Parasponsive One-page WooCommerce WordPress Parallax

Parasponsive One-page WooCommerce WordPress Parallax

Change log

Version 6.1 (April 14, 2016)
1.    repaired size of images in Recent posts carousel with option square images.2.    fixed icon size in services3.    fixed wrong direction without rtl for carousels Services, Recent posts, Team members.4.    added plugins SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle & Ultimate Widgets Light to theme as required5.    carousels are reworked for small count of items.6.    fixed conflict of new version bootstrap and shortcode of progress bar 7.    "section except" changed to avoid duplication 8.    added check of raw html code for tags h1 and h4 in titles of sections9.    added missed translate for recent posts section10.    fixed image type of services11.    other minor fixes
Version 6.0 (Mega Update – March 20, 2016)
1.    migration from Slightly Modded Options Framework to Redux Framework;2.    conflict of framework and WPML plugin removed. WPML doesn't cause faults of theme options work;3.    updated Bootstrap to v.3.3.6, usage of min files by default;4.    updated Owl Carousel to v.2.0.0, full support of rtl for service & team members & recent posts carousels;5.    updated Magnific Popup to v.1.1.0;6.    updated Font Awesome to v4.5.0;7.    updated templates of Woocommerce to v2.5.5;8.    Revolution Slider added;9.    installing the last version of WP-Paginate from online repository;10.    possibility to turning favicons off via Theme Options added. Strongly recommended only for WordPress 4.3+. Option is saved for older versions of WordPress. Disabled by default.;11.    blog widgets fixed;12.    translation for section "Recent posts" added;13.    animation for team members on hover updated;14.    link to team member's name added;15.    responsibility of team members improved;16.    centered team members in an amount of less than 4;17.    social icons of team members fixed (visible and centered);18.    service post settings restructured (posibility of choosing icon type or image added);19.    centered service items in an amount of less than 4;20.    borders of service posts icons removed;21.    centered recent posts in an amount of less than 4;22.    translation for menu item "Home" added;23.    footer widget fixed;24.    parallax effect in intro sections for mobile devices added, is disabled by default under menu Theme Options -> Page;25.    displaying full height intro image on mobile devices, is disabled by default under menu Theme Options -> Page;26.    possibility of editing an anchor for sections Blank1, Blank2, Blank3;27.    custom link to parallax menu in sections Services, Blank1, Blank2, Blank3 added;28.    RTL function removed from Theme options. Now it is defined by means of WordPress;29.    RTL + portfolio fixed;30.    RTL + portfolio popup fixed;31.    logic for portfolio section settings improved;32.    mobile category selector added to portfolio page;33.    outdated wp_title & wp_widget functions replaced;34.    notification about Google Map sensor removed;35.    header shadow fixed;36.    logo size fixed;37.    possibility of adding custom logo size added;38.    quote in section "Testimonials" fixed;39.    mobile menu fixed;40.    possibility to hide menu items added;41.    code optimization;42.    other minor fixes.
     1.    WPML support fixed2.    Added security checks3.    Updated LayerSlider to latest version4.    Updated Advanced Custom Fields extension to latest version5.    Removed notices and warnings in admin screen6.    Replaced BX Slider carousels with OwlCarousel (better responsive/swipe support)7.    Replaced Cycle carousels with OwlCarousel8.    Fixed About Us section responsive9.    Fixed iOS devices navigation issues10.    Fixed carousels paddings on responsive11.    Removed notice on single portfolio12.    Changed single portfolio carousel to OwlCarousel13.    Added option to turn off all angles14.    Added option to make first section after home slider angled15.    Logo settings fixed16.    Added portfolio preloader17.    Prettyphoto lightbox fixed after load more18.    Dropdown menu fixed19.    Fixed portfolio page popup20.    Custom icons for services added21.    Lazyload option added (speeds up page load)22.    Recent Posts section added23.    Woocommerce pages completely redesigned24.    NiceScroll script removed on mac25.    Added option to add Shop page to parallax menu26.    Now it's possible to add up to 3 portfolio sections on home pages27.    Footer widgets fixed28.    Added possibility to customize footers for each page 29.    Added RTL support30.    Fixed portfolio categories filter/load more logic31.    Single pages restyled, borders added32.    Woocommerce template files updated to latest version33.    Added options to customize Portfolio popup width34.    Added possibility to select different footer widgets for each page35.    New Woocommerce product touch slider36.    Woocommerce output without sidebar fixed37.    Added check to prevent errors if Advanced Custom Fields plugin is not installed38.    Hashtag removed from address bar on one page navigation39.    Popup colors added40.    TGM plugin activator updated41.    Instagram widget fixed42.    Widgets updated to latest versions43.    Added mobile filter for portfolio sections44.    Skills appear fixed45.    Added option to display all portfolio square46.    Added option to sort portfolio items47.    Added option to display recent posts square48.    Added option to sort recent posts49.    Fixed work of Footer Powered info50.    Small fixed for section pricing table51.    Size of popup for portfolio now will auto resize to size of image (if image smaller than max-width value).
Version 4.4
1.    Portfolio Permalink fixed2.    Fixed Loading portfolio items after selecting a category
Version 4.3
1.    Fixed logo max-height and margins on mobile/tablet Updated BxSlider to V4.1.2, carousels fixed2.    Portfolio now loads selected number of items. Corrected long titles display on mobile/tablets3.    Added Youtube/Vimeo support to PrettyPhoto popups Woocommerce images quality fixed4.    Woocommerce buttons colors fixed 5.    Section subtitles lines colors fixed 6.    SmoothScroll is now optional7.    Added single portfolio page and possibility to link single pages to Isotope (instead of popup). Portfolio header color is customizable in Theme Options.8.    Lots of jQuery optimizations9.    Sections intro height calculation fixed10.    Layer Slider updated to 5.1.111.    Section after slider now does not overlap the slider12.    Responsive menu display edited (width, position fixed on desktop/tablet, absolute on mobile)13.    Carousels responsive (Services,  Woo, Team) totally rewritten. Should fit perfectly on 480px/768px/1024px and more14.    Isotope responsive redone, works better on all sizes (480px/768px/1024px and more)15.    Pricing tables responsive fixed16.    Contact form now looks better on mobile17.    First section without slider now works correctly18.    Back to top colors fixed for blank sections19.    All JavaScript files combined into one for maximum performance
Version 4.2
1.    Maximum loading optimized site2.    Optimized code JS3.    Fixed hover on the portfolio a little reworked JS4.    Added Dynamic sidebar for WooCommerce 'shop'5.    Added AJAX loadmore button for blog page6.    Added slider for post galleries in archive7.    Added slider for galleries on single pages 8.    Added responsiveness for blog videos9.    Changed content to excerpt for blog page10.    Fixed theme options initial theme setup bugs11.    Added back to top button for blog archive12.    Added ajax WooCommerce cart on top menu13.    Completely redone Google map. now it's not slowing14.    Google map async load15.    Google map controls fixed16.    Multiple cycle plugins fixed17.    Style generation on page load fixed18.    Save options on page load fixed
Version 4.1
1.    Fixed Google Analytics2.    Fixed Portfolio (Permalink)3.    Fixed shadows in Header4.    Fixed Uppercase5.    Wooslider now do not used
Version 4.0
1.    Removed WooSlider2.    Fixed a bug with updating themes (ACF)
Version 3.9
1.    Added generator that compiles css files.2.    Reworked all JS scripts3.    Changed the method of connecting Google Fonts4.    Added a view of the map (static or dynamic) Dynamic creates an additional burden5.    The size of the template is reduced almost in half6.    Fixed Portfolio, is now working with permalink7.    Fixed font size, and alignment with reviews on the mobile version8.    Fixed menu on the second page and blog9.    Fixed centering portfolio categories
Version 3.8
1.    Optimized ess2.    The ability to display the speed of rotation of reviews3.    Fixed Autoplay video in the slider4.    Removed the script gmap.js5.    The ability to display the logo size6.    Fixed functions.php, you can now disable any plugin
Version 3.7
2.    Added ability to add a photo to the Customers3.    Fixed Nice scroll, now it can be turned off4.    Fixed .po files (Multilingual)
Version 3.6
1.    WooCommerce section fixed
Version 3.5
1.    Added default settings for a custom lightbox2.    Aligned text and heading in the lightbox3.    Fixed Google fonts
Version 3.4
1.    Optimized speed template2.    All the css is now displayed in individual file (changes to the framework)3.    Added animation pictures in the 'Services'4.    Added the color settings for the contact form5.    Added color settings 'Skills'6.    Fixed tabs in the portfolio and on the website7.    Fixed arrows in the lightbox8.    Fixed Google Analytics
Version 3.3
1.    Fix categories builder2.    Added the text color contact form3.    Added color headers of widgets4.    Added color categories in portfolio5.    Added the color of text and links in the footer6.    Added color social icons in the footer7.    Added color to the table (controlled transparency) and color of table contents.8.    Updated plugin slider Layer Slider version 4.6.19.    Fixed centering in the portfolio.
Version 3.2
1.    Categories corrected2.    Added color of links in the section 'About us' and 'Services'3.    Icon animation fixed
Version 3.1
1.    Portfolio lightbox fixed
Version 3.0
1.    Fixed responsive slider and content2.    Added Portfolio categories builder (In Theme options)3.    Added color of the button 'Home'4.    Old Lightbox is now the default5.    New lightbox now responsive6.    Added widget Instagram7.    Fixed minor issues8.    Updated documentation in the archive
Version 2.9
1.    Added ability to add comments to pages.2.    Added empty 'Price per' in the table.
Version 2.8
1.    Fixed active menu item Home, now it is normally displayed.2.    Parallax menu returned to all pages and blog.3.    Added the old lightbox. Now you can choose from two favorite lightbox.4.    Fixed a bug with the centering of the headlines in the shortcode.5.    Now the logo is reduced by tablets and mobile.
Version 2.7
1.    Back the old menu (without 'More").2.    Added a second version of the header with mega cool parallax menu.3.    Fixed a bug in the table now button leads to the correct url.4.    Icons are aligned in the middle, in the section Services.5.    Small changes in optimizing the speed of the template.6.    Fixed minor bugs.
Version 2.6
1.    Solutions to the lightbox, you can now specify the size of the lightbox percentage2.    Block "Connect us" now you can turn off3.    Fixed the "Notice" 4.    Updated Font Awesome5.    Added the social icons in the section about us6.    WPML Ready (Multilingual)7.    Added 3 empty sections (Blank1. Blank 2. Blank3)8.    Fixed Google analyst9.    Fixed meta tags10.    Updated to the latest version of the plugin "WP paginate" - Google MAP is now the full width, added the On / Off button for a nice zoom scrolling11.    Added color hover effect for parallax menu. Now a section with a white background can be seen at Hover12.    Improved parallax menu if it does not fit the extra menu items are hidden in the "More" 
Version 2.5
1.    LayerSlider plugin update to version 4.62.    Ready for Wordpress 3.63.    Fixed an error in the Pricing table
Version 2.4
(How to upgrade?)
1.    WooCommerce included (plug-in you need to install by yourself)2.    Setting the background, text, links, for each section, (now you can make a white background) 3.    On/off  "More" button4.    Google Map fixed5.    Sidebar fixed6.    Possibility to change color of scroll 7.    Logo scroll fixed 8.    Small errors corrected.
Version 2.3
1.    Social links added: Dribble, Email, Blogger, Flattr, Github, Instagram. MySpace, Pinterest, Reddit, SoundCloud, Stumbleupon, VK, Yahoo.2.    Ability to turn off team hover effect.(Team Section)3.    Ability to turn off portfolio hover effect(Portfolio Section)4.    Google Map fixed.5.    Contact Form 7 Integrated.6.    Ability to turn off header BG and set solidcolor BG (Home Section) 7.    Minimize logo on scroll down (optional) (General section) 8.    Ability to turn off black transparent Intro BG.(Home Section) 9.    Option Framework Updated. FontAwesome Icons Updated.10.    Logo Margins added in Option framework (General section)
Version 2.2
1.    Fixed some minor bugs.2.    Added file import slider
Version 2.1
1.    IE portfolio fix 2.    Twitter widget fixed 3.    Contact form fixed
Version 2.0
1.    Left/Right Sidebar2.    Custom Sidebars(as many as you wish)!3.    Pricing Table Fixed, no more Notice and Warning even on php5.2. Empty per time available4.    Shortcode Updates more icons for person shortcode. Theme options update:*    Add any page content to home page sections as excerpt*    Home menu item is now editable*    Option framework updated 5.    Portfolio as separate page available Update the documentation Added video documentation

Parasponsive is perfect for companies, studios, private photographers, designers, blogs, and other web-projects. Adaptive theme for all mobile and tablet devices. A huge number of effects, including parallax are already inside.

Images used in preview are NOT included in theme files.

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