Radial Blog Wordpress Theme Description
Theme is Wordpress 3.5 and 3.6 Ready!
Radial is a Blog Wordpress Theme, suited for users who want to run a professional or personal blog and wants to showcase your products, services or news in a creative manner.
This Blog Wordpress Theme comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the backend. You can choose any color you want to be the Theme’s leading color (you can see 8 examples in our preview). You will notice the horizontal borders in the header and slideshows. You can turn them on or off in the backend. We used widget lines under the titles in the sidebar. These can also be turned on and off in the backend to give you full control over these features.
The greatest feature on the home page is the recent posts / portfolio section. It will allow you to add several posts and portfolio projects to the front page in a unique way. It is designed so your visitors can see the description and images from the post on the fly without leaving the front page. Be sure to click on the posts to see this great feature in full.
Radial – Blog Wordpress Theme Features
- 2 built in sliders
- 5 custom Widgets
- Google Web Fonts
- Wordpress 3 Ready
- Video, Gallery and Link Posts Templates (3.3 Wordpress Feature) browser!
- CSS3 Features and Animations
- Detailed written help file
- +30 shorcodes with easy shortcode generator.
- Use your custom logo and favicon icon.
- 3 home page layouts (fullscreen & composition).
- 3 portfolio page layouts (2,3,4 columns)
- 5 page Templates
- 4 Post Templates (Standard, video, link, gallery)
- Filterable portfolio items.
Radial Blog Wordpress theme supports the latest feature of Wordpress that allows you to add specific posts that contain video, links or gallery. Videos and Gallery will appear on the front of the Blog page so visitors can run the video or look at the gallery without clicking on the post itself. Below are instructions of how to set it up:
Video Post – you have to add at the top of the post the following shortcode video. The rest of the content is added in a standard way. Choose Video from the Format list on the right.
Link Post – you have to add at the top of the post the following shortcode [pmc_link]http://premiumcoding.com[/pmc_link]. The rest of the content is added in a standard way. Choose Link from the Format list on the right.
Gallery Post – Gallery is added via Wordpress native media upload form. Simply add the images and then insert the gallery into the post. Choose Gallery from the Format list on the right.
Standard Post – Choose Standard from the Format list on the right and add the content.
Documentation is ofcourse included in the Theme but you can also read it on our website. Check the Radial Portfolio Wordpress theme documentation here.
Radial – Blog Wordpress Theme Support
Our new support portal just went live. You will find knowledgebase, faq and new forums. Link to the portal:
http://themesupport.premiumcoding.comMake an account with your Envato login name. Choose your password and enter your purchase code. Below is a tutorial for registration:
http://themesupport.premiumcoding.com/kb/registration-on-premiumcoding-support-portal/For General inquiries go to General section of the forum and post your questions / suggestions about our Themes and plugins. You can also find demo content in our forum.
Blog & Portfolio Wordpress Theme Change Log
15.3.2012 – v.1.01- Added the ability to hide the notification bar in Admin Panel
- Added the ability to hide the social icons widget in footer in Admin Panel
- Fixed the paragraph bug in visual editor for Posts, Pages and Portfolios
- Added the date color for default WordPress Calendar
- Fixed a bug that occured in the main menu if it was without description text
- Fixed some issues with animations on front page
- Fixed paddings for default WordPress menu Widget
- Fixed the appearence of apostrophe in notification text under Slideshow
- Fixed the alignments of comments under posts
- Social icons in Blog now works so you can share the post directly from the Blog.
Important:After the update you have to turn on the display of notification bar (in general settings) and display of social icons (in footer settings) since you can now choose whether to display them or not.
22.3.2012 – v1.02- fixed the transition between last and first image on full width Slideshow
- dynamic height adjustment on home recent posts / portfolio items according to the amount of text
- lightbox added to all images in posts and pages
- fixed a bug in contact page where unwated character ”/” appeared when adding an apostrophe
- fixed the navigation bug that was caused by certain plugins
- Fixed a bug when some people couldn’t see the Admin properly
- Fixed a bug when full width slideshow didn’t work if it didn’t have a description
- You can now have full titles on home page recent posts / portfolio items (it will go to next line and adjust the height of the box accordingly)
- Fixed a bug with lightbox at default Wordpress Gallery where it would show duplicate captions.
- Adjusted some heading’s line height
- Fixed a bug with the second text caption on full width slideshow (you can now properly set the background)
- Titles in related posts widget are no longer truncated
- Fixed a bug when searching with no results
- Fixed a bug for gallery post in category view
- Revamped the latest featured items on the front page
- Added option to browse by categories of the blog in the latest featured items on the front page
- Added option to browse by categories of the portfolio section in the latest featured items on the front page
Opus – Multipurpose Business Wordpress Theme

HTML version of Radial
Responsive Business Wordpress Theme: Equipe
Responsive Business Wordpress Theme: Elegantica
Creative Full width Blog Wordpress Theme: Darx
Minimalistic Wordpress Theme: Mistix
Fashion Blog Wordpress Theme
HTML version of RetyX Template
Wordpress Template of RetyX Template
Premium Wordpress Plugins
Do also check some of our Premium Wordpress Plugins that will look great with your brand new Theme!Facebook Fan Page Themes
Wordpress Fading Menu with Notification Bar
Wordpress Events Calendar
Wordpress Blog on your Facebook Fan Page
WordPress Accordion Slideshow
WordPress 3D Banner Rotator with Statistics
First version of accordion image rotator
Facebook flash photography template
Images in previews are not available for download and are only used in previews.
Featured items
- Template demo images licensed from Photodune for preview usage. Please do not attempt to rip the images from the preview!
- JQuery
- Google Web Fonts
- Nivo Slider by dev7studios
- SWFObject
- Matte White Social Icons by Webtreats
- Timthumb
- Featured Icons by icons.mysitemyway