Pos Argona - Responsive Prestashop Theme

Pos Argona - Responsive Prestashop Theme


Argona Prestashop Theme is a fresh, beautifully complex and customizable template with many applications in business. It is quite perfect for online stores selling watches, bikes, furniture…

This theme has 3 templates : watch template, bike template and furniture template. These template are desgined mainly in green and light yellow. With those green block colors, no need to say, clients can also feel shop’s spirit, as a common place for people love watches, bikes and furniture.

It is simply come with a clean and great design and latest CSS3 technology. A colorful layout for young generation sets off your outlet spirit as well as your products. Also it comes with the new Bootstrap from Twitter.

Megamenu Customer huge support with unlimited database containers, logical arrangement. It help customer navigate from any where in the store.

Featured product , which is a brilliant way for you to show beautiful products. The buttons and the titles have the bright colors and they are the highlights of this design. Each category has a picture of the main category and then a list of subcategories with links.



  • 11/24/2013 – Released Version 1.0
  • 12/30/2013: Updated version 1.1
        - Updated megamenu    - Fixed multiple language for modules
  • 01/08/2014: Updated version 1.1 to 1.2
        - Updated translate top links ( Contact,My wishlist, My account,Login), subscribe
  • 01/24/2014: Updated version 1.3 – Updated pos_megamenu, fixed translate sub menu item.
  • 03/25/2014: Updated theme compatible with prestashop 1.6

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