Parasponsive Corporate WordPress

Parasponsive Corporate WordPress

Change log

Version 3.0 MEGA UPDATE (April 14, 2016)
1.    repaired size of images in Recent posts carousel with option square images.2.    fixed icon size in services3.    fixed wrong direction without rtl for carousels Services, Recent posts, Team members.4.    added plugins SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle & Ultimate Widgets Light to theme as required5.    carousels are reworked for small count of items.6.    fixed conflict of new version bootstrap and shortcode of progress bar 7.    "section except" changed to avoid duplication 8.    added check of raw html code for tags h1 and h4 in titles of sections9.    added missed translate for recent posts section10.    fixed image type of services11.    other minor fixes12.    migration from Slightly Modded Options Framework to Redux Framework;13.    conflict of framework and WPML plugin removed. WPML doesn't cause faults of theme options work;14.    updated Bootstrap to v.3.3.6, usage of min files by default;15.    updated Owl Carousel to v.2.0.0, full support of rtl for service & team members & recent posts carousels;16.    updated Magnific Popup to v.1.1.0;17.    updated Font Awesome to v4.5.0;18.    Revolution Slider added;19.    installing the last version of WP-Paginate from online repository;20.    possibility to turning favicons off via Theme Options added. Strongly recommended only for WordPress 4.3+. Option is saved for older versions of WordPress. Disabled by default.;21.    blog widgets fixed;22.    translation for section "Recent posts" added;23.    animation for team members on hover updated;24.    link to team member's name added;25.    responsibility of team members improved;26.    centered team members in an amount of less than 4;27.    social icons of team members fixed (visible and centered);28.    service post settings restructured (posibility of choosing icon type or image added);29.    centered service items in an amount of less than 4;30.    borders of service posts icons removed;31.    centered recent posts in an amount of less than 4;32.    translation for menu item "Home" added;33.    footer widget fixed;34.    parallax effect in intro sections for mobile devices added, is disabled by default under menu Theme Options -> Page;35.    displaying full height intro image on mobile devices, is disabled by default under menu Theme Options -> Page;36.    possibility of editing an anchor for sections Blank1, Blank2, Blank3;37.    custom link to parallax menu in sections Services, Blank1, Blank2, Blank3 added;38.    RTL function removed from Theme options. Now it is defined by means of WordPress;39.    RTL + portfolio fixed;40.    RTL + portfolio popup fixed;41.    logic for portfolio section settings improved;42.    mobile category selector added to portfolio page;43.    outdated wp_title & wp_widget functions replaced;44.    notification about Google Map sensor removed;45.    header shadow fixed;46.    logo size fixed;47.    possibility of adding custom logo size added;48.    quote in section "Testimonials" fixed;49.    mobile menu fixed;50.    possibility to hide menu items added;51.    code optimization;52.    other minor fixes.

Parasponsive Corporate – this is an old trusted template, but with the new direction of development. It does not WooCommerce, but only that which is necessary for companies or individuals. This Theme will continue to develop their own way. We will try to accommodate all the needs of companies who have already bought the version with WooCommerce. Regularly seeing the sites of our customers, we can see what they are experiencing discomfort – that’s why we decided to develop two lines of the template (commercial and corporate). This template is versatile and suitable for any company. Constantly update will come out with new structures pages, the new Header and shortcodes (designed specifically for corporate companies.)


Homepage Layout builderFully ResponsiveMultilanguage ready (WPML)HTML5 & CSS3Valid Code W3C checkedRetina ReadyBootstrap FrameworkSEO optimizedParalla Layer slider (you save 15$)Parallax EffectIsotope PortfolioAJAX Portfolio loaderResponsive+AJAX Portfolio item pop up loaderPowerfull admin panel640+ Google FontsA ton of ShortcodesCustom WidgetsSocial Sharing buttonsFlexiable SettingsPricing TablePost FormatsGoogle mapContact Form

NOTE: Images used in preview are NOT included in theme files.

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