EKHOS Design Agency

EKHOS Design Agency

Ekhos has been designed to primarily serve as a design studio website, however it can be easily modifiable to serve for a personal portfolio and not only.

There are 7 PSDs within the .zip file, each to be easily changed and adapted for your required content.

1. Home (The main page is different to the secondary pages because of the large header, allowing you to have an image slider. This has a nicely structured content, with space for Twitter etc.)
2. Portfolio (Includes a simple system allowing you to see a few thumbnails along with a short description. Once the Image is clicked the Zoom-In effect pops up with a small navigation system to allow you to change between the available portfolio images.
3. Services (A simple services page with 3 steps and 3 tables.)
4. About (A nicely structured about page designed to allow you to show some information about you, your team and your company)
5. Blog (A simple blog, designed to work best with wordpress)
6. Contact (A simple form, with space for extra contact details and a mini map)
7. ImageZoom (This is a bonus showing you how the portfolio will work once you click an image)

I've used the following fonts:

Myriad Pro: http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/adobe/myriad/
TitilliumText22L: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/TitilliumText

Icons from: http://iconfinder.com (Token Dark+Light)

Images used for preview only.

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