Squash - Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme

Squash - Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme

Squash theme is our best-creation so far; it is a WordPress Portfolio theme delicately handcrafted to meet the needs of a creative agency or similar businesses. It’s a result of our detailed study of requirements and design of countless actual creative agency websites, not just themes. Lots of thought and effort went into this theme to meet our one goal of capturing all features required by any firm or individual with a creative portfolio of products/services and avoid as much as possible crowding the theme with multitude of features that they would never use or find limited use for.

We hope that you will find that everything from the top logo to dropdown menu to the contact form in the footer has been handmade with care to achieve a good balance of aesthetics and utility. Our study of some of the best received portfolio websites has resulted in we providing features like unlimited customisation of headers through easy metaboxes, support for wide segments with beautiful backgrounds that span entire browser width, twelve column responsive 1140px grid that looks beautiful on a big sized iMac as well as 4 inch iPhone, custom fields for portfolio creation, easy to use shortcodes for inline sliders/carousels/portfolio that can be embedded anywhere in the page to showcase your ideas, work or team/location, embed anywhere contact form, official MailChimp widget support etc.

Squash is built on a clean modular framework that takes of other regular needs of a web designer – tons of options(200+) to customize the look and feel of the theme, layout options like boxed layout, responsive and retina ready framework, 500+ fonts with option to incorporate more if required, 500+ retina ready font icons, flat style buttons of eight colors, easy demo site replication with demo data xml, multi-language support, numerous page templates and widgets, elegant mobile menu, sliders including amazing revolution slider, detailed documentation, dedicated support forum etc.

Theme Support – If you have issues to report, please visit Squash support forum

WordPress 4.5 Compatible. Last Update on: 13 Jan 2016 | version 2.1 – Change Log

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What Buyers are saying

  • britpress

    Great theme, really well thought out piece of work. I have over 300 themes and this is the best I have bought.Great documentation, tons of options and ticked all of the boxes we needed for a major project – thanks very much.
  • kemrich

    Awesome !!!!! I loved your first theme and this looks even better
  • cryderc

    Awesome theme! I’ve purchased around 5 one page themes and this one looks to be by far the best one. Great job.
  • xmarkpro

    Just wanted to say I purchased this theme a few days ago, have been playing around with it, and it’s absolutely excellent! Not only is it a beautiful design, but clean code, and the amount of readily available customizations they offer is superb! Thanks guys, and keep up the good work. Love the theme!
  • myala

    Hi, really a standout in my opinion. It is really one of the best available now for general business use. Great job!
  • jamieboepple

    i am sooooooooo in love with this theme. you have created so many options built in, it’s seriously the best solution for a number of different possible scenarios. great work!
  • ccbread

    hi – just wanted to say i’ve been working with the theme for a week now and it is awesome. so much better than any wordpress theme i’ve used before. thank you!
  • overtimenyc

    Beautiful theme and lots of options!

Features Overview

1. Responsive Design
2. Portfolio with Ajax features
3. Well documented
4. Sample data included
5. Premium “Revolution Slider” included
6. Responsive Nivo and Flex Sliders
7. Retina Ready for Apple devices with Retina Display
8. Free Support
9. Translation Ready
10. Fully Customizable
11. Unlimited Colors
12. Tons of Templates
13. Many many Shortcodes and Widgets

Responsive: Squash is based on modern “1140px Adaptive Grid”. Squash adapts itself to fit into any resolution and mobile device of any size.

Premium Responsive Sliders: Revolution Slider included: This theme comes bundled with Amazing “Revolution Slider”, Flex-slider and the amazing yet responsive Nivo Slider.

Entire demo data bundled: The demo data seen on the preview site can be imported into your site with a click of a button. Kick start site building with the helpful of data that actually tries to stay close to content required for building corporate/agency sites.

80+ Shortcodes with visual shortcode builder tool: Shortcodes and Widgets that help building the site easy. This theme comes with tons of helpful shortcodes with a handy visual shortcode builder tool for easy shortcode embedding into the WP visual post/page editor.

AJAXed Portfolio with Isotope: Easily create 2 column, 3 column and 4 column Portfolio pages with AJAX load enabled as an option.

Many page templates: Squash is loaded with multiple Page Templates along with number of sample business pages to help get started instantly on a corporate or portfolio website.

8 Custom Widgets: Squash comes with premium widgets that offer a far richer function than default WP widgets.

Fully Customizable – 200+ Options: Squash comes with Unlimited Colors option among the 200+ customization options to make it work exactly as you would like it to. Everything from header to footer, from fonts to backgrounds, from portfolio pages to blog pages can be customized to your heart’s content through the options panel.

500+ Fonts: The theme offers the user choice of 500+ Google fonts for body as well as headings. Additionally, the user has an option to specify a custom font along with font import markup as well in the theme options panel.

500+ Icons: Comes with 500+ awesome and crisp font icons for easy use in any post/page.

Boxed and Wide Layout: Use Boxed layout with your favourite background image or pattern.

Unlimited Sidebars: Create custom sidebars for any page/post.

Attractive Navigation: From desktop to mobile, Squash sports navigations menus – regular, sticky and mobile, that are designed with better visual appeal and user experience in mind.

SEO Optimized: SEO has been our first priority while creating Squash. This theme is SEO Ready.

Translation Ready: The theme comes with translation files for few languages – French, Spanish, Italian, German and Portuguese.

Great Support: Searchable dedicated forum helps user post the issues and get resolutions quickly.

All the images used are copyrighted to their owners and are used only in the preview.


Thanks to Michael Schmid for letting us use his work: http://www.workdiary.de/

Woomy Creative Agency: http://hellowoomy.ru/

Change Log

Version 2.1
+Updated - Revolution slider plugin+Fixed - WooCommerce pagination+Fixed - Isotope error in certain installations+Fixed - Deprecated widget constructor
Version 2.0
+ Tweak - Updated TGMPA and Option Tree to address any security vulnerability. + Tweak - Added child theme override hooks to functions and classes for parent theme.+ Tweak - Optimized sample data. + Updated - Revolution Slider plugin.  
Version 1.8
+ Fixed: Fixed Shortcode Helper bug for 3.9. Compatible with 3.9. + Added: Revolution Slider updated to latest version+ Fixed: Fixed WooCommerce deprecated notices.+ Added: Refactored WooCommerce stylesheets overriding+ Fixed: Fixed Nivo slider height responsive bug when slider height option is set + Tweak: Moved some of the revolution slider styling to the plugins.css from revolution slider admin panel
Version 1.7
+Updated: Revolution slider update 4.1.4+Updated: TGM activation plugin +Updated: Option Tree plugin+Tweak: Moved the revolution slider styling to separate CSS file to avoid being overwritten by slider demos+Tweak: The contact form data being reset on submit. +Tweak: HTML tags enabled for captions in Nivo and Flex Sliders+Fixed: The page header backgrounds not taking effect due to custom CSS+Fixed: Enabled translation for the ajax portfolio +Fixed: RSS feed links showing by default; added an option for the enabling/disabling the same.
Version 1.6
+ Added - Loading icon support for Nivo Slider, inline Flex Sliders and BxSlider Carousel with smooth transition to slider state. Stacking of images in slower connections avoided. + Fixed - Flashing of image during loading of BxSlider Carousel.+ Fixed - BxSlider Carousel not showing up in certain browsers.
Version 1.5
+ Added - New shortcode for inserting filterable portfolio anywhere in the site+ Added - Complete support for ‘Recent Tweets’ plugin with custom styling. Recent Tweets plugin support Twitter API 1.1+ Added - Support for Photostream widget that can display feeds from Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr or Dribbble. + Added - Added Recent Tweets and Photostream widget plugins to TGM plugin activation recommended plugins+ Added - Option to disable hover on thumbnail in portfolio and make the image link to portfolio directly+ Added - Link icon on hover along with lightbox icon for images on blog and portfolio+ Added - Option to enable Read More button on blog with ability to set custom text for the button+ Added - Have one toggle open on page load+ Fixed - Showing the navigation only on hover for sliders + Fixed - Excerpt count on blog related widgets set to the right number. + Fixed - Cleanup of css files+ Fixes - Rearrange of options, a few cleanups, fixes etc.
Version 1.2
+ Added - Back to Top function+ Added - Video lightbox for portfolio items+ Added - Options to disable sticky menu and back to top function+ Added - Revolution slider updated to v3.0+ Tweak - Moved all social options to separate tab in options panel + Fixed - Pagination issue when blog template is set as home page
Version 1.1
+ Added -  Revamped the framework in a major way to cleanup unused tags, generate more structured HTML and to create tags with more semantic names. Theme is now faster and smoother than ever before+ Fixed a few bugs and resolved many styling issues.Note: If you have been customising the theme quite a bit, you may need to redo couple of footer styling in the theme options. 

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