Cartful - Ecommerce WordPress Theme for Cart66

Cartful - Ecommerce WordPress Theme for Cart66


Cartful is WordPress Ecommerce

Cartful is built to make use of the Cart66 Cloud ecommerce plugin, making your WordPress install an amazing looking store. Cartful makes it easy to get your products front and center to start making sales. Clean and minimal, Cartful makes your products punch your customers square in the face… In a good way, of course!

If you have any questions about how the cart systems work, please visit This theme simply styles how Cart66 Cloud looks and displays, it does nothing to the functionality of Cart66 Cloud.

Note: This theme does not yet work with Cart66 Lite or Pro.

Affiliate Mode

Affiliate Mode makes it easy for affiliates to create products and link the Buy Now button to another website with your affiliate link. It’s as easy as copy and paste. Cart66 not required.


  • Translation file included! – Use Cartful WP in any language
  • Fully responsive and Retina/Hi-Def display ready
  • Styled for Gravity Forms
  • CSS3 transitions throughout and a rockin’ slider on the home page
  • Simply upload your product images to that post and Cartful will automatically generate a gallery on that product’s page. No shortcodes or plugins needed. It’s pretty awesome.
  • Color picker tools for your links, buttons, and slider/gallery backgrounds
  • Custom “Recent Products” widget
  • Social Media Icons
  • Easy setup with easy to follow instructions
  • Valid XHTML


Support is provided to all customers at You’ll need your Purchase Code to access this theme’s section in the forum. To find your purchase code, go to your Downloads page, click on “License Certificate” on the theme you wish to get support on, open the file and look for the “Item Purchase Code”. That’s what you’ll need.

Some images in demo courtesy of and some WP friends.


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