CouponXxL - Deals, Coupons & Discounts WP Theme

CouponXxL - Deals, Coupons & Discounts WP Theme

Buyers Testimonials
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The customer service of PowerThemes team is just wow. Very quick reply, fast action to resolve issues at any time..I just love them..keep up the great work guys and wish you all the best.

Star-on Star-on Star-on Star-on Star-on

This is a great looking theme and with help from Powerthemes I was able to get my site the way I wanted it to look. In my option its the best daily deals design available. Nice work Powerthemes.

CouponXxL is the most complete WordPress theme on the market for deals and coupons websites. It is great affiliate or self hosted solutions to start making a profit simple by selling discounts locally or worldwide. CouponXxL is the perfect theme for any kind of coupon, deals & discounts related site. Make your choice simple. Go Big, Go XxL!

Groupon Deal
Type of the deals with some minimum deal sales required to be active.

Affiliate Program
In combination with free WP All Import plugin affiliate import is piece of cake.

Deals, Coupons or Both
You can choose website purpose with just one click and have only deals, only coupons or deals and coupons website.

Credits for Payment
Credits and buying credits in order to submit deals and coupons is the and awesome feature.

Two Account Types
Choose between Vendor or Buyer account with different privilegies.

Worldwide Payments
The most world used payment methods plus wire/bank transfer included.

Automatic Payouts
Pay out all earnings to your customers with just one click.

Auto Generated Vouchers
Random autogenerated vauchers will spare huge amount of time.

Track Voucher Status
Simple to track and change all voucher status.

Hire Agents
You have your agents, no problem just add them trough your vendor profile.

Smart Search
Start typing and all desired discounts and stores will appear in a second.

Location Search
Easy location search for your visitors by typing or marker select on the map.

Mega Menu
Beautiful custom made, simple to use mega menu for all big dropdowns you will ever need.

Map Deals
Your customers can have quick look to deals directly on map.

And many more…

=============================================------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.414.04.2016.Added options for autoplay and autoplay timeout of the featured sliderAdded mail sending for vendors on purchaseAdded category information on the listing of offers in backendAdded pretty permalinksFixed deletting of store markers on save of anotherFixed dismiss of the info about WP All ImportFixed compatibility issue with WP 4.5Fixed renaming slugsEdited files:style.cssscss/style.scsscss/customize.cssfunctions.phpincludes/theme-options.phpincludes/order-management.phpincludes/store-locations.phpincludes/headers/categories.phpincludes/shortcodes/categories.phpincludes/shortcodes/category.phpincludes/shortcodes/locations.phpincludes/single-offer/deal.phpincludes/widgets.phppage-tpl_all_categories.phpincludes/headers/search.phpincludes/search-sidebar.phpincludes/title.phppage-tpl_all_locations.phppage-tpl_profile.phpincludes/profile-pages/vendor/dashboard.phpsingle-store.phppage-tpl_register.phplib/plugins/ ( reinstall the plugin ) lib/plugins/ ( reinstall the plugin ) lib/plugins/ (reinstall the plugin )18.03.2016.Version 1.3Added child themeEdited files:style.cssfunctions.php14.03.2016.Version 1.2Fixed bug on vendor profile with creditsFixed bug with login as vendor and empty profileIntroduced Envato Market plugin as official plugin for the udpatesEdited files:style.cssscss/style.scssfunctions.phpincludes/gateways/bank.phpincludes/profile-pages/vendor.phpincludes/profile-pages/vendor/credits.php07.03.2016.Version 1.1Fixed pring voucherFixed theme options savingFixed user additional data display on users listingUpdated languages Minor bug fixesEdited files:functions.phpstyle.csscss/admin.cssjs/custom.jsincludes/profile-pages/vendor/deals.phpincludes/profile-pages/vendor/coupons.phpincludes/profile-pages/vendor.phpincludes/order-managemenet.phpincludes/classes/class.offer.phpincludes/gateways/paypal.phpincludes/gateways/stripe.phpincludes/shortcodes/deals.phpincludes/shortcodes/coupons.phpincludes/gateways/skrill.phplib/plugins/ ( Reinstall plugin CouponXxL Custom Post Types )lib/plugins/ ( Reinstall Plugin )languages/*02.02.2016.Version 1.0

Credits All images are used only for preview and they are not included in downloadable item package

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