Simplo - Responsive WordPress Blog / Personal

Simplo - Responsive WordPress Blog / Personal

Simplo Wordpress theme is for blog, personal or minimalist magazine. Sleek, minimalist and modern design based on light and dark color scheme in hand will bring your articles to the next level. Don’t forget to check the screenshots for this item.

Simplo WordPress theme is built on top rock-solid HTML5 and CSS3 Framework. It’s clearly that this theme has a responsive layout with adaptive approachment for each devices such as iPhone, iPad and many popular devices out there, give it a try using your device(s). Moreover, it comes with tons of features below.

Check more screenshots

Complete features

  1. Dummy data (widget, theme setting and posts) available for staging your site so you can import all data and have a staging site like the demo. Wanna help for setup? Just give us a call through contact form on profile page, it’s free.
  2. Documentation see it live in here
  3. Shortcode support it’s separated as plugin to make it flexible. Download the shortcode plugin from here
  4. Compatible with latest WordPress version
  5. Language for translation in .po format available.
  6. Custom header layout on the side or on top layout.
  7. Custom google webfonts all fonts are perfect for heading and body text.
  8. Custom widgets available.
  9. Responsive layout for tablet and mobile devices.
  10. PSDs format for customisation. All layers are separated and well organizing.
  11. Video support via oembed, list video support here.
  12. Template pages available to choose
    1. Homepage
    2. Archive by months
    3. Archive by categories
    4. Archive by tags
    5. Contact page (Display contact form and map location)
    6. Blog page (standard default page)
  13. Working ajax contact form with Google Map location on template page for contact.
  14. Minimalist and usable design orientation with content oriented in mind.
  15. Build on top rock-solid framework, HTML5 Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap.
  16. Supports are provided via forum support for better maintain each tickets. Don’t forget to register yourself, welcome!

Yes, we build this template on top (very) rock-solid framework and that’s all already inside this Simplo WordPress theme bundle, just for you!

Sources and Credits

I’ve used the following images, icons or other files as listed.


January 15, 2013 - Version 1.0:* First release.

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