HairPress - WordPress Theme for Hair Salons

HairPress - WordPress Theme for Hair Salons

This theme is outdated. Please consider our newer and better theme for hair / beauty salons – BEAUTY (link).

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HairPress is a premium Wordpress Theme for hair salons, beauty salons, wellness centers or any similar local business website. It is very easy to setup and use.

Best selling WordPress theme of all time for hair and beauty salons

Responsive and retina-readyPremium Slider RevolutionReal-time WP CustomizerWooCommerce CompatibleWPML CompatiblePopular WordPress plugins supportedCustom widgets and sidebarsLots of theme optionsCustom fields for the teamSupport and video tutorials

ProteusThemes professional customization

Our Customers Say

This template is terrific. I needed to obtain some support from these guys and am most impressed both with their speed of response and their clear precise instructions / workarounds..

By caseyoli54
Great theme!
My version:

By RodrigoABrandao
Love the theme. Think it works well and was very easy to get looking like your demo, which is good because some themes have an amazing demo but its impossible to get it looking anything like it!!

By jojoregan
Great job guys! The steady stream of added features shows you guys are committed to providing a great service. Add to that the support I received on your Support Page and you’ve got yourselves a return customer. I’ll be looking out for your items from here on out!

Not everyone needs Wordpress. This template is easy to customise and provides a great asset for anyone in the beauty industry. All the best with future sales and projects.

By Geneus

Absolutely recommended theme! A++ customer support, answered all my questions in timely measure. Highly recommended for custom designs!By noulou92
Hi , I would just like to say thanks to all your team, a great user friendly theme, but the great service post purchase is first class, don’t think i will be looking anywhere else for future themes and content.

Thanks again
Visin hairdressing, Gee Cross

Great theme, perfect for any salon. Client loves it. Very good documentation and easy to use and setup.

By ypclarke

THANKS! I really appreciate the FAST service of Proteus! Really Really Happy with the theme and support! Thanks again.

By Timonvkl

Absolutely stunning theme, highly recommended; 5* – with generosity of help like no other. Coded really well, & would like to see more from this user in the near future – keep supporting!!

By thenewlayout

Do you enjoy our theme? We would be glad to publish what you have to say to others. Just drop us a message from our profile.

Main Features

Responsive & Retina-Ready

HairPress looks great on any device, from mobile to desktop and beyond. Clean responsive design fits to any screen and we ensured it loads fast too!

Premium Slider Revolution

Slider is the first thing your customers will see when they come to your website, so it is important to have the best slider available – premium Slider Revolution.

Real-time WP Customizer

Change the look and feel of the HairPress with the real-time preview WordPress customizer. You can see your changes instantly and see what works the best.

WooCommerce Compatible

Need an online shop? We’ve got you covered! Popular WooCommerce plugin plays nicely with the HairPress, you can start selling right away.

WPML Compatible

WordPress multilingual plugin can be configured in the HairPress in matter of minutes. All our themes are 100% translation-ready.

Popular WordPress Plugins Supported

There are many fantastic WordPress plugins out there and HairPress supports them by default. Jetpack, Contact Form 7, Custom Sidebars and FancyBox for WordPress to name just a few.

Widgets And Sidebars

HairPress comes with many custom widgets and sidebars, so creating a totally unique layout is easy and fun!

Lots of Theme Options

It has never been easier to setup and run a website. Almost any aspect of the website can be changed in the advanced administration panel.

Custom Fields For The Team

Among other customization options, you are not limited for the custom fields for the team members. Put there any relevant info that fits your business and employees.

Support & Video Tutorials

We have screencasted and published many video tutorials how to get started with our themes. In case anything still goes wrong or you need help, we offer timely support for our items for free!


HairPress is translation-ready with the hairpress.pot file in the subfolder /languages/. But it comes translated to these languages:

We will be glad to include your translation in the HairPress to any other language if you send it to us (.mo and .po file).

Since we don’t manage the sales (ThemeForest does), we cannot offer you the promo code or refund in return, but you can get the link to your site/profile and big THANK YOU on this page! :)

Page Layouts

HairPress WP Theme includes many different page layouts, all customizable via administration:
  • Front Page layout
  • Blog Layout
  • Single Blogpost
  • Search Results
  • Galleries
  • Services
  • Contact Us
  • Make an Appointment

The theme comes with all 20 PSDs created by professional designer, so it is very easy to add some extra visual elements to the existing design.

Fonts Used

These two fonts are used in the template from the Google Fonts

  • Lobster – for the logo in the navbar
  • PT Sans – for headings and links

Images and Licenses

The images used for the demo page were bought on and because of licenses come blurred in the zip file for download and in the demo content.

Built using SASS, Compass and Twitter Bootstrap

The theme is built on top of SASS Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework and uses Compass functions for creating sprite images (good for a performance).

Contact / Support

We are available for questions / suggestions / help at Support Portal.

Salon Booking plugin


v4.8.1 (2016-05-16)# fixed: removed deprecated sensor param from google maps api url
v4.8.0 (2016-02-01)@ improved: TGMPA update+ added: translation to Dutch (by Roy Duineveld)
v4.7.0 (2015-10-02)@ deprecated: theme slider@ updated: OT to v2.5.5# fixed: Setting for the static/sticky navbar was hidden in customizer.Files:M    _misc/ot-settings.txtM    assets/stylesheets/main.cssM    front-template-theme-no-caption.phpM    front-template.phpM    inc/register-sidebars.phpM    inc/theme-customizer.phpM    inc/theme-options.phpM    languages/de_DE.moM    languages/de_DE.poM    languages/hairpress.potM    languages/it_IT.moM    languages/it_IT.poM    languages/ru_RU.moM    languages/ru_RU.poM    languages/sl_SI.moM    languages/sl_SI.poM    languages/sr_RS.moM    languages/sr_RS.poM    option-treeM    style.css
v4.6.0 (2015-06-22)+ added: support for plugin Salon Booking+ added: enqueue jquery-ui-datetimepicker only if the Salon booking plugin is not activated.+ added: testimonial page@ improved: Russian translation (by Denis Semenov    archive-testimonials.phpM    assets/lib/main.scssM    assets/stylesheets/main.cssM    functions.phpM    inc/post-types.phpM    inc/theme-options.phpM    languages/de_DE.poM    languages/hairpress.potM    languages/it_IT.poM    languages/ru_RU.moM    languages/ru_RU.poM    languages/sl_SI.poM    languages/sr_RS.poM    style.cssM    titlearea.php
v4.5.4 (2015-04-29)# fixed: translation i18n issues@ improved: new version of Revolution Slider (v4.6.92)Files:M    functions.phpM    languages/hairpress.potM    style.cssM    tgm-plugin-activation/plugins/
v4.5.3 (2015-04-23)# fixed: OT and TGM vulnerability -    languages/hairpress.potM    option-treeM    style.cssM    tgm-plugin-activation/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
v4.5.2 (2015-04-21)# fixed: support for HTTPS & SSL# fixed: WooCommerce breadcrumbs@ improved: new version of Revolution Slider (v4.6.9)Files:M    404.phpM    Gruntfile.jsM    MakefileM    archive-gallery.phpM    archive-services.phpM    comments.phpM    darkstripe.phpM    front-template-page.phpM    functions.phpM    inc/custom-comments.phpM    inc/documentation-link.phpM    inc/filters.phpM    inc/helpers.phpM    inc/ot-meta-boxes.phpM    inc/post-types.phpM    inc/register-sidebars.phpM    inc/theme-customizer.phpM    inc/theme-widgets.phpM    index.phpM    languages/de_DE.moM    languages/de_DE.poM    languages/hairpress.potM    languages/it_IT.moM    languages/it_IT.poM    languages/ru_RU.moM    languages/ru_RU.poM    languages/sl_SI.moM    languages/sl_SI.poM    languages/sr_RS.moM    languages/sr_RS.poM    package.jsonM    page-no-sidebar.phpM    page-right-sidebar.phpM    page.phpM    searchform.phpM    services-page.phpM    single-gallery.phpM    single-services.phpM    single.phpM    style.cssM    tgm-plugin-activation/plugins/revslider.zipM    titlearea.phpA    woocommerce/global/breadcrumb.php
v4.5.1 (2015-02-16)# fixed: support for WooCommerce v2.3.0# fixed: updated OT to v2.5.0Files:M    MakefileM    assets/lib/components/_wp.scssM    assets/stylesheets/main.cssM    languages/hairpress.potM    option-treeM    style.cssM    woocommerce/archive-product.phpD    woocommerce/cart/cart-totals.phpM    woocommerce/global/sidebar.phpv4.5.0 (2015-01-07)+ added: option to disable the glare over the photos of team members+ added: link to online docs in WP admin# fixed: back link/button to all services# fixed: link in breadcrumbs to custom post type archivesFiles:M    functions.phpA    inc/documentation-link.phpM    inc/filters.phpM    inc/helpers.phpM    inc/theme-customizer.phpM    inc/theme-options.phpM    languages/hairpress.potM    single-services.phpM    style.cssv4.4.0 (2014-09-22)+ added: option to open social icons in a new tab `target="_blank"`# fixed: WPML issue with the featured page button# fixed: new Revolution Slider (4.6.0)@ improved: support for WooCommerce v2.2.xv4.3.2 (2014-05-21)+ added: Serbian translation@ updated: option tree pluginv4.3.1 (2014-04-25)# fixed: locations not showing up problem, added underscorejs# fixed: WPML switcher in the main menu@ improved: new revslider.zipv4.3.0 (2014-03-25)+ added: automatic pin on the center of the map if no locations+ added: HTML classes to target meta-data info for posts and *posts disabled* text# fixed: ?is_woocommerce_active? wrapped in ?function_exists?# fixed: target PHP notice in inc/shortcodes.php# fixed: when clicked on the team member on the front page and we have a sticky navbar, the offset from the top.@ improved: new revslider.zipversion 4.2.1 (2014-02-21)# fixed: the Google maps for contact page without sidebarversion 4.2.0 (2014-02-12)+ added: boxed version+ added: W3 Total Cache comments for CSS/JS placements@ improved: Google Maps to custom JS solution with multiple locations possible# fixed: all the bugs with the WooCommerce v2.1.0version 4.1.1 (2014-01-22)# hotfix: widget title/subtitle filterversion 4.1.0 (2014-01-21)+ added: support for WooCommerce+ added: support for WPML+ added: auto-updating support via Envato APIs+ added: better options for color control: footer and navbar+ added: custom backgrounds (native WP)@ improved: page load speed# fixed: the bg for title area on categories, tags and search, the same as blogversion 4.0.4 (2013-12-19)# hotfix: fatal error in the front-template-page.phpversion 4.0.3 (2013-11-27)@ fixed: gallery widget linksversion 4.0.2 (2013-11-21)# hotfix: inc/custom-comments.php file fixed (whitespace removed)version 4.0.1 (2013-11-18)# hotfix: inc/theme-options.php file fixed (whitespace removed)version 4.0.0 (2013-11-14)Some parts of the theme were completely rewritten for better future-compatibility with WordPress. Some other issues were fixed and features added:+ added: Russian translation+ added: gallery widget has the additional parameter to         limit max number of pictures+ added: sample child theme in the folder /extras/ in zip+ added: automatic installation of the required plugins@ updated: option tree@ updated: slider revolution plugin to 4.0.4============================================version 3.1.0 (2013-10-25)# fixed: removed the wp_autop filters# fixed: responsive part of the revolution slider front templates# fixed: CSS for side menu# fixed: team member single page, attributes were not showing@ updated: slider revolution pluginversion 3.0.2 (2013-10-05)# fixed: gallery widget for the front pageversion 3.0.1 (2013-10-04)# fixed: menu locations bugversion 3.0.0 (2013-10-03)+ added: easier to create child themes+ added: easier gallery management (we will publish new YouTube video the next week)+ added: new custom widget for the homepage which spans as wide as the user sets+ added: additional field in the opening times widget+ added: Yelp social icon# fixed: opening times widget in the sidebar issues on the tablet============================================version 2.3.0 (2013-09-04)# fixed: title area customized background fixed for services and individual posts# fixed: background color for the dropdown menu the same as the navbar colorversion 2.2.1 (2013-08-16)# fixed: Option Tree plugin issue with the social iconsversion 2.2 (2013-08-02)+ added: new template, with theme slider and without captions+ added: gallery widget visible on the mobile view# fixed: better control for touch devices for jQuery UI# fixed: carouFredSel resizing issues@ updated: Option Tree plugin to v2.0.16version 2.1 (2013-07-03)+ added: new template, with Slider Revolution and content of the page+ added: possible to change the bg of the blog page# fixed: removed the unnecessary Custom CSS from the Theme Options > Layoutversion 2.0.2 (2013-06-24)# fixed: logo upload bugversion 2.0.1 (2013-06-18)+ added: social icons for Flickr and Instagram+ added: customize control for the navbar position: fixed or static# fixed: missing translationsVERSION 2.0 (2013-06-15)+ added: possible to change the color of the navbar and footer from the Customizer+ added: possible to add the custom backgrounds to the Gallery, Services and The Team+ added: each team member can now have any attributes (previously only Age,         Education, Style, Zodiac sign) with optional linking+ added: 5 custom date formats for the jQuery date&time picker# fixed: if less than 6 members on the front page, they are centered now# fixed: the problem with more than 12 team members on the front page# fixed: Google Maps type changed from text input to radio select@ updated: removed the custom Twitter feed, now possible to add the Twitter Widgets============================================version 1.6 (2013-05-02)+ added: custom CSS field+ added: buttons shortcode - added the attribute to open up in a new window+ added: multi level custom menus in Menu Widget# fixed: fatal errors in the galleries# fixed: grid view of more than 4 services on the front pageversion 1.5 (2013-04-20)+ added: textarea for custom scrips in the footer added in Theme Options+ added: custom favicons using theme customizer+ added: custom Google Maps view (normal, satellite, terrain, hybrid)+ added: 3-level drop-down menus support added+ added: contact page template without sidebar+ added: custom background settings for individual pages+ added: date & time picker added to the appointment form# fixed: social icons position on mobile phones# fixed: removed the social icons when using regular Slider Revolution home page# fixed: Tweet jQuery plugin, added support for Twitter API migration to v1.1version 1.4.1 (2013-04-02)# fixed: footer widget area - didn't expand on clickversion 1.4+ added: a lot of new social icons in slider and as shortcodes+ added: social icons now above the slider rev front page template as well# fixed: many translation bugsversion 1.3+ added: pagination inside the posts+ added: pricing table in documentations and YouTube video# fixed: :focus state of the submenu items in the main menu# fixed: new and better demo contentversion 1.2+ added: possible to remove the image of hair on large screens in Theme Options+ added: possible to change the delay time between slides and transition         effect on Front Page with Theme Slider+ added: possible to change the color of the text in Theme Customizer# fixed: Opening Time widget: correct timezone, starting day of the week# fixed: Above Slider widget area now available using Front Page with          Revolution Slider template as wellversion 1.1.2# fixed [social_icon] shortcode# fixed breadcrumbs links for custom post typesversion 1.1.1+ added video tutorials to the documentation# fixed Contact Form 7 sample code in documentationversion 1.1+ Added the option to change the background color of title area in subpages+ Added the option to remove the Meet the Team on the front page in Theme Options# Fixed the gallery widget - display max of 9 items at a timeversion 1.0.2# Fixed the Theme Options (OptionTree) settings problemversion 1.0.1# Fixed the theme slider issueversion 1.0 # first version of the HairPress WP Theme

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