it was exactly what I needed. By far your documentation is one of the easiest, most intuitive ones I’ve come across for such a complex theme. Keep up the great work!
  • omnisapien

    Wow dude. I’ve been producing websites since 1997. A few times a year I fall in love with a theme. Today was one of those moments. I love this theme. It’s so good I’m considering replacing my current theme for my new company with it.
  • sterlingwilliam

    Wow THIS is Frickin COOL!! Unique, Creative, Modern and just Awesome!

Modern Design & Technologies

This theme has a modern design, involving 3D transitions and parallax effects and everything is backed up by a solid framework, which makes all the fancy stuff play smooth in any browser. The theme uses modern technologies such as CSS transitions, HTML5 tags and the History API along with well executed AJAX in order to provide an amazing experience for your users.

100% Responsive

It is totally responsive, meaning that it will look good on all kinds of mobile devices. The sliders have touch events enabled & the entire content is scaling properly down to the smallest size.

Retina Ready

All the images in this theme will look sharp on devices with a high DPI. If you provide large sizes, when a user opens the site in a retina device a cookie will be stored on his device and after the first refresh all images will look really good!

Highly Customizable

The entire look of the theme can be easily changed through the options provided with the Theme Customizer which allows you to edit the theme and preview your changes in real time. You can change colors, fonts & a lot of options in the layout.

Advanced Portfolios

There are two portfolio types: portfolio & gallery. The portfolio type has three different layouts for projects, and you can use them all on your website.

  • Modal window – a project which will appear in a window floating over the thumbnails (or over the dummy background set in earlier). This project type is the most balanced one – it allows videos and pictures altogether and it is useful when you want to display regular projects or images with moderate content. Each modal project can have it’s own size so you should not worry about having portfolios with multiple dimensions, as you’ll be able to configure them and all will look perfect on any screen size.
  • Full (Vertical) – this project is good for tall content (large images or posters or stuff that looks good one above the other). If you have a really tall image you should use this project type for it. You also have some space for text available.
  • Full (Horizontal) – this type is good for projects with a lot of content, because it offers a full page with content above the big slider. It also features a cool parallax effect and the ability to play transparent images or cool backgrounds, and so on..

Unique Sliders

The sliders of this theme are based on the great Swiper Slider plugin, enhanced with different slider options, such as full width or centered slides on different backgrounds, with smooth parallax effects

Masonry Blog

The blog is also unique in this theme, presented in the way of a isotope masonry grid, with different post formats all with their own galleries, sliders, links or quotes. When you open a single post, you’ll see the post content at the top, with a fancy parallax effect when you scroll down.

Interactive Map

You can have as many map pages as you want and in each one you can have a certain location, pin image and contact info.

Shortcodes Generator

The theme comes with an awesome shortcode generator which allows you to build up pages as you see here. There are enough elements to get you started in order to create rich pages with awesome content!

SEO friendly

All headings tags are wisely used in the theme, AJAX calls are recorded and every single portfolio page works out of the box, so search engines will know how to crawl and index your website.

Translation Ready (Multilingual)

.po and .mo files are available, making the theme easy to translate into your own language.

11 Layered PSD Files

A lot of PSD files are available in the download. With them, you can easily change layouts and stuff for presenting the perfect website for your clients!

Great Documentations & Support

There is a comprehensive manual available and some quality screencasts which can help you get started with the theme and there is always the support forum backed by professionals caring for your business!

XML Import File Available

The XML import file is available and can be used to download the demo content from the online preview(without the copyrighted images

  • Version 1.6.3: 12 December 2015
    ~ Fixed an issue related to pagination in WP4.4

  • Version 1.6.2 : 3 July 2015
    ~ Added a fail safe against Envato API issues (fixed admin login problems)

  • Version 1.6.1: 20 December 2014
    ~ Added WP 4.1 compatibility

  • Version 1.6: 12 December 2014
    ~ Removed portfolio opacity option, because of bugs caused by last Firefox update

  • Version 1.5.9: 25 November 2014
    ~ Fixed an iOS responsiveness bug
    ~ Added changelog view in the backend

  • Version 1.5.8: 18 November 2014
    ~ Fixed a bug related to mobile responsiveness

  • Version 1.5.7: 28 October 2014
    ~ Fixed a bug in modular projects caused by the last update

  • Version 1.5.6: 17 October 2014
    ~ Fixed retina support for modular project
    ~ Fixed a bug regarding self hosted videos in blog posts

  • Version 1.5.5: 6 October 2014
    ~ Fixed a bug related to self hosted videos in blog posts

  • Version 1.5.4: 16 September 2014
    ~ Improved retina support
    ~ Added “back to top” button
    ~ Fixed a bug related scrolling on Android devices

  • Version 1.5.3: 16 August 2014
    ~ Fixed various bugs

  • Version 1.5.2: 18 July 2014
    ~ Fixed an issue with the single galleries

  • Version 1.5.1: 16 July 2014
    ~ Fixed various bugs related to navigation and display
    ~ Updated Google Fonts list

  • Version 1.5: 8 May 2014
    ~ Added dedicated category pages for portfolio/galleries
    ~ Updated the Option Tree plugin
    ~ Updated the Krown Shortcodes plugin to 0.7 (fixed contact form error)
    ~ Updated the child theme to fix some bugs
    ~ Fixed various style related bugs

  • Version 1.4.6: 24 April 2014
    ~ Updated the Krown Shortcodes plugin to 0.6 (improved WP 3.9 support)

  • Version 1.4.5: 18 April 2014
    ~ Added columns support for WordPress galleries
    ~ Fixed other small style bugs regarding
    ~ Fixed a bug regarding portfolio filtering with the responsive menu
    ~ Updated the Krown Shortcodes plugin to 0.5 (added WP 3.9 support)
    ~ Made the theme ready for WP 3.9

  • Version 1.4.4: 20 February 2014
    ~ Fixed javascript shortcodes (such as lightbox) not working in single projects
    ~ Improved image loading in IE by adding a whole new “imagesLoaded” plugin

  • Version 1.4.3: 21 January 2014
    ~ Added a class to gallery navigation when there is only one image (useful for hiding the nav in such cases)
    ~ Fixed some image loading bugs in IE
    ~ Updated the Shortcodes plugin to 0.4 (fixed the iPhone 4 crash issue and improved theme support with other names or childs)

  • Version 1.4.2: 15 January 2014
    ~ Fixed an issue with the single portfolio projects and sidebar behavior
    ~ Fixed sidebar behavior on mobile devices (it now closes on each page reload)
    ~ Updated Option Tree to version 2.2.0

  • Version 1.4.1: 11 January 2014
    ~ Fixed some issues on mobile devices

  • Version 1.4: 10 January 2014
    ~ Created a fullscreen slider page template
    ~ Created a fullscreen video page template
    ~ Added the option to close modal projects by clicking outside their window
    ~ Disabled swiping for galleries with just one image
    ~ Fixed an error with the History back button
    ~ Removed IE8 compatibility (a lot of unsolvable bugs were given by this old wreck)

  • Version 1.3.1: 7 January 2014
    ~ Fixed blog categories not showing up in the masonry grid
    ~ Fixed vertical projects scroll on mobile devices
    ~ Fixed pinterest sharing by adding the featured image to the pin
    ~ Fixed map display issues on iPad
    ~ Updated the Shortcodes plugin to 0.3 (fixed the twitter shortcode bug)

  • Version 1.3: 21 December 2013
    ~ Added the option to set the thumbnail’s maximum width
    ~ Added the option to disable 3D animations for the sidebar
    ~ Fixed vertical project navigation bug

  • Version 1.2: 17 December 2013
    ~ Created a fullscreen image page template
    ~ Added the option for a fixed sidebar
    ~ Added a new thumbnails hover style
    ~ Added a new blog style
    ~ Added portfolio/gallery pagination
    ~ Added the ability to disable parallax effects on the entire site
    ~ Disabled map dragging on touch devices
    ~ Disabled the “fit images” option for modal projects, as it was highly unstable
    ~ Improved styling for WP 3.8
    ~ Fixed an issue with the self hosted videos in vertical projects
    ~ Fixed various responsiveness issues
    ~ Fixed some css style issues

  • Version 1.1.1: 10 December 2013
    ~ Fixed social icons
    ~ Fixed modal projects responsive behavior

  • Version 1.1: 5 December 2013
    ~ Changed the sidebar default behavior to “always hide”
    ~ Fixed sidebar behavior on touch devices
    ~ Changed blog post types design
    ~ Added hashtag for categories
    ~ Added browser back/forward navigation between projects
    ~ Fixed the filter bug when closing projects
    ~ Improved 3D degrade for IE (all versions)
    ~ Updated the Krown Shortcodes plugin to 0.2 (fixed the columns and tabs & added a “team member” shortcode)
    ~ Updated the Krown Portfolio plugin to 0.2 (fixed the gallery featured image issue)
    ~ Fixed blog thumbnails size on small screens
    ~ Fixed some css style issues

  • Version 1.0 : 29 November 2013
    ~ First release

Disclaimer: All images, videos & audio files which you see in the online preview are copyrighted materials belonging to their authors (listed below). None of the assets you see online will be provided in the downloadable package!


Video & Audio:



Disclaimer: All the scripts used in this theme are either properly licensed for redistribution (the commercial ones are obviously purchased).


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