Commerce - Versatile & Responsive WordPress Theme

Commerce - Versatile & Responsive WordPress Theme
Commerce WordPress theme current version 1.4, see bottom page
Now Commerce is compatible latest Woocommerce 2. Thank you for your support, we do really appreciate it!

Yes, Commerce WordPress theme is Premium WordPress ecommerce theme with pinterest style that’d be perfect and suitable for your retail and online business store. You can sell wide-range categories, almost any type of your products for your online store. Of course this theme will makes your store looks more outstanding and modern than standard online store out there.

Commerce WordPress theme is built on top rock-solid HTML5 and CSS3 Framework. It’s clearly that this theme is a responsive layout with adaptive approachment for each devices such as iPhone, iPad and many popular devices out there, give it a try using your device(s). Common approachment for Commerce WordPress theme are listed below:

Built-in custom widgets -- Custom widgets available for you to place on your sidebar or footer area. Just select your widget then drag ‘em to widget areas, show ‘em to your visitors. Check out the demo page to view it.

Responsive with your mobile devices -- Did we mention it earlier? Yes, it does responsive layout for your mobile devices. For viewport 1200+ (desktop computer), 1024+ (notebook and iPad landscape mode), 768+ (netbook and iPad portrait mode) and viewport under 640px (Smartphone). Of course, swipe support for all carousels on your devices.

Pinterest Layout -- See this layout in action on homepage to show all your products or all items you have including blog post and check out the product page. We’re too kind to let you have this layout for your nices store. Enjoy!

Five options for homepage layout and two type slider -- Available with 3D slider or fullwidth carouslider. Choose it with your prefer slider to display. This homepage layout options really useful for A/B testing your homepage, which one that attract more visitor while visiting your online business store. Just select and assign your page template.

Tumblog format blogging -- Yes, it does support with video format (oembed) and audio using jPlayer. Also, it does responsive. Wohoo!

Testimonials from buyer & customers about Commerce

Brilliant template – elegant in both design and also the extremely neat coding and functional back end that even this wordpress novice could work with. These guys know what they are doing and are very helpful and extremely professional. Great combo! They have a customer for life here :)

-- Simone Howard, Website developer

PSDs Files

Attention. PSDs files inside this bundle, the rest of PSDs files you can request manually through contact form on our profile page. Be happy!
  • ZIP file size: 130MB+
  • Original files size: 1.3GB+

Sorry for this, due to error while uploading, we decide to split these files. Please make your request.

Complete template features

  1. Dummy data available for staging your site. (please install woocommerce plugin first, before you import the data)
  2. Compatible with latest WordPress 3.5.
  3. Support and compatible with latest woocommerce 2
  4. Support and compatible with jigoshop. Minimum WordPress 3.3+
  5. Support and compatible with buddypress. Minimum WordPress 3.3+
  6. Language for translation in .po format available.
  7. Custom widgets available.
    1. Tabs for post list
    2. Flickr photostream
    3. Twitter streamline
    4. Subscribe and connect
    5. Ads image
  8. Pinterest layout for homepage and products page.
  9. All slider and carousel displayed with responsive layout for mobile devices.
  10. Five homepage layout, useful for A/B testing.
  11. Call-to-action on homepage, make it easy to direct an action for visitor.
  12. Two layout options for products page, pinterest layout or standard non-dynamic image height format.
  13. Two pagination options, with load more (infinite scroll) trigger or standard pagination through number of page.
  14. PSDs format for customisation. All layers are separated and well organizing. Please make a request for the rest of files.
  15. Video support for blog posts.
  16. Audio support for blog posts using jPlayer.
  17. Template pages available to choose
    1. Homepage v1 (Full window slider)
    2. Homepage v2 (Full window slider with tabs under featured products)
    3. Homepage v3 (3D Slider)
    4. Homepage v4 (3D Slider with tabs under featured products)
    5. Homepage v5 (Display only all products, pinterest-like layout)
    6. Homepage v6 (Display all your product and blog post type items, pinterest like layout)
    7. Shop (Pinterest-like layout on your products page)
    8. Fullwidth (Full without sidebar on the right side)
    9. Contact page (Display contact form and map location)
    10. Blog page (Standard)
    11. Buddypress – Activity directory (If you using buddypress for your site)
  18. Working ajax contact form with Google Map location on template page for contact.
  19. Pixel perfect design orientation with large scalability in mind.
  20. Build on top rock-solid framework, HTML5 Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap.
  21. Extensive documentation, see here.

Yes, we build this template on top (very) rock-solid framework and that’s all already inside this Commerce WordPress theme bundle, just for you!

Sources and Credits

I’ve used the following images, icons or other files as listed.


December 10th, 2013 - v1.4 * Add: Integration with Envato WordPress Toolkit so user can update the theme easily * Edit: Support website with SSL enabled * Fix: Time format, if published date more than 1 week, use usual date format instead of "a time ago" format * Fix: Single products images size on IE * Fix: Pagination on Shop Masonry page template * Fix: Width of Top Menu on smaller screen * Fix: WooCommerce Layered Nav Widget style * Fix: Variations drop down menu when product have more than one variations * Fix: Variations drop down menu when 'Clear Selection' was clicked * Fix: Top menu on mobile * Fix: Cart Dropdown on mobile * Fix: Move image gallery before the content, so it will appear on top of the content when on mobile phone * Fix: featured image shows twice in the gallery popupJuly 30th, 2013 - v1.3.3* Add: Support for WooCommerce bulk variations plugin* Add: WooCommerce attributes archive page* Add: Google+ link on Nesia Social widget* Add: Google+ counter on the header* Fix: Null variable on Sidebar Manager function* Fix: Star Rating on search page* Fix: Product gallery image counter* Fix: Out of stock products* Fix: Warning in Theme Options* Fix: WooCommerce taxonomy attributes archive page* Fix: WooCommerce single product summary hookJune 16th, 2013 - Version 1.3.2* Add: New pagination type, Infinite scroll* Add: Collapsible Product Categories widget* Add: Options to add different banner for each product category* Add: Meta box for post format gallery, so user can easily add or remove image from gallery* Fix: AddThis script* Fix: Twitter followers count and Facebook likes count* Fix: Twitter widget performance by caching the user timeline with WordPress transient* Fix: Flickr wider performance by caching photos data with WordPress transient * Fix: Search page when there is no result* Fix: Product Categories count in widget* Fix: Single product gallery popup box error* Fix: WooCommerce archive product title* Fix: add to cart script* Fix: add to cart button on Samsung Galaxy S1* Fix: script.js for child themes example* Fix: Use new Twitter API v1.1 with authentication* Fix: Product SubCategories option* Edit: Change WooCommerce default image setting (since v1.3.1)* Edit: Remove Twitter Anywhere ScriptMay 1st, 2013 - Version 1.3.1* Add: Maintenance Mode* Add: Coming Soon Mode* Add: Child theme example, in case you need it* Add: Options to change single product gallery type, popup box or zoom* Fix: Header logo not vertically aligned* Fix: Google Maps UI squashed on contact page* Fix: style.css url, so it can be used by child themes* Fix: Page title ribbon shown even when the option is disabled* Fix: post not shown when infinite loading is finished* Fix: Star rating* Fix: Woocommerce message* Fix: Different image for different product variations* Fix: Single product gallery on WooCommerce 2* Fix: WooCommerce 2 products sorting on products page* Update: Nesia FrameworkApril 3rd, 2013 - Version 1.3* Add: Caption on Featured Category* Add: BuddyPress title (ribbon)* Add: Conditional check on Theme Options when WooCommerce/Jigoshop is not installed* Add: Product category description on product category page* Add: Fade masonry layout on first load, and animate after image finished loading* Add: Single attachment page* Add: Support WooCommerce 2.0.x* Fix: BuddyPress register page* Fix: BuddyPress CSS conflict* Fix: BuddyPress member page layout* Fix: Compatible with BuddyPress 1.6.x* Fix: Facebook link on share product* Fix: template-contact.php - Checking for contact form if contact email is empty* Fix: Undefined variable warning on Flickr Widget* Fix: Memory leaks on single product page* Fix: Popular post* Fix: nesia_image() function for Pinterest style* Fix: Sidebar Manager for child page in BuddyPress* Fix: Pinterest product layout options on homepage template* Fix: Make product image bigger, image will have better quality on mobile* Fix: Show "Add to cart button" for product archive when on mobile* Fix: 3D Slider flickering on Mozilla Firefox* Fix: Jquery UI conflict when user still using WooCommerce 1.5.x* Fix: Error notice on Tabs Widget* Fix: Cart country field* Fix: Hide full window slider before all images are loaded to prevent layout "jumping" * Fix: Sorting in Masonry Shop Template* Fix: Disable touch swipe event for slider* Fix: WebKit font smoothing because it will make text blurry on OS X Snow Leopard* Fix: Clean up some unneeded code from stylesheets* Fix: Localization text in HTML attributes* Fix: Cross-sells layout* Fix: Cross sells title font size* Fix: Responsive table on cart page* Fix: Typography inside product description* Fix: Page Title especially in paging* Fix: Add to cart button not working on WooCommerce 2.x* Fix: $nesia_options value is NULL when theme first installed* Fix: Tabs, content product & reviews* Fix: Star rating* Fix: Price Filter Widget* Fix: Cart table* Fix: Menu width in header when logo is wider* Fix: Page title ribbon not shown on some page* Fix: Page title ribbon when title is long* Edit: Update NesiaFramework into 1.1* Edit: Update products section on homepage template, add Pinterest style option* Edit: Theme Options improvement* Edit: Remove/add callback for WooCommerce deprecated functions* Edit: Rating text on homepage* Edit: Page Title SequenceDecember 12th, 2012 - Version 1.2* Fix: Text in Connect/Subscribe Widget* Fix: Product variations price data on single product page* Fix: template_include filter for cart and checkout page on WooCommerce* Fix: swfpath for jplayer fallback in older browser* Fix: Related tabs and Upsells product tabs on single page* Fix: Cart page and checkout page view on mobile* Fix: Responsive table view* Edit: Language send email button* Fix: jQuery UI Tabs now working on WordPress 3.5* Fix: Shop and Blog masonry layout now working on WordPress 3.5* Fix: Theme panel input button on WordPress 3.5* Fix: Sidebar manager layout error when sidebar is taller than main content* Fix: Number pagination layout when have a lot of product/post* Fix: Post format gallery slider* Fix: Sorting product on WooCommerce shop page* Fix: Slider on Price Filter WidgetOctober 10th, 2012 - Version 1.1.4* Edit: WooCommerce - Button for external product.* Fix: Sorting on shop masonry page.* Fix: Theme options on breadcrumb.* Fix: Triangle badge color, when product on sale on single product page* Fix: Buy button for external product (WooCommerce)* Fix: Woocommerce product shortcode* Fix: Masonry layout on Internet Explorer* Fix: Single product images gallery on Internet ExplorerAugust 28th, 2012 - Version 1.1.3* Add: Localization.* Fix: Pagination on search page.* Fix: Support for WooCommerce 1.6.+.* Edit: Counting follower twitter and fan pages likes with js script.* Edit: Change button if out of stock.* Edit: Now can display subcategory products on home page.July 23th, 2012 - Version 1.1.2 * Add: Field setting at theme panel, for manage ribbon. * Add: Field setting at theme panel, for manage filter product on homepage/template page (recent, featured, sale, and popular). * Add: Field setting at theme panel, for enable auto rotate and auto rotate interval for 3D Slider. * Edit: Social icon on Subscribe widget. * Fix: jigoshop - images gallery on single product. * Fix: validation on Template Contact page.July 7th, 2012 - Version 1.1.1: * Fix: logo footer. (minor bugs)- July 6th, 2012 - Version 1.1: * Add: template Home - Post like Pinterest. * Add: widget - latest post. * Add: Field setting at theme panel, for manage products featured at home page. * Add: Field setting at theme panel, you can check/uncheck for force height at single product gallery. * Fix: Logo on footer, now can manage on theme options. * Fix: Title section on taxonomy page. * Fix: Bugs on rating product at shop page (WooCommerce). * Edit: Change get count fans and follower methods. * Fix: Container on Checkout page * Dummy data been added- June 24th, 2012 - Version 1.0 :* First release.

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