Medica is a complete medical/ healthcare responsive Joomla template equipped with everything you need to create your modern and fully functional site. In the Demo you will find 12 preset color variations that will perfectly suit your needs. Medica is also equipped with Font Awesome, Revolution Slider, Widgetkit Lite and Roksprocket. PBBooking is completing Medica by bringing easy way for your customers to book/ schedule their appointments.
Medica Features:
- Quickstart package for Joomla 2.5.X;
- Quickstart package for Joomla 3.1.X;
- Joomla 2.5 template;
- Joomla 3.1 template;
- Responsive Layout;
- Pricing Tables;
- 12 preset colors;
- 11 font styles;
- 7 module style variations;
- Warp 6 Framework;
- Flexible module positions;
- Module Badges;
- Module Icons – All Font Awesome Icons;
- Styled Color Buttons with different sizes;
- Revolution Slider;
- Widgetkit Lite;
- Roksprocket;
- PBBooking Free;
- Gallery;
- Typography;
- SP Simple Map;
- News Show SP2
- News Pro GK4;
- Custom Social Icons + Font Awesome;
- Custom Date view for artcles and blog layout;
- Full list of shortcodes;
- Very well documented.
Extensions Credits:
- Warp Framework
- Widgetkit Lite
- Slider Revolution
- Roksprocket
- News Show SP2
- News Pro GK4
- SP Simple Map
- PBBooking
- Font Awesome
- Responsive grid