Artee: Portfolio Ghost Theme

Artee: Portfolio Ghost Theme
Artee is a portfolio Ghost theme.
It’s perfect for creative blogs and portfolios.
Ghost 0.7.9 compatible




All drawings used in Artee theme demo belongs to Tomasz Szyrwiel ( (I’ve got permission to use them) You are not allowed to use them without his permission.Of course they are not included in the Artee Theme package. Youtube video is randomly selected.

31.10.2015 (v1.7.0)-------------------------------------- Foundation 5 update- jQuery added- smoothscroll removed (for better performance and UX)- content font change- code highlighter added20.04.2015 (v1.6.0)-------------------------------------- Ghost 0.6.0-0.6.4 ready (prev/next post feature: (v1.5.0)-------------------------------------- Ghost 0.5.9 ready (custom navigation: Ghost 0.5.10 ready01.02.2015 (v1.4.0)-------------------------------------- Ghost 0.5.8 ready- Post reading time indicator- Filters rebuilded - now it is auto populated (with option for manual settings)- Tag image cover- Updates08.12.2014 (v1.3.0)-------------------------------------- Ghost 0.5.6 ready- Search System- Sticky header- Updates27.10.2014 (v1.2.1)-------------------------------------- Ghost 0.5.3 ready- Foundation version bump- NiceScroll udate- small fixes29.09.2014 (v1.2.0)-------------------------------------- Ghost 0.5.2 ready - new post settings panel- Foundation version bump11.08.2014 (v1.1.0)-------------------------------------- Ghost 0.5.0 Multi-User ready.28.07.2014 (v1.0.4)-------------------------------------- Zurb Foundation 5 update01.06.2014 (v1.0.3)-------------------------------------- Safari 6, 7 fix - mentioned in comments27.04.2014 (v1.0.2)-------------------------------------- tag page (Ghost v0.4.2)01.04.2014 (v1.0.1)-------------------------------------- quick fix for filter in Ghost v0.4.2 (mentioned in comments)

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