D-Light - One Page Wordpress Creative Template

D-Light - One Page Wordpress Creative Template





D-light is a multi-purpose, creative one page website. With our amazing content builder you can change the pages in no time and easily create / modify the website as you see fit. Try it out, you will not be disappointed.\\


Customer Reviews



Change log

Update: 24.08.2015
- Updated Revolution Slider
Update: v1.6 – 9.9.2014
+ DLight 1.6+ Revolution Slider 4.5.95+ Frontend Builder 2.7.0- Re-worked save template and load template interface- Added option to delete template- Added option to export page template in the save template menu- Added option to import the page in the load page menu- Added option to save the imported template to the template list- Included column specific background options to the row controls- Fixed elements not showing on touch devices sometimes- Fixed scale parallax image size- Several minor adjustments+ Frontend Builder 2.6.5- Major optimization of stylesheet includes- Fixed refresh of the shortcode when an item is cloned in the sortable control- Fixed creative post slider image centering- Fixed bottom space inconsistency on image shortcode- Fixed image shortcode hover appearing when it shouldn't- Fixed default style bugs for accordion shortcode- Fixed several translation issues- Included option to remove meta tags of recent post and featured post shortcodes- Included option to merge lightboxes in gallery shortcode, making a single gallery- Included parallax fade option as a background mode for rows- Included parallax scale option as a background mode for rows- Included parallax scale and fade as a background mode for rows
Update: v1.5 -14.7.2014
+ DLight 1.5- Fonts fix- Safari scroll fix- Multisite support
Update: v1.4 -10.7.2014
+ DLight 1.4- Fixed notices on activation+ Frontend Builder 2.6.0- Implemented masonry gallery shortcode- Fixed accordion font selection problem- Fixed add media control- Fixed on screen animation for gauge shortcode- Fixed graph shortcode height calculation errors on displays with greater pixel density- Reordered some controls for graph shortcode- Adjusted hover effects for featured post shortcode- Adjusted hover effects for recent post shortcode- Minor css tweaks for audio shortcode- Minor adjustments to functionality of creative post slider shortcode+ Frontend Builder 2.5.2- W3C revalidated- Fixed rare issue with contact form mailing- Fixed some minor bugs with button shortcode- Several minor fixes- Minor adaptation for the new frontend page builder woo-commerce extension available on the market
Update: v1.3 -9.6.2014
+ D-Light 1.3- Contact form upgraded- Contact form captcha phrase- IE Sticky fixed- Single shares fixed- Footer Socials target _blank- Added third level menu- Fixed Demo install- Fixed few minor bugs+ Revolution Slider 4.5.01+ Frontend Builder 2.5.0- Optimized ajax requests- Implemented gauge chart shortcode- Implemented recent post shortcode- Implemented graph shortcode label control- Fixed some issues with item clone- Multiple fixes and performance tweaks for slider shortcode- Minor adjustments to contact form shortcode- Minor adjustments to tour shortcode- Minor adjustments to toggle shortcode- Minor interface adjustments- Added font subsets- Several core functions updated+ Frontend Builder 2.4.0- Implemented audio shortcode- Implemented few additional controls for image shortcode hover- Implemented zoom toggle - Implemented failsafe that prompts user when link that navigates away from the page is clicked- Implemented "preview page" that acts as a shortcut for "view page" in backend- Fixed shortcode menu close button animation when item being edited gets deleted- Fixed contact form text area background problem- Fixed image shortcode border controls- Fixed image shortcode hover icon animation- Video, features and contact form shortcodes moved from "Basic" section to "Content" + Frontend Builder 2.3.0- Fixed WP Editor- Reworked drag and drop system- Implemented popup descriptions- Implemented add new row button in control bar- Implemented 'animation' speed control for shortcode entry animations- Implemented 'order by' control for creative post slider shortcode- Implemented clone options for sortable controls- Implemented close button for the shortcode control menu- Implemented 'icon spacing' control for icon menu shortcode- Implemented tour shortcode- Implemented toggle shortcode- Fixed few issues with accordion shortcode- Fixed few minor bugs+ Content Timeline 2.35- IE8 typo fix- Fixed the issue of last item's title showing random text on touch devices- Improved scrolling behavior when image is being dragged- Added check not to create table on activation if it already exists- Fixed the issue of item missing image border when "PrettyPhoto" URL field is empty- Fixed te issue of opened item content always having 490px width- Fixed "Image border color" control bug- Fixed issues with multi-site- Fixed the issue of title node bubble showing when there's no title- Added feature to disable "Read more" button on individual items- Added feature "Close item on transition" + Content Timeline 2.3- Included new flat timeline design- Fixed overflow JS issues- Included button color option- Fixed color picker issues- Fixed minor css issues
Update: v1.2 -30.4.2014
+ Frontend Builder 2.2.0 - Implemented failsafe for creative post slider when post has no image - Implemented updated versions of icons (central aligned) - Implemented code that prevents lightbox from triggering while sliders are dragged - Fixed font-awesome not showing icons in some cases - Included responsive mode for slider shortcode - Included option for featured post shortcode that allows image link to be switched to lightbox type+ Frontend Builder 2.1.7 - Optimized for Wordpress 3.9 - Optimized number of requests to server, especially while editing text - Included progress bars shortcode - Included date-picker variant for the optional field in contact form shortcode - Implemented new add media interface - Implemented add media control type - Fixed issue when some search fields fail to work due to cap. chars - Fixed image shortcode image size issue - Fixed a rare scrolling bug - Fixed multiple issues with percentage chart shortcode - Fixed issue with pretty-photo links - Fixed column drag visual glitch - Fixed interface glitch when there is no data received by the controls - Backend controls now fetch data from the site root, instead of domain root - Adjusted z-index of wp-editor in frontend - Minor tweaks on parallax elements - Several minor fixes+ D-Light 1.11 - Chrome smooth scroll added - Demo white pages bug fixed - Demo missing contact images fixed
Update: v1.1 -22.4.2014
+ Frontend Builder 2.1 - included contact form shortcode - included creative post slider shortcode - fixed "Open in WP Editor" not displaying content properly - fixed video loop control on row video background - fixed image repeat control on row image background - fixed issues with add shortcode pop-up not displaying sometimes - fixed some pricing table responsive bugs - fixed number control interface bug - fixed visual bugs on testimonials shortcode - addressed the issue of google fonts not loading in some rare cases - fixed class and ID controls not showing in some shortcodes - fixed some accordion animation glitches - add shortcode button now reappears when the last item in the row is deleted - fixed shortcode popup not appearing on add shortcode after page load - fixed search shortcode visual bug - added custom width and height controls for image shortcode - added some fixes to address the problem of html structure of the page breaking when there's invalid html structure inside text/html field - added excerpt length control to the featured post shortcode - optimized for WordPress 3.8.2 - multiple minor interface tweaks - multiple minor performance improvements - new media uploader+ Frontend Builder 2.0.1 - Fixed background problems in chrome - Fixed tinyMCE z-index problems - Fixed add new shrotcode button - Fixed shortcode opacity problems+ DLight 1.1 - SMOF update 1.5.1 - new media uploader - fixed responsive issues - fixed contact form responsivness - fixed video controls / new controls added - fixed portfolio pagination - fixed portfolio fail to open the proper height - fixed scrolling on main menu click - fixed demo content - fixed broken content when Frontend Builder is not installed - added scroll to section on load - code optimization
Update: v1.0 – 1.4.2014
+ Fixed one click demo install


All images used in the preview are only for demo purposes. All the images are copyrighted and licensed to their respective authors and owners.








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