Sketch and CSS: Bridging the Gap

Sketch and CSS: Bridging the Gap

Envato Tuts+ Courses

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Course Description

In this short course you’ll learn about a CSS plugin for Sketch, called CSSketch. This plugin allows you to write CSS which directly affects the elements in your Sketch document. We’ll take a look at how it works and how you can take advantage of it. We’ll also discuss the implications of using such technologies and how they might help us bridge the gap between designers and developers.

This is part of our new series of Coffee Break Courses, designed to teach a new skill or concept in a single sitting. By the end, you’ll understand how to use CSSketch to integrate CSS within a Sketch document, and how that can work to your advantage.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to use CSSketch, a CSS plugin for Sketch.
  • The benefits of combining CSS with a Sketch design workflow.
  • How using such technologies can help bridge the gap between designers and developers.

About the Instructor

Adi Purdila is an expert web designer and developer based in Romania. He’s created more than 30 courses for Envato Tuts+ on every conceivable web design topic, from Bootstrap, WordPress, and Foundation, to Sass and Sketch. You can check out his portfolio, follow him on Twitter, and see his ThemeForest portfolio.

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