Update 1.3 – Coming Soon
Will be added
- Advantico Facebook page design
Update 1.2 – 29.03.2011
- Responsive layout for about page
- Responsive layout for dropdown menu
Update 1.1 – 27.03.2012
- Responsive layout for main page (Added 3 files with dimension 320 px, 480 px, 768 px )
Detailed and pixel perfect psd

We’ve included 26 psds with this theme:
1) 00_first 2) 01_main_1 3) 01_main_2 4) 01_main_3 5) 01_main_4 6) 01_main_5 7) 01_main_6 8 ) 01_main_7 9) 01_main_8 10) 01_main_9 11) 01_main_10 12)02_album_portfolio 13)02_portfolio 14)02_portfolio_image list 15)02_portfolio_imageslider 16)02_portfolio_singleproject 17)02_portfolio_singleproject_imagelist 18)03_archives 19)03_FAQs 20)03_resume 21)04_About_Page 22)04_blog 23)04_blog_singlepost 24)06_contacts 25)07_Buttons states 26)08_Dropdown Example FONTS
Open sans – http://www.google.com/webfonts/specimen/Open+Sans Kaushan Script – http://www.google.com/webfonts/specimen/Kaushan+Script ICONS :
You can get the icons used in the PSDs from http://www.iconsweets.comYou can get the icons used in the PSDs from http://www.iconsweets2.com IMAGES
Images are not included in psd.
http://www.ioandecean.info/http://philipbrunner.deviantart.com/gallery/http://creattica.com/ NOTE :The Images in the live preview will not be part of the design/theme meant for sale.