Social Reach - The Crowd-Speaking WordPress Theme

Social Reach - The Crowd-Speaking WordPress Theme

Social Reach – The first crowd-speaking Wordpress Theme

Social Reach is the first wordpress theme that lets you create your own crowd-speaking website. If you ever wanted to create your own Thunderclap, now you can with social reach.



List of features:

  • Facebook ,Twitter and Tumblr login and campaign support
  • Front-end forms – No more ugly backend for users!
  • 3 different blocks to display the campaigns
  • No external plugins needed!
  • Custom admin panel for easy customization
  • LayerSlider included! (15$)
  • Custom campaigns page with statistics for easy control over the site
  • bbPress ready
  • Responsive design
  • Unlimited colours
  • Page builder
  • RTL Support
  • Amazing documentation with video tutorials
  • Created with Twitter Bootstrap + CSS3 + HTML5
  • Support forum

Need help? Visit our Support Forum

I offer theme support via our support forum. If you have any problems or if you find a bug/error, please post them there. I will NOT be able to answer any questions regarding support in the comments. (

Please note: the images that can be seen in the preview images will not be included in the download. These are for preview purposes only.

Special thanks to: Daniel Zedda and 55Laney69 for the images :)

If you love it, please don’t forget to rate it!

Update History

Current version: 2.7

PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR DATABASE BEFORE UPGRADINGPosts 2 Posts plugin is required. You may experience slower loading time (4-5m) when you run new update for the first time.

April 6th, 2016

- Campaign circles too close to content when in mobile mode fixed- Category colors for other block added- tried_to_publish database fix for new users- Mobile menu fixed- Facebook not adding followers to reach fixed- Tumblr sign in problem fixed- Twitter link fixed- Added number of required number of supporters when creating campaign- Customize option bug fixed- Updated Facebook api to latest version- Iphone various bugs fixed- CKeditor updated- FontAwesome updated- Child theme support for post templates added- Empty space in top bar when admin logged in fixed- WooCommerce files updated- Division by zero in single campaign page fixed- Fixed issue with social reach with account merging- Breadcrumb function fixed- Fixed issue with premium users not able to create campaigns- Logout redirection fixed- FB message will now link to campaign page- Fixed parallax and column block height- Added colors for categories- Added autopublish option in theme options

November 26th, 2015

- Fixed wp_delete_user function

November 19th, 2015

- Fixed publish function

November 15th, 2015

- Fixed demo importer- Fontawesome icons in pricetables fixed

November 9th, 2015

- Compatible with facebook api 2.5- Less permissions requested- Requires publish_actions to pass review by Facebook dev team- Fixed publishing of stories- Improved publishing algorithm- Further tweaks and optimizations

November 2nd, 2015

- Updated Facebook API- Updated Twitter API- Updated Tumblr API- Added option for users to unlink social accounts- Added category colors in global color system- Fixed infinite load on Customization- Files and db calls optimized- Fixed iOS9 and Safari bug- Updated WooCommerce Templates- Expanded Twitter limit to 140 chars- FontAwesome icons updated to latest version- Fixed support modal scroll- Added support for post templates in child theme- Fixed division by 0 error- Fixed bug when reach disappears with account merging- Updated WooCommerce deprecated functions- LinkedIn is removed because they don't support publish function anymore- Added comments in campaigns- Fixed parallax block- Various css fixes

Jun 12th, 2015

- Added automatic copyright year in footer /footer.php- Fixed potential issues with publishing campaigns to social networks on some specific server configurations.- Updated demo importer with multiple fixes. It should work properly on multi website installations and in all server configurations /demo- Fixed an issue where campaigns created by WordPress admin (through WP backend) would display incorrect author avatar/username or not show them at all. /single-campaigns.php /functions.php- Fixed multiple display issues with WooCommerce 2.3+. Theme is no longer compatible with WC prior to 2.3 /css/woocommerce.css- Fixed an issue where the category highlight would not load when 'WordPress Address' and 'Site Address' URLs in WP settings were different /footer.php- Fixed some display quirks in 'Insert/Edit Link' popup in frontend campaign WYSIWIG editor /css/main.css- Fixed an issue where the Insert Link popup in frontend campaign editor would appear behind page body /footer.php- Fixed follow link in widget- Fixed date translation on campaign pages /single-campaigns.php- Fixed “Who Are You” section, text is now saved properly in the database.  /functions.php /tmp-campaign.php- Fixed video meta box in campaigns and posts /single.php /index.php /archive.php /category.php /pagebuilder/blocks/news-blog-block.php /tmp-blog-right.php /tmp-blog-left.php /tmp-blog-isotope.php /tmp-blog-full.php /tag.php /search-post.php /tmp-1right-sidebar.php /tmp-2left-sidebar.php /tmp-3full-width.php- Fixed issue where non premium user could type in create campaign link directly in browser  /tmp-campaign.php- Fixed issue with 500 users. If user is premium now it will have unlimited number of supporters. If that option is off all users will have unlimited number of supporters. /js/submitcampaign.js- Fixed an issue where campaign expiration date pie indicator was not displaying correctly on non-English WP installations /single-campaigns.php- Fixes SSL issue. All external resources are loaded through HTTPS (like google fonts) if the website uses SSL.- Fixed db collation from swedish to utf8- Fixed long titles issue in news block /pagebuilder/blocks/news-block.php- Fix character encoding issues when messages are posted to Facebook.- Fixed all campaigns get marked as featured ('Featured' tag on all campaigns page and others) /tmp-all-campaigns.php- Embed campaigns now display proper color from theme options and campaign data /embed.php /functions.php- Spelling of All Campaigns page dropdown is now fixed /tmp-all-campaigns.php- LinkedIn is now updated to work with latest API 2.0 /include/Hybrid/Providers/linkedIn.php /include/Hybrid/thirdparty/LinkedIn/LinkedIn.php - Fixed Facebook: Invalid scopes - publish stream errors /include/Hybrid/Providers/Facebook.php- Fixed footer heading colors not updating from theme options panel- Fixed various responsive and css bugs across the theme- Added RTL support for Arabic language

October 28th, 2014

- Update of campaigns fixed- Premium users can't add more than 500 supportes fixed- LayerSlider installation notice not going away fixed

October 23rd, 2014

- Search positioning fix

September 11th, 2014

- Added pagination to all campaigns page- Layerslider not appearing fix- User menu mobile bug fixed- Added option for facebook review process- Localization file updated- Database optimized

August 31th, 2014

- Optimized database calls- Sessions removed- Social users iimplemented as WP users

August 5th, 2014

- Added "One Click Install" for demo content

July 25th, 2014

- fixed cron stopping on hitting insufficient permissions on api, now it will correctly just skip the problematic entry- enabled changing the owner of the campaign in admin panel- fixed rare occurences of incorrect owner being displayed on campaign page- fixed filename conflict when uploading different campaign images with the same name- set time as required when saving campaign- fixed 'Who are you?' field not saving correctly in 'About you' section of campaign submission- fixed images of linkedin profiles not displaying correctly in "Top supporters" and "Recent supporters" on https websites- fixed adding campaign support on mobile devices for facebook and linkedin- tweaked security function for admin backend access- fixed incorrect saving of date for campaign to publish from admin panel- campaign background is set to tiled by default on all themes submitted by premium users- fixed facebook preview in add support modal displaying incorrect link

June 30th, 2014

- Permissions fixed for non-admins- DB collation changed to utf8 general- Delete and edit actions fixed in My Account page- LinkedIn added as a share option in modal windows- Story form in submit campaign page now supports html elements- Cron posting loop fixed

June 23rd, 2014

- Linkedin database issue fix- Time progress bar on single campaign page fix- Facebook support problem with api 2 fix- If same user add support with 3 different networks it will show as 3 supporters

June 12th, 2014

- Version 2 is out!- CSS fixes- Price tables br fix- Added Premium options- Added LinkedIn login- Fixed page builder blocks - All campaigns button now linking properly- Facebook API updated top version 2- User tokens mismatch fix- Updated localization files- Number of friends not showing on successful campaign support message window fix- Twitter 75k users bug fix- My account counters fix- Corrupted facebook profile image fix- Updated instructions file

April 8th, 2014

- Fixed CSS that was breaking "create new campaign" page.- Other CSS fixes- Full width single post tempalte added- Ratings removed- Post author is now optional- Blog number of posts is from wp settings- Timestamp added to updates

April 6th, 2014

- CSS fixes- Added WooCommerce- Button in the slider ("Start your campaign") now triggers the login to appear. To make it work add class "mod" and "#" as the link.

Match 26th, 2014

- Storing sessions fix- Infinite redirection on my campaings page fix

Match 25th, 2014

- Fixed 404 on my account when editing campaigns- My account counter now shows proper counter- Now you can publish saved campaigns

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