We are extremely happy and excited to present to you Wise Guys Wordpress Theme, a highly premium responsive theme designed for users who pay attention to details and usability. We, at Wise Guys and FRESHFACE love doing things the right way. We love paying attention to details, and we love making things easy to use and intuitive. So besides the awesome and user friendly design you see in the preview, you will also love the highly intuitive and flexible admin panel, which features our custom made state of the art PAGE BUILDER, which will make it really easy to create and manage pages with drag and drop.
Wise Guys Wordpress Theme was built using the latest technologies, and comes with a multitude of features such as: custom made page builder, a multitude of customizing options, shortcode generator, Smart Social Tool, Similar Works / Posts Tool, custom shortcodes, custom components and custom widgets, Revolution Slider ($15), Jackbox Responsive Lightbox ($10), two comments systems (custom wordpress comments system and the popular DISQUS comments system), Mailchimp Newsletter, together with a complete set of pages.
Long story short: we like creating smart and intuitive things, from the front end, to the back end, and the Wise Guys Wordpress Theme is the perfect example for that. Check out the amazing features below to learn why
Design your website your way.
We, at WiseGuys and FRESHFACE believe in usability, that’s why we did our best to make builidng your website a fun and friendly experience. Our admin panel is smart, intuitive and user friendly, and you’ll be able to create your website in no-time
WiseGuys Wordpress Theme will allow you to design and set your website by your own preferences, no compromises. The Theme Options and Site Preferences are full of options that will turn the WiseGuys Wordpress Theme into your own personalized website.
- Cool Features
- 10 pre-made skins
- Boxed / Wide layouts
- Image / Pattern / Solid color background
- Font Selector and Font Style Selector (Google Fonts) – separated into 10 different sections (titles, body, menu, buttons, etc)
- Blur / No blur layouts – when NO BLUR is selected the page title and bread crumbs conveniently take the place of the tag line
- Site Preferences includes a large variety of useful options for each section of the theme
- And much more…
The same AWESOME EXPERIENCE on all devices, from desktops and notebooks, to tablets and smartphones.
When we say that the template is responsive, we mean that EVERYTHING inside this template is responsive, not only the HTML. The sliders, carousels, lightbox, shortcodes (etc.) – everything is responsive.
Try resizing your browser to see how nicely everything falls into place
How fast do you want your website?
Building your website has never been easier and faster. The PAGE BUILDER will make creating your website a walk in the park: it’s that easy to use. Simply drag and drop the elements or sections you need, choose their size and position, edit their options and content and voila: a brand new page has been created
The Revolution Slider will turn any text and image/video into a real spectacle.
Create a responsive(mobile friendly) or fullwidth slider with must-see-effects and meanwhile keep or build your SEO optimization (all content always readable for search engines). See the heaps of custom transitions/animations for each object on the page! Customize this slider with our convenient drag&drop backend to your very needs.This plugin features tons of unique transition effects, an image preloader, video embedding, autoplay that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.
- Cool Features
- Image and Thumbs fully resizable
- Using CSS Animation with FallBack to jQuery
- Unlimited Caption Layers
- Captions like Video, Image and html tags can be easily Created
- Unlimited Slides
- iPhone & Android Swipe Touch enabled
- jQuery Conflict free plugin
- Customizable 100% via Plugin Backend
- Special Easing
- Vimeo & Youtube Supported
- Full Screen Video with Autoplay function
- Stop AutoPlay during Video Playback
- Duplicate, Slider, slide, captions Function
- Drag and Drop Captions in the Editor
- Fullwidth, Responsive (8 Level) and Normal Modes
- Optional Shadows included
- Hide Captions Separetely or Together depending on Slider Width
- Hide whole Slider Depending on Screen Width
- Countless Art of Transitions
- 10 Different Caption Animation Types
- 20 Differen Slide Transition, and Unlkmited Variations due Rotation and Amount of Slots
- Two Level Animations of Captions. Start Time, End time, Different Animation Type and Easing at Start and End
- Public Api, like stop & start, next,prev, jump to slide. Events at video play, start and stop, events at slide change..
We have thought of everything!
WiseGuys Wordpress Theme comes with a complete set of pages to suit your needs. From blog, to portfolio, to contact, to services or about us, we’ve got you covered!
- The Pages
- Home page (3 layour versions + 4 slider versions))
- About Us (2 versions)
- Services (2 versions)
- Portfolio (3,4,5 columns)
- Portfolio Single (4 versions: single image, youtube video, vimeo video, slider)
- Gallery (3,4,5 columns)
- Blog (large and medium versions)
- Blog Single Post (4 versions: single image, youtube video, vimeo video, slider)
- Contact
- FAQ page
- Sidemenu page
- Pricing page
- Features Pages (typography, pricing tables, comparison tables, elements, sliders)
There’s nothing you want that we don’t have!
WiseGuys Wordpress Theme comes with a large variety of shortcodes, elements and widgets, all custom tailored to fit it perfectly. We’re only using the shortcodes for columns, all other elements are manageable through the PAGE BUILDER, it’s a lot easier and very user friendly.
- Custom Elements
- Flex Slider
- Portfolio Carousel
- Blog Carousel
- Pricing Tables (3,4,5 columns)
- Comparison Tables (3,4,5,6 columns)
- Testimonials Slider
- Toggles and Accordions
- Team Members Slider
- Tabs
- 27 Custom Icon Buttons
- 14 Normal Buttons
- 4 Info Boxes (Success, Warning, Alert, Info)
- 2 Call to Action Boxes
- Social Icons Set (33 page icons and 33 footer icons)
- Custom Widgets
- Accordion / Toggle
- Categories
- Contact by Department
- Contact Details
- Get In Touch
- Latest Works
- Side Menu
- Posts Tab (recent+popular)
- Testimonials Slider
Manage your shortcodes the easy way.
Since we’re so obsessed with usability and user friendliness, a shortcode generator to make things easy for you couldn’t have been left out
JackBox Lightbox is THE best lightbox plugin available on the web in our opinion!
Besides the fact that it’s RESPONSIVE – MOBILE FRIENDLY and it allows REAL IMAGE SHARING and DEEPLINKING, JackBox Lightbox comes with a lot of other awesome features as well.
- Check out what this baby can do:
- Responsive / Mobile Ready
- Retina Ready Graphics
- Share any item through Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+
- Deep-linking, every item has it’s own unique link
- Touch Swipe for Mobile Devices
- Genuine Fullscreen for Firefox and Chrome
- Group any items together and create item categories
- Youtube Video w/ Mobile Fallback
- Vimeo Video w/ Mobile Fallback
- Automatic Youtube and Vimeo thumbnail loading
- HTML5 Video w/ Flash backup
- HTML5 Audio w/ Flash backup
- Flash Video w/ Mobile Backup
- Load HTML Divs, iFrames and Google Maps
- A boatload of Custom Thumbnail Hovers and Tooltips
- CSS3 Preloader for smoother animation
- Optional gallery-style thumbnails
- Options to set the lightbox thumbnail width and height
- Optional item titles and descriptions
- Option to show the description info by default
- Option to start with thumbnails hidden
- Option to autoplay all videos either globally or individually
- Option to zoom smaller images automatically either globally or individually
- Option to preload graphics for a smoother lightbox experience
Share and Like with style!
So you want people to be able to SHARE and LIKE your pages but you want to keep a clean and organized look? That’s why we made the SMART SOCIAL TOOL. Check it out in the BLOG pages and in PORTFOLIO SINGLE.
- Share and Like with the most popular social networks.
- Facebook Like
- Google +1
- Share on Facebook
- Tweet it
- Share on Linkedin
- Pin it on Pinterest
- Digg it
- Email it
- Share on Reddit
- Share on Stumbleupon
- Share on Delicious
Show your users the content they want!
What better way to show the content your users are looking for, other than showing them similar stuff to what they are looking at? The Portfolio (single) and Blog (single) pages have the option to show similar posts or works, so that the users don’t have to look hard to find what they are searching for.
Which is your favorite?
WiseGuys Wordpress Theme features 2 comments systems: a custom one, powered by Wordpress, and the popular DISQUS commenting system. Choose your favorite
Nice, now you can spam your users FOREVER
But seriously, MailChimp is one of the best newsletter systems in the world, and it offers tons of awesome features. Users can subscribe to your newsletter, you can create newsletters from templates or even design them yourself and then send them, you can organize users and so on. It’s a really awesome service
MailChimp Newsletter System
- WiseGuys is simply awesome
- SEO Optimized
- Translation Ready
- Performance
- Documentation – Help files are now online, with chapters and tutorials. One of the reasons for online docs is that if the same question is being asked, we will then simply create a new “Tutorial”, which you can then read online and even download in .PDF for some good ol’ offline reading. It’s a win win.
- Support – We’ve got you covered, just ask a question and we will get back to you ASAP. Available only via Item Comments here on themeforest, there is no need to register on yet another site just to get Support. We have also hired a dedicated Support Staff to help with the evergrowing number of Support tickets
- freshizer – We have developed our own alternative to timthumb which is so much more secure and less prone to issues and difficulties with permissions
- Google Fonts – separated into 10 different sections (titles, body, menu, buttons, etc)
Recommended Plugins (sold separately)
| Fresh Performance Cache Speed up your website using our own Fresh Performance Cache plugin for WordPress. Purchase Here |
- Please see the changelog here: changelog
Attributions & Credits
- Images
- Fotolia – People photos, etc.
- Patterns
- Subtle Patterns
- Music
- One Fine Day
- Videos
- Portrait
- Icons
- Tango Iconset
- Monoicons
- WooFunction Iconset
- IconDock Social Icons
- Fogue Iconset
- Scripts
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- jQuery Easing
- ColorBox
- JackBox
- Revolution Slider
- AJAX Contact Form Extended
- MailChimp Subscription Form
- Contact Form 7
- Really Simple CAPTCHA
- Fonts
- Google Fonts
Our Latest WordPress Themes – NEW!