Fresh - Responsive Magento Theme

Fresh - Responsive Magento Theme

Compatible with:
Magento CE1.7.0.0, Magento CE, Magento CE, Magento CE, Magento CE, Magento CE, Magento CE, Magento CE, Magento CE, Magento CE, Magento CE, Magento CE

Full Features List

Retina ready
Responsive design
Unlimited colors
Ajax add to cart
Ajax toolbar
Ajax quick view
Ajax price slider
Ajax login and register
Ajax contact form
Onepage checkout
Theme options module
Integrated Google fonts
Changeable layout. Ability to change sidebar position (left or right)
Two kind of my cart page. Standard and accordion view
Currency switcher as select box and flags bar
“Sale” label for products with special price
“New” label for products
“More views” block can be displayed as slider
“Related products” block can be displayed as slider
“Categories” block in the sidebar can be displayed as accordion
“Wishlist” block in the sidebar can be displayed as slider
Home page button in the menu
Fully customizable home page
Integration with Cloud Zoom
Social bookmarks for products
Compatibility (IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)
Lots of paterns + ability to upload custom patern
Dropdown cart in header
Ability to upload custom logo image
Language switcher as select box and flags bar
Fancybox on the home and listing pages
“To Top” Button
“Collateral” block can be displayed as tabs or accordion
Two positions of newsletter
Ability to disable any sidebar blocks through the admin panel
“Shop by” block in the sidebar can be displayed as accordion
Previous & Next functionality for the product view page
Fully customizable header slider
Custom widgets: New Products, Featured Category products, Tabs, Social Links.
Optimized & well-structured code
.Psd files included


We use SVN in our work to control version of templates. What does it mean? It means you can always update your copy of theme very easy even after a ton of custom changes because we provide .diff files with theme files. Just compare your files with changed ones after new version will be realeased.


Images from preview are not included in the pakage due to licensing restrictions


Ver. 2.1.1 (14.05.14)

New. Patch for Magento Community Edition 1.9

ver2.1 (13 March 13)

New. IWD One Page Checkout Updated to v2.2.21New. Patch to 1.8.10 addedNew. Patch to 1.8.0 addedNew. Added note on activation pageNew. Static content added to packageFixed. Checkout Success Sidebar positionFixed. Checkout place order button bugFixed. Quick view firefox bugFixed. Checkout review table bugFixed. Language and currency labelsFixed. Ajax Contact FormFixed. Color picker doesn't workFixed. Theme Design ColorsFixed: Error with custom logoFixed. Blurred image of cross-sell productsFixed. Items can't be removed from top cart on home pageFixed. footer checkpoint button z-indexFixed. Quick view: resize bugFixed. VS ajax multishopFixed. One Page CheckoutFixed. Removed unnecessary files

ver2.0 (03 December 13)

Magento Community Edition 1.8.X.X, 1.7.x.x (,,


Ver. 1.6.1 (14.05.14)

New. Patch for Magento Community Edition 1.9

ver1.6 (13 March 13)

New. One Page CheckoutNew. Static content added. Header slider's static block content updatedNew. Patch to 1.8.10 addedNew. Patch to 1.8.0 addedNew. Ajax contact form addedFixed. Header slider bg colorFixed. One page checkout success page layout bugFixed: Widget slider disappearedFixed. Blurred image of cross-sell productsFixed: Home blocks, wide menuFixed. Checkout progress block title fixedFixed. Special prices on list grid and product pageFixed. Curver pricesFixed. Checkout bugFixed. Removed unnecessary files

ver1.5.1 (03 December 13)

New. Updated to v. One Page Checkout addedFixed: home blocks, wide menuFixed. Checkout progress block title fixedFixed. Special prices fixed on list grid and product pageFixed. Slider bugFixed. Checkout bug fixed

Ver. 1.5 (25 July 13)

New. Implemented html5 editorFixed. Blurred Image on a product pageFixed. Replaced latest tweets pluginFixed. Text for "prev" and "next" buttons isn't translatableFixed. Updateed ioSliderFixed. Printing compare products bugFixed. Slider conditionFixed. The prices aren't aligned very wellFixed. Small Iphone bugFixed. Tier prices bugsFixed. Log BugsFixed. Widget conditionFixed. Commas bug in widgets

Ver. 1.4 (23 February 13)

New. Activating menu only after second click. First click is for displaying submenuNew. Ability to enable auto slide in the slider widgetNew. Ability to create any amount of static blocks in the header navigation just from the admin panelNew. Ability to disable responsivenessFixed. Optimized js and css mergingFixed. Removed layout classes from script.js, converted to cssFixed. Wrong url for a custom background patternFixed. Contact form in the footer (isn't disabled if it chosen in the admin panel)Fixed. Removing the top links cause the iOS slider to breakFixed. Added code how to delete some links from footer linksFixed. Mobile Menu animation problems, when no subcategory avaliableFixed. Works only one widget slider if added a fewFixed. PayPal review order pageFixed. Replaced label new image for mobileFixed. Header slider optionsFixed. Shopping cart isn't working properly

Ver. 1.3 (17 January 13)

New. Sample data includedNew. Added new CMS page layout (2 columns)Fixed. Header cart quantity - inexact number Fixed. Showing the simple products of a configurable product in "Featured category" widgetFixed. js error when wishlist featured disabledFixed. js error header slider when script options set from the admin panelFixed. Home page images are blurryFixed. Undefined php variables Fixed. Wrong xml definitionsFixed. Footer contact formFixed. Some minor css bugs

Ver. 1.2 (26 October 12)

Fixed. Multiselect wrong height on a product page    Fixed. Footer contact form redirectFixed. Contact form in the footerFixed. Not displaying tax in the featured category widgetFixed. Small images in home widgets for hover effectFixed. Blue background in the header in IEFixed. Product optionsFixed. Some minor css bugs

Ver. 1.1 (16 October 12)

Fixed. Header slider optionsFixed. Header Slider BulletsFixed. Top links itemsProduct optionsFixed. Some minor js bugsFixed. Some minor css bugs

Ver. 1.0 (28 September 12)

Magento Community Edition 1.7.x.x (,,

Important information for buyers who have bought old version of the theme

Fresh version less than 2.0 ISN’T OUTDATED! No doubt we will still provide support for that theme.

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