SPOTLESS - Clean & Simple Premium PSD Template

SPOTLESS - Clean & Simple Premium PSD Template
SPOTLESS is a mulltipurpose,premium PSD Template.It’s clean and simple with morden style.It comes with pages needed to build websites either powered by wordpress or not.

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  1. 8 color schemes(Cyan,Green,Grey,Orange,Pink,Purple,Blue & Red)
  2. 28 PSDs with well organized Layered
  3. 960 Grid System
  4. Simple and clean
  5. Pixel perfect


  1. Home
    1. Blue
    2. Cyan
    3. Green
    4. Grey
    5. Orange
    6. Pink
    7. Purple
    8. Red
    9. Boxed-layout
    10. With Submenu
  2. Simple page with comment
  3. About us(Team)
  4. Columns
  5. Shortcodes
  6. Typography
  7. Pricing tables
  8. Blog
    1. One column blog
    2. Two Column blog
    3. Blog with left sidebar
    4. Blog with right sidebar
    5. Full view blog
    6. Blog detail page
  9. Portfolio
    1. Two columns
    2. Three columns
    3. Four columns
    4. Portfolio detail page
  10. Contact us
  11. 404 page

The template uses the following free Google Fonts

  1. Heading Font : Yanone Kaffeesatz
  2. Body Font:Tahoma

Note: Pictures aren’t included in files.

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