Severina - Responsive Multi-Purpose HTML Template

Severina - Responsive Multi-Purpose HTML Template

Severina is a clean & trendy HTML site template built with responsive Twitter bootstrap. Please remember, it’s HTML CSS site template so you need to edit it with any HTML editor to customize text or content. You can choose between “Boxed” and “Wide (default)” layout and 10 pre-made template colors. Severina is Retina ready template, created with a lot of responsibility to our customer.

UPDATE Ver.1.2a

Fixed Twitter API (Overwrite index.php inside \js\twitter).

UPDATE Ver.1.2

  • Fixed problem with third sub menu for responsive view.
  • UPDATE Ver.1.1

  • Fixed some menu problems, fixed media queries for mobile phones.
  • Responsive Layout


    Predefined colors


    Retina graphics


    Many functionalities


    Beauttifull sliders


    Great pages




    Main Features

    1. Responsive + Multi-purpose Html5, CSS3, Bootstrap Template
    2. 30 html Pages
    3. All pages available in premade 10 Colors Variation
    4. Revolution and Carousel sliders
    5. Touch-Swipe and Responsive Sliders
    6. Working Contact form
    7. Portfolio & Shop edition
    8. 4 different portfolio pages.
    9. Other Pages – We have tried to include all pages required for Multipurpose themes:
      About Us
      Our Team
      Pricing boxes
      404 page
    10. Features:
      Button Variation
      Different type of Form Layout
      Java scripts : Popup, Tooltip, Tab, Accordion, Toggles, Collapse, Error Messages Fadeout
    11. Twitter Feed [Latest Tweets], Flickr images
    12. All files are well commented
    13. Cross browser compatible

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