HILL - Premium Responsive WooCommerce Theme

HILL - Premium Responsive WooCommerce Theme

About the Template

HILL eCommerce is an advanced Woocommerce theme fully customizable and suitable for e-commerce websites of any purpose. The template is characterized by attractiveness and easy customization. With the unlimited colors and GoogleWebFonts you can create your dream shop in few minutes. In addition, we have created for you 11 layout that you can further edit. The template is not only visually appealing, but also uses the newest trends in coding with the use of html5, css3 and bootstrap 3.

This Design is inspired by the best eCommerce solutions and UI ideas, so your customers will be happy to spend money on this remarkable site with elegant design, and follow to updates of your blog

If you need more or you have some ideas you may contact me freely, I like to be closer to my customers, whether we will talk about your offer, feedback or something else.

Lots of options and features fits on 20 PSD files and are ready for your attention.

Change Log

Version 1.1.2 – 20 April, 20156

[update] Slider Revolution, Visual Composer, Main Megamenu

Version 1.1.1 – 28 March , 20156


Version 1.0 – 22 March , 20156