Built on top of the powerful gantry framework, flatmetro is with no doubt one of the most unique joomla-metro combination of its kind. Built for one of the most common design trends of 2013-2014. Highly responsive, well designed and uses many unique features of its own, smooth transitions and a lot to discover.
Why flatmetro is one of its kind:
- Flatmetro comes is joomla 2.5.7 and 3.2 compatible.
- Responsive grid system based on bootstrap
- Stunning administrator interface
- Retina Ready
- RTL support
- Built with less
- 65 module positions
- Advanced typography
- Seo ready
Retina Ready
Built with two of famous fonts, naming font awesome, and linecons, flatmetor is a retina ready site, wich make it lossless quality on retina display?s.
Responsive design
Thanks to the wonderful bootstrap framework, flatmetro will adapt to any device?s screen, from large desktop, to smart phones.Responsive design can be turned on or off on your template administration interface.
RTL support
Flatmetro includes rtl support for right-to-left languages such as arabic, or persian…
K2 support
Our templates added k2 support, k2 is nowaday one of the most powerful, and popular extensions.
Powerful administration interface
Flatmetro comes with powerful administration Interface wich makes it so easy to customize your template, with simple clicks
Extra feature
To make it yours flatmetro, we have added some extra features to make flatmetro yours, picking a new background, choosing a new transition, retinize your site all with simple steps, no code skills.
Awesome flat template flavor
Extra features for easier life
Beside the excellence of gantry framework, flatmetro was built with a very powerful features, for changing the background that suits the general mood of your site, picking a transition form about 67 animation, or just making your site retina ready!, all with a toogle of button.
Template features:
- Fully responsive (with on-off feature).
- Retina ready.
- K2 ready.
- Rocksprocket ready.
- Translation ready.
- RTL support
- Powerful administration interface.
- Seo ready template
- 650+ google web fonts accessible via admin interface.
- Per device responsiveness control.
- Quickstart package ready.
- Adding google analytics.
- Flatmetro and default style menu.
- Choosing transition?s page in admin interface
- Choosing background?s page in admin interface.
Please do not forget to rate this item
, and be sure to check our drupal template too.
Core Joomla v3.2.0 changelogUpgrade to latest Joomlav3.2.3Rokpad changelogBug* RokPad textarea goes at the bottom of the window (detached from RokPad area) * RokPad ~ Mavericks ~ Safari* RokPad - JEvents Developer* Issue with fullscreen when no editor buttons are presentRokSprocket Changelog* Mosaic: switching from custom tags to article/none didnt reset the value* Simple items content vanishes after save* Module settings display issues in Joomla 3.2.3* Fixed Tags with space not getting filtered* Only one article tag showing for Joomla provider articlesChangelog for Modules AnywhereUpdate to v3.4.1Gantry framework changelog:Update to v4.1.22Bug’s:* icon-class module suffix overrides rt-image responsiveness* Two factor authentication key field missing from offline.php* Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$channel in j3 newsfeeds* Joomla 3.2 compatibility updates* Two factor authentication fields still present in login form even when two factor plugins are disabled* Default template version incorrect* Google Font don't display Variant* FontAwesome icon misalignment in some casesImprovement* Date language problem* Clear LESS cache when main cache is cleared.* Upgrade google analytics to use Universal Analytics codeK2 changelogUpdate v2.6.8B2j changelogUpdate v2.0StandaloneUpdate Single Packages in the Standalone folder.
Coming Soon
Custom Error pageSome Minor CSS fixes for small devices (tablets, some portrait phone’s….).Right to left Demo.A new Color schema, Tweaks and More...A completely new Structure, much more simple than the actual one.
- Jquery.
- Modernizr.
- Selectivizr.
- Html5shiv.
- Page transitions.|tympanus.net
- Slide push menu.|tympanus.net
- Webfonts with google fonts.
- Documenter.
- Quovolver.
- Retinajs.
- Font-awesome.
- Gantry-framework.
- Linecons (link1 | link2 | link3)
Photos used are credited like following:
- 26 high res blurred background.
- 10 blurred background.
- araswami
- Christian Lambert Photography
- Candie_N
- Fountain_Head
- Mark Fisher
- chavezonica