Editr - Blog/Magazine WordPress Theme

Editr - Blog/Magazine WordPress Theme

Fresh out of the oven: Editr has been updated to V1.1.0 on May 31st, 2014

Editr is a stylish & responsive WordPress theme designed for blog or magazine sites. It was built with performance-oriented code architecture and clean design to ensure viewer’s focus on the content.


I have to say, your support of your users is second-to-none, very impressive, and definitely builds loyalty to your products. Thanks again! – Danny Brown


  • Retina display ready
  • AJAX powered sidebar
  • Infinite scrolling (optional & configurable)
  • Fully responsive
  • “Content is King” design
  • Theme Options – fully customizable
  • Lightweight & fast load time
  • Translation ready

Need Theme Support? I’ve got you covered!

Trouble using any of features, found a bug or just need to talk to someone? We have a dedicated support forum for you to post all your questions and we will try to answer them as soon as humanly possible :)

Visit our Support Forums | Create an account | Where to find your “Item Purchase Code”

Checkout my other Premium Themes


### V 1.1.0 : May 31, 2014* FIX - Small bug fixes* IMP - Full compatibility with WP 3.9.1### V 1.0.4 : Sept 23, 2013* FIX - Retina logo fix* FIX - Multicheckbox in theme options* FIX - Overflowing sidebar### V 1.0.3 : August 6, 2013* ADD - missing translateable texts* ADD - masonry isotope on index* FIX - streams height on iPad* FIX - minor bugs* IMP - jetpack comment subscription checkboxes### V 1.0.2 : July 27, 2013* ADD - copyright text options* ADD - background color options for header & footer* FIX - Show featured images by default, if meta box not set* ADD - post title color options* FIX - #attachment_* responsive sizes### V 1.0.1 : July 23, 2013* FIX - thumbnail post meta checkbox* FIX - Retina logo### V 1.0 : July 22, 2013* Initial release


Daniel Post for his awesome design inputs.

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