Sound animal is entertainment html template. It comes with a lot of features. It can be used for any site. It is perfect for any entertainment websites.

Fully responsive30+ pagesRevolution sliderJplayerRetina readyColor schemesPhoto background Working contact form with full validationValidation for comment formPsd fileHTML5 / CSS3Beautiful and simple designEasy to work with / create own pagesValidated codeWell structured MarkupWell commented css and custom.jsCross browser (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, phone & tablets browsers) Twitter widgetFlickr widgetPrettyPhotoVimeoSort by galleries, music, videosW3C validCredits:
Designed & developed by GOZAWI
All photos used in preview are on Common Creative License and they are not included.List of used photos is in the documentation.
For any help contact us via Themeforest page.