Photolio - Photography Portfolio WordPress Theme

Photolio - Photography Portfolio WordPress Theme

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Theme details

PHOTOlio is a powerful and modern Portfolio and Photography WordPress Theme which is best suited for photographers and creatives.

Clever Code

PHOTOlio theme is powered by a ‘Clever Code’. The ‘Clever Code’ knows which jquery scripts should be used for each page. There is no need to spent your time for loading unused scripts. PHOTOlio - Setting Up The Gallery

The theme comes packed with 6(six!) templates to show off your awesome works. You can create an unlimited number of galleries using different templates.

Creating a Gallery can’t be any easier. You just upload your images via Media Uploader (all explained in the documentation) and automatically those images are converted to the Gallery Type you have selected for that specific page. There are no extra steps, just upload your images, select a proper template and click publish.

Background Settings

Each page can have:
- Full-screen slideshow (the same for all pages)
- Full-screen video for each page / post / project (support a self-hosted *. mp4 and *. flv or external youtube video)
- Full-screen single image for each page / post / project
- A pattern for each page / post / project
- Background music for each page / post / project

Styling Options

The theme comes with two base skin choices: Transparent Dark and Transparent Light. The accents colour can be easily changed for one click (yellow in the demo).

Post formats

This theme supported Post Formats. Post Formats is a theme feature introduced with Version 3.1. A Post Format is a piece of meta information that can be used by a theme to customize its presentation of a post.


The theme is built with SEO best practices in mind. It uses semantical valid HTML code and CSS so search engines can index the content of your site with ease. With this Wordpress Template you are well equipped to get a high google ranking and attract visitors to show them your fantastic work.

Theme key features

  • Fullscreen Video Background Support
  • Fullscreen Images/Slider Background Support
  • Audio Background while viewing images
  • Quick accents colour change (yellow in the demo)
  • Flickr photostream for background slideshow.
  • WP 3.5 support!
  • Translate ready (sample .po and .mo files included)
  • WP Multisite support
  • Admin panel (unbranded!)
  • Multiple galleries
  • Multiple portfolios
  • Fullscreen slideshow with 7 different effects
  • Fullscreen video background support (self-hosted, youtube) or single image for each page
  • Fullscreen background slideshow with 7 amazing effects (Fade, Slide Top, Slide Right, Slide Bottom, Slide Left, Carousel Right, Carousel Left
  • Custom Widgets (Twitter, Flickr, Latest Portfolio Works)
  • Drag and Drop menu and gallery builder (WP3+ powered)
  • Automatic thumbnails generation
  • Well Documented
  • ...and much more…

Customer Support

If you need support, use the form on my profile page to get in contact with me. Support questions are typically answered before 24 hours (on working days Mon. – Fri.). On weekends – up to 2 days.

IMPORTANT: Before submitting an email with your problem, please review the comments on the item page or FAQ page – there is a good chance someone else may have had the same problem as you and I’m might have already addressed the issue. Thank you.

Dear buyers

If you like this template, rate it, please! Thanks!


Version 1.7.7 – 25 July 2015- Security fixes (privilege escalation vulnerability)--------------------------------------------Version 1.7.6 – 3 July 2015- prettyPhoto updated to 3.1.6 - latest stable and secure version--------------------------------------------Version 1.7.5 – 18 November 2014- Fixed all known/reported issues in Wordpress 3.9--------------------------------------------Version 1.7.4 – 28 June 2013- Twitter widget supports API 1.1--------------------------------------------Version 1.7.3 – 21 May 2013- added lightbox support for the gallery post types and slideshow projects- JQuery improvements--------------------------------------------Version 1.7.2 – 22 February 2013- fixed issue with password protected galleries while using JetPack pluginModified files:- style.css- functions.php--------------------------------------------Version 1.7.1 – 12 February 2013- some improvements in protected galleries.--------------------------------------------Version 1.7 – 8 February 2013- fixed minor issues with main menu on IPad/IPhoneModified files:- style.css- functions.php- jquery.custom.js- css\layout.css--------------------------------------------Version 1.6 – 9 November 2012- fixed bug with a 'blue icon' on IPad/IE8 - user can edit alt tags and descriptions for each photo on the gallery and display them in the lightbox- minor CSS fixes--------------------------------------------Version 1.5 – 22 October 2012- fixed Twitter feed- minor CSS fixes- some improvements for the best theme performance--------------------------------------------Version 1.4.1 – 7 August 2012- Fixed minor CSS issues for the Chrome 21 and Safari 6--------------------------------------------Version 1.4 – 20 July 2012- Fixed issue with comments- Improved localization support- Minor CSS fixes- Social icons open in a new window after clicking- Fixed some issues on PHP 5.4- Improved IPad/IPhone support for background images--------------------------------------------Version 1.2 – 15 June 2012- Fixed issue with page attributes in the Wordpress 3.4--------------------------------------------Version 1.1 – 10 April 2012- Added 7 amazing transition effects between slides (To see this option navigate toAppearance -> Theme options -> Full Screen Gallery tab)- Added new style for the blog (Left sidebar. To see this option navigate toAppearance -> Theme options -> Blog tab)- Minor CSS fixes.--------------------------------------------Version 1.0 – 5 April 2011Initial release

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