Old Rockstone House–Blog, Gallery, Folio + RTL

Old Rockstone House-Blog, Gallery, Folio + RTL

“Old Rockstone House” is a classic responsive theme done for wordpress.org. Home page with full-width background photograph features 3 widgetized draggable cards and a preface.

Suitable for various websites which need to showcase gallery of images, standalone list of items linked to full post (type “portfolio”, “collection” or similar) and contains blog as well.

Comes with page templates for Home, Testimonials, Contact, Gallery, Portfolio (Rooms on the demo) and 404 pages. Comes with differently styled single post pages for Portfolio (Rooms on the demo) and Testimonials.

Comes with 4 custom widgets: for arranging Home page, Gallery page + Responsive Google AdSense widget.

Comes with RTL version.

Features and specifications

  • Responds on smaller devices?–Yes
  • Retina ready?–Yes
  • Is drop-down menu supported?–Yes (one level)
  • Is WP customiser supported?–Yes (insert your background via customiser, change title and more)
  • Is custom gravatar supported?–Yes
  • Are post formats supported?–Yes (not styled, Standard only)
  • Is RTL supported?–Yes
  • Are widgets supported?–Yes + custom widgets
  • Translation ready?–Yes
  • Is decompressed WP image quality redecompressed?–Yes (100% quality instead of 90% default)
  • Has Theme Options?–WP Customiser only
  • Has page builder?–No
  • Has custom post types (CPT)?–No
  • Has shortcodes?–No

Draggable cards

Responsive Google AdSense widget



  • Sosa Icon Font by Ed Merritt
  • Google Web Fonts Droid Sans and Playfair Display
  • Images and photographs (not included): partially by me and by A. Osen

Tested on:

WP 3.5 and WP 3.6.1. Validation errors (html)–0. ThemeCheck–0. OS and browsers: Mac, Windows XP, Windows 7, iOs7 | Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, IE8, IE10, iPhone 4S

Review from article “10 Best WordPress Themes not to be missed!” published on WPThemes:

“Crafty, do it yourself (DIY) website owners are a special breed of bloggers. They seem to be birds of a feather that all flock to together and follow each other’s lead when it comes to design. The design of choice is usually coloful, crafty, vintage and sometimes all out “funky.” Crafty bloggers update themes often, because they are always trying new things out, and have a great deal of competition.

“Old Rockstone House” is a responsive ready made WordPress theme that is just begging to be used in a DIY website. The 3 place cards on the homepage can be moved anywhere on the screen and remind me of a home made craft project that is synonymous with DIY style websites.

The overall design is somewhat “old fashioned,” meets modern design and together somehow, it just works. The portfolio pages in this theme are really great looking and add that perfect little bit of pizazz that makes the theme go from ordinary to extraordinary.

The front page place cards are a great way to create three separate focused content areas such as bright colors, pastels and dark colors or living room, dining room and bathroom, in the case of an interior designer. Depending on the niche that you are in, I am certain you can find a variety of uses for them .

Included in the theme are page templates for the home page, testimonials, contact, galleries, portfolio and 404 pages. The single post pages for the portfolio and testimonials are styled differently from the rest of the theme adding the perfect touch.”

–Thank you, Peter, so much!


Important! Please pay attention: I made a mistake in Help File by writing that you should select 404.php as a page template. It is not a page template, it will appear automatically (in case page does not exist) if you set up 404 via your hosting. Please ignore this line: “404 page. Select 404 page template” in Chapter 2.Thank you strategicblend for pointing that out!

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