Archon Flat Responsive Admin Bootstrap 3 Template

Archon Flat Responsive Admin Bootstrap 3 Template

Archon 3.0 is released with a bunch of new features and a awesome front end and new pages, improved code. Please read more on the section what’s hot on v3.0

Archon is a Flat , Responsive, Admin Dashboard template. It is complete set of modern standards and top notch design. Built on twitter bootstrap 3.0 with bunch of premium extended features and set of useful jquery plugins , all packed in one design. Months of research and years of experience all strived to make a wonderful theme with each and every useful feature for all types of applications. Do not doubt it , keep reading and know more.

We provide full time support with the ticket based system and support forum

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Admin Features

  1. Built on Twitter Bootstrap 3.0
  2. Flat , Responsive Admin Template
  3. Retina Ready
  4. Fully Documented
  5. Bunch of jquery plugins
  6. Unique widgets for many purposes
  7. Profile with Timeline, two types of recent feeds
  8. Chat Box
  9. Map with svg icon markers
  10. Data Tables with sorting and filtering
  11. Login page provided with full screen background
  12. Calendar with drag, drop, click , selectable events
  13. Three different plugins for charts
  14. Live charts
  15. Form Wizard
  16. Form upload with drag & drop , upload progress using jquery knob
  17. Font Awesome Icons
  18. Gallery with filtering sorting with custom data tag
  19. Bunch of variations in bootstrap progressbars
  20. Notifications with two types of jquery plugins ( noty & gritter)
  21. Drag and drop, markable todo list widget
  22. Mail Box
  23. Nestable lists
  24. File manager
  25. Image Crop and Server side implementation using php code
  26. PHP File with header and footer
  27. Updated to font Awesome 4.0 (370 icons, 10 new icons)
  28. Improved Calendar View

Hot on v3.0

  1. Morris Charts view
  2. Multiple File Uploads view
  3. Invoice view
  4. Input Masks view
  5. FAQ using Accordians view
  6. Timeline view
  7. Panels view
  8. Tables with more features like delete row, mark rows view
  9. Wells view
  10. Advanced Forms
  11. Template Page view

Front End Features

  1. Clean, flat and powerfully responsive template
  2. Built on twitter bootstrap
  3. Integrated with Twitter api to show the latest tweets on footer
  4. Ajax validation and working contact form(php file included)
  5. Showbiz jquery plugin worth $10
  6. Layerslider jquery plugin worth $10
  7. Isotope jquery plugin worth $25
  8. Single and multipage theme provided
  9. Complete documentation on how to use the elements other than twitter bootstrap
  10. Multi level menu
  11. Creative dual footer
  12. More than 100 flat svg colurfull icons
  13. 60+ Glyph svg icons
  14. Contact page with flat map and svg icon markers on the map
  15. Less css provided, Edit the colours in seconds
  16. Grid alignment
  17. Smoothing animations alignment
  18. Unique portfolio
  19. Retina ready
  20. Valid HTML5 and CSS3
  21. 4 types of portfolio galleries
  22. Free Support & life time updates



  1. Dashboard
  2. Buttons &
  3. Alerts
  4. Progress Bars
  5. Labels & Badges
  6. Bread Crumbs
  7. Pagination
  8. Sliders
  9. Nestable Lists
  10. Utilities
  11. Image Crop
  12. File Manager
  13. Widgets
  14. Template Page
  15. FAQ
  16. Invoice
  17. Timeline
  18. Calendar
  19. Mail
  20. Profile Model One
  21. Profile Model Two
  22. Basic Tables
  23. Dynamic Tables
  24. Editable Tables
  25. Grid
  26. Panels
  27. Wells
  28. Morris Charts
  29. NVD3 Charts
  30. Flot Charts
  31. Knobs
  32. Typography
  33. Form Elements
  34. Forms
  35. Input Groups
  36. Wysiwyg & Markdown
  37. Form Wizard
  38. Dropzone File Upload
  39. Multiple File Upload
  40. Input Masks
  41. Icons

Front End

  1. Home
  2. Home version2
  3. Portfolio
  4. Portfolio item page
  5. About us
  6. Grid
  7. Signup
  8. Sign in
  9. Forgot password
  10. Form Elements
  11. Premium Gifts
  12. Theme elements
  13. Flat & Glyph Icons
  14. Contact Us with PHP Support
  15. Documentation
  16. Components

Version Log

  1. Version 3.0 (NOV 04 2013)
  2. Version 2.0 (OCT 31 2013)
  3. Version 1.0 (OCT 14 2013)


Any type of image used in the site demo are restricted to use in your personal use. They are not included in the download files. The ownership of the images still remains with the respective owners.Thanks for their wonderful images