Extinct - Retro Vintage Portfolio WordPress Theme

Extinct - Retro Vintage Portfolio WordPress Theme

Extinct is a WordPress Portfolio theme delicately handcrafted to meet the needs of a creative agency or similar businesses. The name Extinct is derived from the fact that this theme is a celebration of old style, popularly known as Vintage and Retro style designs and incorporates various unique design elements inspired by these styles. It’s a result of our extensive study of design of countless actual Retro/Vintage style websites, posters, prints.

The theme pages are built using popular SiteOrigin page builder which powers nearly a million sites on the web. Extinct comes bundled with 20+ custom page builder elements/widgets that are accessible for easy insertion and configuration in the page builder. In addition to the custom theme widgets, we support 17+ page builder elements that are part of our popular SiteOrigin widgets plugin.

Extinct features an attractive and unique blog design and can be used to power blogs just as easily as portfolio or other content sites. Includes a number of shortcodes for embedding multi-column portfolio entries or blog summaries in any post/page. Additionally, there are advanced WP widgets included for listing recent blog posts, for featuring blog posts belonging to a specific category, listing popular blog posts etc.

FEATURED SITE – Spring Park Cornwall

WordPress 4.5 Compatible. Last Update on: 14 April 2016 | version 3.1.1 – Change Log


Theme Features

  • Clean Responsive Design
  • Unique Appealing Style
  • Touch Swipe Sliders
  • Powerful Admin Options
  • Tons of Shortcodes
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Demo Site Sample Data
  • Unlimited Sidebars
  • 200+ options to customize the theme
  • 500 + Retina Icons
  • Responsive Revolution Slider, Flex 2 Slider and Nivo Slider included
  • Perfectly Layered PSD files
  • Child Theme included for easy Customization
  • WPML Compatible
  • Dedicated Support Forum


Thanks to Michael Schmid for letting us use his work: http://www.workdiary.de/

Change Log

Version 3.1.1
Updated - Compatibility with WordPress 4.5
Version 3.1
Added - Integration with SiteOrigin Page Builder. Added - 20+ custom page builder elements for easy drag/drop/configure page building using SiteOrigin builder.Added - Updated sample data with demo pages built using custom page builder widgets. Added - Support for 17+ additional premium page builder elements through our popular plugin for SiteOrigin page builder. Added - Ability to set multiple types of sliders from the page edit window. Removed - Thumbnail generation by Aqua resizer and some redundant image sizes. Updated - Revolution Slider. and other fixes/enhancements.
Version 3.0
Updated - Revolution slider pluginFixed - Woocommerce paginationFixed - Isotope error in certain installationsFixed - Deprecated widget constructorFixed - The testimonials image styling issue
Version 2.9.1
Fixed - XSS vulnerability in prettyPhoto plugin. Updated - Revolution Slider plugin. 
Version 2.9
+ Tweak - Updated TGMPA and Option Tree to address any security vulnerability. + Fixed - The pricing archive prevented the user from creating a page with pricing permalink. + Fixed - Ability to retain original images for single post page to help address HTTPS issue. + Tweak - Optimized sample data. + Updated - Revolution Slider plugin.
Version 2.8
+ Fixed - Updated JQuery Smooth Scroll script to fix the bug where certain external links in the menu would not respond to user click. + Fixed - WooCommerce displayed deprecated function notice in debug mode. The theme now loads the WooCommerce styles and then overrides them. + Fixed - Image sizes in the settings tab of WooCommerce would get disabled due to filters provided by the theme+ Fixed - Missing updated attribute warnings seen in Google Webmasters Tools+ Fixed - Sitemap not displaying some of the portfolio entries+ Fixed - The dribbble, vimeo, pinterest, behance social icons not displayed with social shortcodes. + Fixed - Google maps not being responsive. + Tweak - Updated Revolution Slider
Version 2.7
+Added - Compatibility with 3.9. Modified TinyMCE shortcode builder to be compatible with TinyMCE 4 and 3 as well.+Tweak - Updated the shortcode builder for more detailed shortcode insertions+Added - Added detailed documentation for all the shortcodes in the source files+Added - Revolution Slider instance can be chosen for display in the home page from the theme options+Fixed - Enabled translation for some of the backend input fields and menu items+Added - Revolution Slider 4.3.4 update+Added - Option Tree 2.3.4 update +Added - Ability to override the built-in classes in child themes+Fixed - Handling posts page setting in the WordPress Admin Settings->Reading tab. +Added - Footer menuand other minor fixes/tweaks. 
Version 2.6
+Added: Revolution slider update 4.1.4+Tweak: The project description field is now shortcode enabled.+Tweak: Moved the revolution slider styling to separate CSS file to avoid being overwritten by slider demos+Fixed: The portfolio template pages showing warning messages when no portfolio category is specified for a portfolio item.+Fixed: The primary menu moving slightly outside the viewport in certain mobile devices+Fixed: WooCommerce stylesheets getting loaded even when the WooCommerce was not activated
Version 2.5
+ Added: Three new custom post types - Pricing Plan, Team Members and Testimonials with related shortcodes added. Makes it easy for users to create pricing tables, team profiles, testimonials through intuitive admin UIs+ Added: Updated the demo content, shortcode builder and the documentation for the new custom post type shortcodes+ Added: Revolution Slider update 4.1+ Added: Image preview for Portfolio custom post type + Added: Vimeo, Dribbble and Pinterest social icons support in widget and shortcode + Added: Improved demo data content + Tweak: Removed portfolio ordering by order attribute. Now ordering is by date only
Version 2.0
+ Added: WooCommerce Integration+ Added: Pricing Page with Pricing Table 
Version 1.2
+ Added: Option to disable read more button in blog posts+ Added: A new admin menu to access most frequently accessed admin functions from the admin dropdown menu + Added: Shortcode for fancy headings to avoid markup getting lost due to user edit+ Added: Resetting the form upon successful submission+ Fixed: Search entries were being formatted wrongly+ Fixed: Thick border below the slider
Version 1.1
+ Added - Options import/export and multi-layouts support + Added - Background size option in theme options for backgrounds + Added - Option tree update 2.1.4 + Added - Revolution slider update 3.0.93 + Added - Hover Social icons preload+ Added - Ability to order the portfolio items in the portfolio pages+ Fixed - Translation enabled for Ajax portfolio messages + Fixed - Responsive maps for https URLs+ Fixed - Made the RSS feed icon optional everywhere+ Tweak - Sidebar fix to conform to WP API+ Tweak - Moved all remaining responsive CSS - media queries to responsive.css

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