Lead - Responsive Countdown Clock Landing Page

Lead - Responsive Countdown Clock Landing Page

Lead is a responsive, modern, easy to use, HTML5 application showcase and landing page template.

Lead is the best way to market your new application, whether web or mobile, it captures email data of anyone who puts their information into it and pushes to increase conversions so you have a bigger marketing list when it comes to launch!

Key features:

- HTML5/CSS3- Multiple background options- Custom customisable countdown clock- Smooth Animations- Fully Documented- Easily customisable code- Email to owner with the form submission details- Email addresses save into to txt file (useful to create email marketing lists)

Responsive Design: A fully responsive design has been used for this theme with Bootstrap 3 used as the base framework. Fully ready for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile – even retina ready.

Countdown Clock: A custom countdown clock has been incorporated so your customers know when you are going to launch and more likely to put their email address in. Super easy to change the date and easily customisable.

AJAX/PHP Contact Form: Your customers never have to leave the page when submitting their email address. Already integrated and super easy to customise, you can do it in seconds.

Documentation: Everything is fully documented so you shouldn’t have any problems with anything in the theme. Should you have any questions, we are here to help!

Support: We provide the best support for all of our themes and always make it a priority to respond to all questions and problems quickly.

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