Men's Hair Salon - Beauty

Men's Hair Salon - Beauty

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Edit Men's Hair Salon - Beauty


One-page -Man Beauty Center HTML Responsive Template – was created for anyone looking to start their on beauty or healthcare website.
This theme is flexible, clean and minimalist.

Edit Men's Hair Salon - Beauty

Edit Men's Hair Salon - Beauty

Edit Men's Hair Salon - Beauty


  • Well-organized 2 PSD files:
    • Dark Page
    • Light Page
  • Valid HTML5 and CSS3 – Light and Dark Version
  • Cross-browser Compatible
  • Social media icons
  • Easy to customize
  • Flickr Widget
  • Lightbox for portfolio images
  • Google Maps
  • Hidden Top Bar
  • 12 columns, 960 grid
  • Easy to customize & use
  • Well Organized Layers
  • Excellent Customer Support
  • Customer Support

Fonts used in template:

Open Sans (Google Fonts) in the HTML Template and Helvetica in the PSD file.

Icons used:

We believe every client should be happy, so we’ll do my best to assist all of you with whatever issues you have with the template. We’ll answer questions about minor customization as well, but not for some more advanced customization requests or re-design requests. If you have any issues with 3rd party plugins, we suggest you to contact the plugin’s developer, as he knows better the code of that plugin and can better assist you.

NOTE: The online samples images belong to their respective owners and are only used for demo purposes.


v1.1 – 21 November, 2013

- Background pattern added- External link added to the menu- Details improved to make it more similar to the psd- Documentation improved with video tutorials

v1.0 – 19 December, 2012

- Initial release

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