PRIDE – Responsive HTML Template
Powerful site template designed in a clean and minimalistic style. This template is very flexible, easy for customizing and well documented, approaches for personal and professional use. Pride has been coded in HTML5 & CSS3 and jQuery. It has a solid flexible responsive layout that scales from 320px to 1260px width all
Bootstrap features. Follow me to be notified for future updates!

iPad and iPhone TESTED!
Template features:
- HTML5 & CSS3 & jQuery
- Responsive Bootstrap grid
- Filtered portfolio with css3 animations
- Working js/php Contact Form
- Working Twitter Feed
- Flexible Images & Videos
- Scales from 320px to 1170px
- 3 Portfolio Pages
- 2 Blog Pages
- Awesome touch support Sliders
- Working Responsive Google Map
- JQuery Responsive Dropdown menu
- Many more jQuery Features… (All Bootstrap Features)
- Homepage
- Homepage 2
- Scaffolding
- Typography and Code
- Tables and Forms
- Buttons and Icons
- Navigation
- Labels and Badges
- Alerts and Bars
- Javascript plugins I
- Javascript plugins II
- 2 Columns Portfolio
- 3 Columns Portfolio
- 4 Columns Portfolio
- Portfolio Ditais
- Blog I
- Blog II
- Blog Post
- Contact us
Awesome images ONLY FOR LIVE DEMO by
Michael Schmid on Creatticali