A-Page is a one page and multipage page Drupal theme with a lot of useful features. It’s frontpage designed as singlepage, but it also has a standard subpages. It suits for any type of portfolio, design studio, business, personal website etc. A-Page has 3 accent color themes, just check them!
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap v3
- Fully responsive.
- Clean and modern design
- Free icons used
- Free Google fonts used
- Icons font Included
Drupal Theme Features
- Easily custom from admin theme settings page.
- Customable 404 Page
- MD Fullscreen slider
- Slider/Image supported for Projects, Parallax parts.
- Demo install profile
- Drupal 7.x
Preview image/video assets are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the download package:
- Slider Images unsplash.com (not included)
- Gallery & Blog Images flickr.com/photos/kopaz/ (not included)
- Team Images flickr.com/photos/yuri_samoilov/, depositphotos.com (not included)
- Oswald Font google.com/fonts/specimen/Oswald
- Open Sans Font google.com/fonts/specimen/Open+Sans
- Socialico Font fontfabric.com/social-media-icons-pack/
- Icons Font icomoon.io
- Icons dribbble.com/shots/1036448-Flat-Design-Icons-Set-Vol1?list=searches&tag=flat_icons
- context
- context condition theme
- ctools
- entity
- field collection
- file entity
- fontello
- icon
- jquery update
- libraries
- media
- media_vimeo
- media_youtube
- panels
- pathauto
- rules
- simplenews
- strongarm
- superfish
- token
- views
- webform
- wysiwyg
- Fullscreen Slider
Change logs
Version 2.1 (Jun 25, 2015)
- update prettyPhoto jquery Plugin (security issues)- Fix theme settings issue with media module