OptimaSales - Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Template

OptimaSales - Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Template

OptimaSales one of the TOP 20 technology templatesOptimaSales up-to-date code and ui

It has been almost three years since the initial release of OptimaSales HTML Template. It is a time to make changes. That is why our team came up with the idea to refresh this item and keep our clients’ websites up-to-date as well. Here we go. Meet version 2.0 of OptimaSales Business&Technology Template!

Now you get a new version of this item, which is revamped from the scratch to perform better user experience and not only. Cleaner, faster and more robust template – it is what you find inside OptimaSales purchase package.

OptimaSales is based on Bootstrap 3 and LESSOptimaSales flat style27 pages in new revamped version 2.0OptimaSales user friendly menu for touch devicesOptimized elements for retina displays in new version 2.010 predefined flexible color pallets + light/dark background optionsThe most powerful and customizable slider 'Revolution Slider' in version 2.0Features you get buying OptimaSales HTML TemplateIf you like this item, please don't forget to rate it 5 stars

This long and meticulous process of refinement has started from website structure and amount of elements you can be needed. OptimaSales HTML Template is granted with a new range of pages. There are specific pages for technology website such as How It Works, Services, Pricing, Support, Login and Registration. There are also pages that can be used for a corporate website or personal vCard such as About, Our Team, Single Employee and Contact (with fully designed states for success and failure). About page contains timeline section that is a perfect tool to showcase every significant moment of the history of your company.

We also have expanded choices of Blog and Portfolio sections in the new version. Now your website may have a better blog that maintains readability and legibility principles to make your users happy not only with content, but also with reading process. What is also important that version 2.0 has a better comments section and integrated Disqus widget to make communication process simpler at your blog posts. Portfolio section is developed as basic columns layout and as masonry layout. The last one is carried out via Isotope technology. Every portfolio page is equipped with Magnific Popup plugin to perform large view of every example of your portfolio.

So in the new version of OptimaSales HTML Template, you get 27 pages with all necessary functionality. We promise to continue work on additional stuff to make this item more customizable due to your needs.

Another step was design. So what’s in it for you? The new design is based on Bootstrap 3 grid (1170 px). Now it can meet the latest web requirements and take advantages of every Bootstrap feature.

To make your site nice appealing, you get a wide range of pages along with specially tailored illustrations and patterns in modern and coherent flat style. So OptimaSales goes with 3 unique and stylish homepages that are filled up with an authentic set of illustrations and icons. There are also 10 logo options that can be used for your project in case you do not have yours. Relax, we have you covered! These visuals can be easily edited in Adobe Illustrator or other vector editors. Moreover, OptimaSales helps you create not only new professional looking website, but also save your time and money, as it goes with valuable extra graphic.

As an addition to unique graphics, you get 10 predefined color schemes to match your brand identity more precisely. Those schemes are green (default), light blue, muted blue, lime, mint, terracotta, red, fuchsia, violet and yellow. All this can be easily changed if you like since OptimaSales is using LESS preprocess for easier styles managing process. One more extra visual option of OptimaSales HTML Template is a possibility to choose light or dark scheme aptly manipulating well-organized CSS code. Besides powerful color customizability in CSS, OptimaSales offers smooth and fluent CSS animation for better user interaction.

The new design was carefully transformed into clean, semantic code for fast, robust and reliable performance. Our team was focused on using modules and chunks to make every element reusable, so it would be easy to relocate or edit different blocks of OptimaSales HTML Template.

OptimaSales HTML Template is fully responsive and fits well on different devices (smartphone, tablets, desktops etc.) Your website will run perfectly in different media, displaying top-notch visuals on retina displays.

Purchasing OptimaSales HTML Template, you are gaining not only all those features mentioned above, but also friendly support and free updates ;)


  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Bootstrap 3
  • LESS Preprocessor
  • Fully Responsive
  • Retina Ready
  • 10 Predefined Color Schemes
  • Light/Dark Versions
  • CSS Animation
  • Parallax Blocks
  • Revolution Slider
  • Owl Carousel
  • Timeline Functionality
  • 3 Homepage Variations
  • SVG Visual Elements
  • 10 Logo Options
  • Unique Illustrations
  • 27 HTML Files
  • 53 PSD Files
  • 3 AI Files
  • FontAwesome Icons
  • Google Fonts
  • Google Map
  • MailChimp Subscribe Form
  • Working Ajax Contact Form
  • Login/Registration Forms
  • Custom Audio Player
  • Custom Video Player
  • 3 Styles of Pricing Tables
  • Masonry Portfolio
  • 2, 3, 4 Columns Portfolio
  • 2 Styles of Blog
  • Coming Soon Page
  • 404 Error Page
  • Widgets:
    - Twitter
    - Facebook
    - Flickr
    - Share Buttons
    - Wijmo
  • Cross-browser Compatibility
  • Well-documented Code
  • Free Updates
  • Friendly Customer Support
  • Precise Documentation


Version 2.0 – Updated: June 02, 2015
Changed: Absolutely redesigned pages from scratchChanged: Bootstrap grid---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Added: LESS filesAdded: 10 predefined color schemesAdded: Light/Dark versionsAdded Revolution sliderAdded: Retina supportAdded: Owl carouselAdded: Custom video and audio playersAdded: New homepages, pricing, support, different portfolios, case study, fullwidth blog and single post pagesAdded: 10 logos, 3 slider illustrations, 3 homepage icons, illustration for 404 Error page---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Improved: UI/UXImproved: Mobile and tablet navigationImproved: Code qualityImproved: Template performanceImproved: Documentation
Version 1.3.4 – Updated: March 30, 2013
  • Updated: Twitter API 1.1
  • Added: Person Details Page (vCard)
  • Improved: Documentation
Version 1.3.3 – Updated: November 6, 2012
  • Fixed: minor bugs
  • Improved: Template Documentation
Version 1.3.1 – Updated: October 22, 2012
  • Fixed: verification contact form
Version 1.3 – Updated: October 18, 2012
  • Fixed: OneByOne slider rotateIn transition in Chrome (jquery.onebyone.min.js and animate.min.css)
  • Updated: Twitter Plugin (jquery.twitter.js) according to new rules of Twitter API
  • Updated: jQuery library to version 1.8.2
  • Added: Stylized form elements (radio buttons, checkboxes, selects)
  • Added: Tags and Tooltips
  • Improved: Template Documentation
Version 1.2 – Updated: October 3, 2012
  • Added: OneByOne Slider
Version 1.1 – Updated: September 26, 2012
  • Added: 2 color schemes

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