Salbii - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Salbii - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Salbii 2.9 is now available for download!

Salbii is a multipurpose responsive WordPress theme packed with a wealth of retina-ready icons, custom color schemes and various header options. The theme features Visual Composer, LayerSlider, Flex SLider and Nivo Slider as well as an intuitive theme options panel.

Your imagination is the limit! Salbii is suitable for corporate websitesbusiness company, marketing agency, recruitment and HR, product showcase, etc – or for creative websites photography, video, illustrators, designers, writers, bloggers, etc.

Salbii’s versatility provides you with the right tools to weave elegant websites to suit your target audience.

  • Slider Revolution included -- worth $19
  • LayerSlider included -- worth $18
  • Visual Composer included -- worth $30
    • Extended Visual Composer shortcodes -- Create your website easily with drag and drop functionality, without writing any code.
      • Buttons with Retina Ready icons
      • Additional button styles
        • Flat & outline styles
        • Square, radius & rounded corners
      • Retina Ready icon boxes
      • Out of the box sections with many features:
        • Parallax section background
        • Fixed section background
        • Semi-transparent image with colour background
        • Advanced background image size and position controls
        • Inner shadow
        • Pattern repeat
      • Featured pricing table element
        • Colored table columns
        • Three different options to display your features
      • Advanced spacing for any element
      • Slider element
      • Projects grid element

  • Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer included -- worth $17
  • Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress included -- worth $12
  • Responsive design
  • Mobile menu
  • Retina Ready logo
  • Advanced typography options -- supports Google Fonts, Typekit, and other font providers

  • WPML ready -- fully compatible with the WordPress Multilingual Plugin
  • Site-wide top-bar
    • Two separate sections
    • Display social media icons, menus or custom text
  • Unlimited header color combinations
  • 3 header layout options
  • 3 header height options
  • Custom text and background color for page titles
  • Breadcrumbs in the title bar
  • Tfingi MegaMenu plugin included
  • Site-wide call to action block
  • Site-wide pre-footer area with 8 layout options
  • Site-wide footer with 8 layout options

  • 3 predesigned home page options
  • 8 predesigned pages

  • Portfolio
    • With filtering by project type or project attributes
    • 4 teaser presentation options
    • Additional page elements before and after portfolio projects
    • Masonry layout
      • 2 column
      • 3 column
      • 4 column
    • Grid layout
      • 2 column
      • 3 column
      • 4 column
    • Full width layout
      • 2 column
      • 3 column
      • 4 column

  • 6 blog layout options:
    • Including masonry & grid layout
    • With the option of 2, 3 or 4 column layout

  • Works great with MailChimp for WP plugin
  • Works great with Rotating Tweets plugin
  • Works great with Contact Form 7 plugin


Version 2.9 – May 4, 2016


* New: Style options for VC Tour element* New: Style options for VC Tabs element* New: Style options for VC Accordion element* New: Style options for VC Button element* New: Style options for VC Call To Action element* Deprecated: Elements Carousel element* Deprecated: Call To Action Block element* Various minor fixes and improvements


* Visual Composer version 4.8.1 to* Ultimate Addons version 3.13.7 to 3.16.2* Revolution Slider version 5.1.2 to 5.2.5* LayerSlider version 5.6.2 to 5.6.5* Easy Social Share Buttons version 3.2.4 to 3.5

Version 2.8 – November 26, 2015


* Fixed: .po file translation for Metabox content* Fixed: issue when saving 'Project Grid' element* Improvement: .po file translation for Portfolio/Projects* Improvement: More Google Fonts added to theme options


* Visual Composer version 4.7.4 to 4.8.1* Ultimate Addons version 3.13.4 to 3.13.7* Revolution Slider version 5.0.9 to 5.1.2* lbmn-projects version 0.2 to 0.3

Version 2.7 – October 09, 2015


* Improved compatibility with Visual Composer 4.7* Minor bug fixes


* TGM Plugin Activation version 2.5.0 to 2.5.2* ESSB version 3.0.3 to 3.2.4* Visual Composer version 4.6.1 to 4.7.4* Layerslider version 5.5.0 to 5.6.2* Ultimate Addons version 3.13.0 to 3.13.4

Version 2.6 – July 13, 2015


* Fixed yearly blog archive


* TGM Plugin Activation version 2.4.2 to version 2.5.0* ESSB version to version 3.0.3* Visual Composer version 4.5.2 to version 4.6.1* Layersider version 5.4.0 to version 5.5.0* Ultimate Addons version 3.11.0 to version 3.13.0

Version 2.4 – March 07, 2015

After updating to v2.4, you need to go to 'Settings > Permalinks' and click SAVE


* Refined the default button colours for disabled and focus* Resolved the 'GetImageSize' error message from the Theme Options* Amended the Logo URL from WordPress site address to WordPress home address* Refined the logo size on mobile devices* Refined the logo vertical position for desktop and mobile* Resolved some missing mega menu images from the demo content


* Visual Composer to version 4.4.2* Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer to version 3.9.4* Easy Social Share Buttons to version 2.0.3* LBMN Projects

Version 2.3 – January 07, 2015


* Compatibility improvements for WordPress 4.1


* Visual Composer updated to version 4.3.5

Version 2.2 – December 06, 2014


* Refined menu rendering in Chrome* Refined the responsive layout for post grid* Refined the isotope transition on project filter* Removed getimagesize() for the header logo* Rectified an issue with the Icon Box element


* Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer to version 3.6.1* Easy Social Share Buttons to version 2.0.2* Slider Revolution to version 4.6.5* LayerSlider to version 5.3.2

Version 2.1 – September 19, 2014


* Call to action button link target* YouTube background video* Project grid conflict and animation* Various adjustments for compatibility with WordPress 4* Adjustments to Visual Composer styling


* Visual Composer to version 4.3.4* Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer to version 3.4.6* Easy Social Share Buttons to version* Slider Revolution to version 4.6.0* LayerSlider to version 5.2.0

Version 2.0 – July 21, 2014


* Boxed layout* Site background image for boxed layout* Site background patterns option for boxed layout* 12 preset patterns (solid and semi-transparent)* Option to upload your own pattern* WPML string translation for Theme Options content* Thoroughly revised Theme Options panel* New icons for top bar to include Skype and Xing* Added option to fix header* New SCSS files


* Extensive CSS refinements* Various enhancements throughout the theme* Rectified logo resizing issue* Search field adjustments* Various responsive improvements* Portfolio improvements for display on tablets* Improved Tfingi MegaMenu performance


* New theme documentation* Visual Composer to version 4.2.3* Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer to version 3.3.0* Easy Social Share Buttons to version* Slider Revolution to version 4.5.9 SkyWood

Version 1.9.2 & 1.9.3 – May 15, 2014


* Improved header layouts* Fixed header color options* Fixed pre-footer widget area* Rectified Visual Composer duplicating elements


* Visual Composer to version* Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer to version 2.7.1

Version 1.9.1 – May 14, 2014


* Added the option to increase the bottom margin of the logo


* Rectified an issue with the row background colour* Rectified an issue with the search feature * Searching the page in Chrome does not pull results from off-canvas menu* Adjustment to the alignment of the header logo* Adjustment to the alignment of the 3 column posts grid* Adjustment to the alignment of content when inside a parallax row* Fixed the loading issue with the Frontend visual composer editor* Further adjustments to the CSS animation for a smoother mobile experience* Enhancement to Flex Slider transitions* Improvement to the Interactive banner element* Pricing table element is now editable* Refinements to the header layouts


* Easy Social Share Buttons to version* Visual Composer to version 4.1.3* Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer to version 2.7.0

Version 1.9 – May 8, 2014


* Added SLIDER REVOLUTION version 4.3.8 SkyWood - worth $19* Added CSS style for the menu items to drop down to the left* Added the option to disable the floating header for mobile devices* Added the option to disable featured images on blog posts* Added the option hide/show rows on mobile, table and desktop


* Language selector improvements for mobile devices* Adjustments to Google font selector in Theme Options* Rectified various warnings displayed with debug mode enabled* Refinement to sorting posts by author* Refinement to sorting posts by date archive* A thorough new row styling approach to replace previous background styling options* Various css improvement to Tfingi mega menu* Various css improvement to the portfolio grid* Small adjustment to the navigation of the Nivo Slider* Disabled CSS animation for mobile devices for smoother loading experience* Fixed IE9 bugs


* Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer to version 2.6.2

Version 1.8 – April 24, 2014


* Added demo ‘Counters’, ‘Flip boxes’ and ‘Banners’


* Various WordPress 3.9 compatibility improvements* Fixed the date display on masonry blog* Fixed language selector overlay for WPML* Fixed issue with template-tags and function being called twice* Fixed font display in some Visual Composer elements


* Visual Composer to version 4.1.2

Version 1.7 – April 18, 2014


* Option to insert a custom ‘Favicon’* Added ‘Back to top’ feature* Added further translation to .po/.mo files* Added options to change ‘Top Bar’ colors* Added options to change footer colors* Added options to change footer menu colors


* Fixed Google Fonts* Reinstated the author avatar on blog posts* Further adjustments to off-canvas menu in IE9* Various minor CSS fixes* Blog archives refinements for Tags and Categories* WordPress 3.9 compatibility improvements


* Easy Social Share Buttons to version 1.3.9* Visual Composer to version 4.1* Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer to version 2.6.0

Version 1.6 – April 04, 2014


* Added new Footer widget area 25% | 50% | 25%* Added more parallax effects* Added the option to close off-canvas menu by touching the main content * Added ‘Previous/Next’ to single portfolio projects* Added more demo content - homepages* Added new LayerSlider demos* Added further translation to .po/.mo files


* Fixed bug with off-canvas menu in IE9* Add ‘close’ next to the ‘X’ for the off-canvas menu* Fixed sidebar on Blog pages* Added blog layout options in Theme Options* Frontend Visual Composer  margin compatibility refined* Enhancement to the Icon Manager


* Visual Composer to version 4.0.4* Easy Social Share Buttons to version 1.3.8* LayerSlider to version 5.1.1* Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer to version 2.3.0

Version 1.5 – March 26, 2014


* New premium plugin 'Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer' added  - worth $15* 11 new content elements added:   * Icons (with new icon font manager)   * Info Box   * Info List   * Flip Box   * Counter    * Interactive Banner   * Modal Popup Box   * Timeline   * Extended Google Maps   * Alternative Row Backgrounds with Vertical & Horizontal Parallax   * Video Background   * Multilayer Hover Parallax* Easy Social Share Buttons: Added support for Reddit* Easy Social Share Buttons: Social Share Optimization meta tags* Easy Social Share Buttons: Automatically display popup or sidebar in combination with another display method


* Visual Composer: Cloning elements in frontend is handled better* Visual Composer: "Edit with Visual Composer" button in the admin bar now shows for correct user roles (who have access rights)* Visual Composer: VC button in the backend received a facelift* Visual Composer: Visual Composer support for child themes improved* Visual Composer: Element dependencies tweaked to work with multiple values* Masonry blog layout with sidebar fixed* Various bug fixes


* Visual Composer to version 4.0.3* Easy Social Share Buttons to version 1.3.5

Version 1.4 – March 19, 2014


* Fixed empty search results page* Fixed search functionality* Fixed a bug when blog sidebar options do not work as expected* Visual Composer: 'button 2' align center now works with .center class* Reduced page title bottom margin on blog-posts * Easy Social Share Buttons: Fixed issue with on post/page settings conflict with other plugins* Easy Social Share Buttons: Fixed issue with Google Analytic for WordPress plugin which breaks share* Added published date for blog posts* Improved pie-chart display for mobile devices* Translation improvements* Adjusted dates display


* Easy Social Share Buttons to version 1.3.4

Version 1.3 – March 14, 2014


* Visual Composer: Google Maps element updated to support the new Google Maps* Visual Composer: Child theme support added* Easy Social Share Buttons: New template Flat (Retina)* Easy Social Share Buttons: Option to share short URL in Twitter share* Easy Social Share Buttons: Advanced Custom Share options* Easy Social Share Buttons: New admin panel* Demo child theme included for advanced customizations


* Fixed header/navigation bug on window resize* Improved styling of Visual Composer Carousel element* LayerSlider licence key request block removed* Fixed featured image bug for blog posts with image width less than 1130px* Disabled page title breadcrumbs output until it will be improved* Blog post dates format now works in accordance with WordPress settings


* Visual Composer updated to version 4.0.2* Easy Social Share Buttons updated to version 1.3.2

Version 1.2 – March 6, 2014


* Added new premium plugin  worth $11: Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress[]* Added the option to fix header position on window scroll* Added option to set parallax effect speed* Added the latest feature of Visual Composer 4.0.1: The all new ‘frontend editor’* Added on-demand image resizing with Aqua-Resizer


* Fixed parallax background functionality* Fixed the site logo hyperlink area* Fixed demo content import failure on some hosting environments * Fixed Tfingi Mega Menu plugin notices


* Visual Composer to version 5.0.2* Contac Form 7 to version 3.7.2* Tfingi Mega Menu to version 1.0.2

Version 1.1 – February 28, 2014

* Added .mo / .po files for theme translation* Fixed archive page title* Fixed menu font weight setting* Fixed logo margins* Fixed custom CSS  output - Advanced Settings > Custom CSS* Fixed footer menu line

Version 1.0 – February 26, 2014

* Initial release

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