Minuscula | Minimalist and Flexible WP Theme

Minuscula | Minimalist and Flexible WP Theme

18/8/2015 – Version 1.2.0 is up and ready to be downloaded. Happy updating!

Minuscula is a minimalist and multi-purpose WordPress theme developed to cover a variety of design needs with a very solid style. It can serve a big range of purposes, from a creative studio to a start-up company, from a photographer or a coffee shop to any kind of business.
Responsive, clean and minimalist, with a touch of cool and elegant.
Wonder what Minuscula’s users are saying?

Minuscula - WordPress Theme - TestimonialsMinuscula - WordPress Theme - TestimonialsMinuscula - WordPress Theme - Testimonials

Minuscula Theme is so flexible it can build amazing sites like these!

(click on each screen to navigate the demos)

Minuscula WordPress Theme was developed following WordPress standards on coding and security with the focus on making everything easy to the end user.

The theme’s back end is completely unbranded, allowing any developer or designer to look extremely professional while making use of it.

We have put a lot of thought on keeping the user’s content safe, so we are including all our shortcodes, post formats and portfolio functions in a separate plugin so you can keep using your content even if you switch themes.

And what is even better, it has an easy to use Options Panel, completely integrated to the WordPress back end and a very flexible structure that will make working with it a completely smooth experience.

Some of Minuscula’s Features

  • Fully responsive
  • Completely customizable homepage
  • Full width slider with beautiful captions
  • Regular width slider with video
  • Slick Ajax powered Portfolio that supports video, image and galleries
  • Swipe/touch enabled galleries
  • Sortable portfolio items at backend
  • Cool and elegant blog page template
  • Ajax powered contact form
  • Social profiles included
  • Multiple widgets areas with flexible layouts
  • Super easy to use Options Panel
  • Localization ready
  • 8 Post formats supported (including audio and self hosted video!)
  • 6 custom widgets ( Twitter, Google Map, Recent Posts, Video, Contact form, Image)
  • 11 custom shortcodes
  • Services post type with 50+ icons
  • 70+ patterns and background textures
  • Unlimited color options
  • 600+ Google Web fonts
  • Custom login screen
  • Unbranded admin back end
  • Detailed documentation
  • Everything working as WordPress intended so you don’t have to learn how to work with a new platform
  • Online support forum
Still in doubt?

Minuscula - WordPress Theme - TestimonialsMinuscula - WordPress Theme - TestimonialsMinuscula - WordPress Theme - Testimonials

* The photos displayed at the demos are not included in the theme package.

** Enormous and warm thanks to the following photographers whose pictures are shown in the demos:


Also, thanks to the following authors for the materials used in the Theme and in the demos:
Social media Icons: IC Circle Social Icon Set
Background Textures: Subtlepatterns
Responsive Screen MockUp Pack: Medialoot
MockUp graphics: Pixeden


---- V 1.2.0 ---- 18/8/2015 ----- Updated widgets to use PHP5 object constructors for WP4.3 compatibility     *library/functions/quadro-widgets.php- Fixed transparent mode for YouTube function     *library/minuscula-functions.php- Added  elements to Custom HTML sections     *library/admin/quadro-register-options.php---- V 1.1.9 ---- 27/11/2014 ----- Updated options defaults       *library/admin/quadro-options.php       *library/admin/quadro-register-options.php- Updated theme screenshot       *screenshot.png- Added shortcuts to admin toolbar       */library/functions/dashboard-helper.php- Fixed Menu Walker error       *functions.php- Updated CSS file       *style.css- Updated title tag       *header.php- Added Updates info to Documentation---- V 1.1.8 ---- 25/5/2014 ----- Fixed multiple gallery posts behavior in archives       *archive.php- Modified Theme Screenshot       *screenshot.png- Enabled Automatic Theme Updates       */library/admin/quadro-options-general.php       */library/admin/quadro-register-options.php       */library/admin/quadro-options.php       */library/admin/updates.php       */library/admin/quadro-admin-options.js       */library/minuscula-functions.php---- V 1.1.7 ---- 16/1/2014 ----- Fixed webfont.js issue when no fonts selected       *library/admin/quadro-css-options.php---- V 1.1.6 ---- 15/1/2014 ----- Replaced version of TGM plugin act. class       *library/functions/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php- Fixed webfont.js and header issue on IE8       *library/admin/quadro-css-options.php---- V 1.1.5 ---- 13/8/2013 ----- Added RTL compatibility       *rtl.css -added       *library/images/10-rtl.png -added- Updated Cycle2 version       *library/js/scripts.js- Fixed multiple gallery posts behaviour       *blog.php       *home-recents.php- Added max-width to logo images       *style.css- Added "target" parameter to button shortcode       *minuscula-plugin.php       *quadro-shortcodes.php---- V 1.1.4 ---- 17/7/2013 ----- Added more optable rows for home portfolio       *library/admin/quadro-options.php- Changed Twitter Widget to API 1.1       *library/functions/quadro-widgets.php       *library/functions/codebird.php (added)       *library/functions/cacert.pem (added)       *style.css- Fixed bug with video displacement in home slider       *library/js/scripts.js---- V 1.1.3 ---- 17/6/2013 ----- Fixed portfolio item img size on smaller screens       *style.css- Fixed excerpt not showing up on Recent news on homepage       *home-recents.php- Added wp_link_pages to pages templates for pagination in pages       *page.php       *template-fullwidth.php       *template-topsidebar.php       *template-leftsidebar.php- Fixed prev and next links in single post view       *single.php- Minuscula Patch plugin updated to version 1.0.2       (fixed bug that kept creating the quadro portfolio category)---- V 1.1.2 ---- 29/5/2013 ----- Fixed submenu background issue in IE8       *style.css---- V 1.1.1 ---- 9/5/2013 ----- Enabled some HTML tags in blog template excerpts and slider       *blog.php       *home-slider.php- Added Social Icons to the available ones       *library/admin/quadro-register-options.php       *library/admin/quadro-options.php       *library/admin/quadro-options-social.php       *footer.php       *library/images/social - added images to folder- Added Disable Ajax Loading option for Home Portfolio       *library/admin/quadro-register-options.php       *library/admin/quadro-options.php       *library/admin/quadro-options-homepage.php       *home-portfolio.php       *library/js/scripts.js- Added Theme options titles to localization file       *library/admin/quadro-options-contact.php       *library/admin/quadro-options-design.php       *library/admin/quadro-options-general.php       *library/admin/quadro-options-homepage.php       *library/admin/quadro-options-social.php       *library/admin/quadro-options-typography.php       *library/languages/default.po---- V 1.1.0 ---- 17/4/2013 ----- Added option to show captions for Portfolio galleries- Added option to exclude Feat. image from Portfolio galleries- Added option for auto sliding Portfolio galleries       *library/functions/portfolio-type.php       *single-quadro_portfolio.php- Added "Disable Ajax Loading" option for Portfolio pages       *library/functions/portfolio-page-options.php       *portfolio-page.php       *library/js/scripts.js- Fixed SUbmenu error in IE8 XP       *style.css- Fixed gallery height animation in blog- Fixed multiple video Widgets height issue- Fixed Search box behavior on click and blur       *library/js/scripts.js- Fixed image backgrounds in Custom CSS Box       *library/admin/quadro-options-design.php- Fixed missing localization strings in       *portfolio-page.php       *home-portfolio.php       *search-form.php       *search.php       *home-slogan.php       *library/functions/quadro-widgets.php       *default.po- Fixed multiple Google Maps issue       *library/functions/quadro-widgets.php---- V 1.0.3 ---- 25/2/2013 ----- Fixed urls filtered in css options       *library/admin/quadro-register-options.php- Fixed items order showing up backwards in admin       *library/functions/portfolio-ordering-functions.php- Fixed Minuscula Magic issue on IE8       *library/admin/quadro-css-options.php- Fixed Portfolio Template error in IE8       *style.css- Added jQuery shortodes to Portfolio Items       *library/js/scripts.js---- V 1.0.2 ---- 6/2/2013 ----- Fixed TGM Plugin Activation message not dismissing       *functions.php- Fixed Skype icon appearing on footer always- Enabled img tags in Homepage Custom HTML       *library/admin/quadro-register-options.php- Enabled thumbnails in Recent News for Standard Posts       *home-recents.php- Added some extra css rules to portfolio thumbnails- Fixed margins for Posts Formats in Recent News- Fixed overlaying of Portfolio galleries over submenus       *style.css- Fixed PSD Files zip file- Corrected Documentation---- V 1.0.1 ---- 28/1/2013 ----- Fixed scrolling in Portfolio when content before portfolio items       *library/js/scripts.js- Removed slider navigation when just one slide- Fixed comment section margins in left sidebar templates- Fixed general margins for widgets       *style.css

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