Charity+ WordPress Theme

Charity+ WordPress Theme

As the name says, this WordPress theme is a great choice for your charity / non-profit organisation. Some of the most important functionalities this theme have are: Events, Causes, Gallery, Latest news. We worked hard to make creating any of this elements, or all of them, effortless as easy as child’s play is.

CharityPlus Video

CharityPlus - WordPress Theme for non-profit organisations

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What people say about Themes Kingdom

Micha Karmann
Guys … you’re FANTASTIC! AWESOME!!! THIS is what I call support. One of the best here at ThemeForest. Maybe the best. THANX!!!

Nicole Allison
The experience I’ve had with Themes Kingdom has been wonderful. The customer support it exceptional and the amount of attention to detail and care that goes into the templates is wonderful. I would highly recommend Themes Kingdom to any developer or anyone looking to create a spectacular site on the WordPress platform.

Vukasin Stojkov
We are very happy to be among the numerous happy Themes Kingdom customers and can recommend you to try one of their solutions yourselves. We are pretty sure we will do so again in the future.


Version 1.7.3 (January 20, 2016)- WordPress 4.4.1 redirect fix- Files changed: functions/functions.php, footer.phpVersion 1.7.2 (December 23, 2015)- Minor bug fixes and improvements- Files changed: archive.php, single-events.php, single-team-members.php, style.css, templates/parts/entry-meta.php, templates/parts/format-standard.php, templates/parts/format-video.phpVersion 1.7.1 (August 24, 2015)- WP 4.3 support- new contact form and page template- new icons- fixed bugs with sidebars- various layout and JS fixes- Files changed: single-events.php, single-services.php, style.css, functions/functions.php, templates/parts/entry-social.php, templates/parts/format-aside.php, templates/parts/format-audio.php, templates/parts/format-chat.php, templates/parts/format-gallery.php, templates/parts/format-image.php, templates/parts/format-link.php, templates/parts/format-quote.php, templates/parts/format-standard.php, templates/parts/format-video.php, css/icons/icomoon.ttf, css/icons/icomoon.woff, functions/register-sidebars.php, functions/widgets.php, functions/plugins/, templates/template-contact.php, templates/template_events.php, templates/parts/contact-form.php, templates/parts/contact-map.php, img/search-button.pngVersion 1.7 (June 22, 2015)- Multiple theme improvements and updates - Files changed: config/admin-config.phpconfig/localize-script-config.phpconfig/meta-box-config.phpcss/firefox.csscss/icons/icomoon.eotcss/icons/icomoon.svgcss/icons/icomoon.ttfcss/icons/icomoon.woffcss/style.cssfunctions/class-tgm-plugin-activation.phpfunctions/functions.phpfunctions/plugins/aq-page-builder.zipfunctions/plugins/shortcodes.zipfunctions/post-types-and-taxonomies.phpfunctions/register-sidebars.phpfunctions/scripts-styles.phplanguages/en_GB.molanguages/en_GB.poscript/call-scripts.jssingle-events.phpstyle.csstaxonomy-ct_gallery.phptemplates/parts/contact-form.phptemplates/parts/contact-map.phptemplates/parts/entry-meta.phptemplates/template-contact.phpVersion 1.6.8 (March 27, 2015)- Fixed issue with image paths - Files changed: style.cssVersion 1.6.7 (March 17, 2015)- Fixed issue with date on events page - now it will use format from WordPress settings- Files changed: ..templates\parts\entry-meta.php, style.cssVersion 1.6.6 (February 20, 2015)- Fixed issue with child theme: parent theme CSS was overriding child theme- Files changed: style.css, functions/scripts-styles.php- Files removed: css/style.cssVersion 1.6.5 (November 14, 2014)- Sidebar is now showing properly on all archive pages- Fixed issue with google analitycs not working- Visual fix for shortcodes- Gallery archive page visual fix- Fixed issue with twitter widget hashtag link- Added latest version of revslider, shortcodes and page builder plugin- Files changed: category.php, header.php, single-team-members.php, css/style.css, functions/functions.php, templates/parts/content-page.php, functions/plugins/, functions/plugins/, functions/plugins/ Files added: taxonomy-ct_gallery.phpVersion 1.6.4 (August 15, 2014)- Added latest version of shortcodes, page builder and revslider plugins- Files changed: functions/plugins/, functions/plugins/, functions/plugins/shortcodes.zipVersion 1.6.3 (June 10, 2014)- Fixed sidebar issue on search and archive pages- Custom CSS from admin section now properly overwrites original CSS file- CSS fixes- Fixed issue with Icon shortcode- Gallery format now shows slider properly- Standard post type now uses correct image sizes- Removed link icon in single post- Fixed issue with video post format hiding the progress bar- Removed spacing between header map and news ticker- Files changed: archive.php, author.php, header.php, search.php, style.css, config/admin-config.php, config/meta-box-config.php, css/style.css, functions/functions.php, functions/scripts-styles.php, functions/plugins/, functions/plugins/, templates/parts/format-gallery.php, templates/parts/format-standard.phpVersion 1.6.2 (May 22, 2014)- Fixed issue with page builder news meta- Files changed: functions/plugins/, single-team-members.php, style.css, templates/parts/entry-meta.php, templates/parts/format-gallery.php, templates/parts/format-standard.php, templates/parts/format-video.phpVersion 1.6.1 (May 19, 2014)- Menu fix for IE 9- Files changed: header.php, css/style.cssVersion 1.6 (May 8, 2014)- Added new Revolution slider- New shortcodes for WordPress 3.9- Fixed issue with video height- Fixed issue with lists- Enabled use of title attribute for menu items- Files changed: css/bootstrap.min.css, css/style.css, functions/admin/admin.css, functions/functions.php, script/flexslider/flexsldier.css, single-services.css, functions/plugins/, functions/plugins/, functions/plugins/revslider.zipVersion 1.5 (March 24, 2014)- Gallery items FancyBox fixed- Contact page layout (left sidebar) updated- Event date fixed- Add page templates fixed- Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string - Event Countdown timezone - Gallery filter - Accordion Ipad Files changed: - style.css- templates/template-contact.php- tempaltes/parts/format-standard.php- tempaltes/parts/format-image.php- tempaltes/parts/format-gallery.php- single-events.php- functions/script/easing.jquery.js- functions/script-styles.php- functions/functions.phpPage Builder updates:- plugins/aq-page-builder/class-aq-page-builder.php- plugins/aq-page-builder/blocks/aq-events-block.php- plugins/aq-page-builder/assets/css/aqpb-view.cssVersion 1.4 (February 17, 2014)- Added new date picker to fix issue with event sorting - Fixed issues on contact page with menu and map - CSS fixes for smaller resolutions - Added option to use different revolution slider on each page - Tag page now Search sidebar- Files changed:category.php, config/meta-box-config.php, functions/add-wordpress-suports.php, functions/admin/admin.js, functions/meta-boxes.php, functions/script-styles.php, tag.php, templates/parts/entry-meta.php, templates/parts/header-slider.php, templates/parts/format-gallery.php, templates/parts/format-image.php, templates/parts/format-standard.php, templates/parts/format-video.php, templates/teamplate_events.php, css/style.css, css/firefox.css, script/call-script.js, script/flexslider/flexslider.css, single-events.php,- Folder added script/datetimepickerVersion 1.3 (February 04, 2014)- Events are now sorted by the time of the event- Removed white border on smaller resolutions- Fixed author archive page- Fixed issue with news ticker on android devices- Fixed menu overlapping on smaller resolutions- Fixed issues with links missing in color picker- Slit slider options are now working properly- Files changed: author.php, css/style.css, functions/change-colors.php, functions/script-styles.php, templates/parts/header-slider.php, templates/template_events.php- Files added: css/firefox.cssVersion 1.2 (January 10, 2014)- Small typo fixes in admin section - Fixed overlapping in page builder- 'Remove Map' option now works for map in header- Submenu now expands to right instead of down- Fixed issue with map overlapping with page title- Added latest version of Revolution slider- Files changed:<br /> config/meta-box-config.php, css/style.css, functions/plugins/, functions/post-types-and-taxonomies.php, header.phpVersion 1.1.3 (November 25, 2013)- Fixed issue with donation widget text- Files changed: <br />functions/widgets.phpVersion 1.1.2 (November 14, 2013)- fixed issue with sidebar problem when 'Your latest posts' is set- fixed bug with breadcrumbs and titles- fixed issue with contact page and when map is disabled<br />Files changed: /index.php/script/call-scripts.js/functions/change-colors.php/functions/live-style.php/functions/script-styles.php/single-events.php/single-services.php/single-team-members.php/templates/parts/content-single.php/templates/template-contact.php/templates/template_blog.php/templates/template_events.php/templates/template_gallery.php/templates/template_services.php/templates/template_team.phpVersion 1.1.1 (October 31, 2013)-fixed issue with news slider not showing upFiles changed: /css/style.css, /templates/header-news.phpVersion 1.1 (October 30, 2013)- General updateVersion 1.0 (October 24, 2013)- Theme release


Support for all Themes Kingdom themes is handled through the Themes Kingdom support system, if you’d like to open a new ticket over there and Themes Kingdom support team will take a look at your issue :)

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