TrueStory - Fullscreen HTML5 Template

TrueStory - Fullscreen HTML5 Template

TrueStory is a powerful and at the same time light-weight flexible HTML5 website. TrueStory is responsive and looks great on retina displays and other high resolution screens. It forms an awesome experience for your visitors and offers a bunch of new and exciting features.


  • Responsive design, the site layout automatically adapts to different screen resolutions (resize your browser window)
  • Retina ready, this template looks great on Retina displays and other high resolution screens
  • 140 Colorable and resizable vector icons
  • Valid HTML5 code
  • 20 Pre-defined skin colors
  • 4 Different home page layouts
  • Flexible 6 columns grid, with nestable columns
  • Classic portfolio with filters
  • 3 Fullscreen gallery layouts
  • Fullscreen image viewer (ColorBox)
  • 5 Different page templates
  • CSS3 animations with fallback methods for older browsers
  • Custom background image for each page
  • 3 Page layouts
  • Unlimited submenus
  • Web fonts, you can use any custom font
  • Ajax contact form


  • Update v.1.0.6 (8/3/2013)
  1. Added ability to use multiple ajax loaders for the portolio
  2. Fixed the contact form bug where the website is set to undefined
  3. Fixed the masonry portfolio bug on Safari
  4. Fixed the home slider bug when setting data-fade=true the captions will not show
  5. Linked ajax portfolio items together to create a next/prev Colorbox navigation

  • Update v.1.0.5 (5/3/2013)
  1. Fixed ajax links bug

  • Update v.1.0.4 (21/2/2013)
  1. Fixed a bug in the ajax portfolio

  • Update v.1.0.3 (10/2/2013)
  1. Updated the contact form

  • Update v.1.0.2 (7/2/2013)
  1. Added a new configuration parameter (use_page_ajax_loading) in main.js file
  2. Added a new configuration parameter (site_location) in main.js file. This parameter is used to automatically convert relative URLs to absolute URLs in the main menu, which solves problems related to virtual directories.
  3. Added a list of ( icons : code ) for reference (icons_ref.html)
  4. Fixed error 405 for page loading via ajax

  • Update v.1.0.1 (3/2/2013)
  1. Added ability to set a specific delay for each slide in the home slider (-1 will stop autoplay)
    <li data-duration="12000"><!-- sets duration of this slide to 12 seconds (12000 micro-seconds) --><li data-duration="-1"><!-- stops autoplay at this slide -->
  2. Added ability to use a fade effect instead of a slide effect in the home slider
    <div id="home-slider" data-fade="true">
  3. Fixed several iPad issues

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