THEthing - One Page HTML Creative Template

THEthing - One Page HTML Creative Template

THEthing is an awesome responsive one page HTML template, suitable for corporate, agencies, freelancers or other types of business. It has been optimized for mobiles and desktops.

THEthing includes 3 navigation styles, 3 types of landing pages, 3 portfolio thumbnails styles, 2 html Google maps styles, 6 colors styles. Font Awesome icons are incorporated.

If you find a one page to be too long a dropdown tab navigation has been incorporated for any section that needs to be split.

THEthing – options:


  • THEthing is responsive, it looks good in any type of device.
  • THEthing has 3 types of navigation options.
  • THEthing includes a navigation at the top, this feature can include the social icons or not.
  • THEthing navigation can be easily switch to navigation on the left of the screen.
  • Content can be easily split and linked through the dropdown navigation.
  • Four CSS3 shapes can be used in the slider landing screen.
  • Slider option on landing screen for multiple slides.
  • Portfolio options include three types of thumbnails, and ajax calls for posts to be displayed in the screen.
  • HTML for pricing, charts, progressbars, tabs and accordions, two types of social icons.
  • Blog uses ajax call to incorporate posts in the page.
  • Contact section contains two options for google maps.
  • 22 html files are included : – 404.html not found page
    about.html html section about can be found here
    author.html list of the posts of an especific author
    category.html list of the posts of an especific category
    contact1.html html section contact first type can be found here
    contact2.html html section contact second type can be found here
    features.html html features of the template
    index-leftnav.html example of navigation on the left side of the screen
    index-nobglogo.html example of logo without navigation
    index-nosubnav.html example of navigation without social icons
    index-video.html youtube video in the main banner
    page.html html page to be used for any purpose
    portfolio.html html section portfolio with vertical flip thumbnails
    portfolio2.html html section portfolio with horizontal flip thumbnails
    portfolio3.html html section portfolio with hover thumbnail effect
    post.html blog post example
    posts.html list of posts
    project.html portfolio example with a picture
    project-slider.html portfolio example with a slider gallery
    project-video.html portfolio example with a video
    project-video-slider.html portfolio example with a youtube and a vimeo videos in a slider gallery


jQuery JavaScript Library by John Resig
Bootstrap 3 –
FitVids by Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert
HTML5 Librarys by Modernizr
Icon fonts by Font-Awesome


Images from Tallkev, Kevin Roodhorst and Martin Grohs

Other images are bought from Fotolia and unsplash

None of the images are included in the template, they are just used for demonstration purpose.

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